This one was written under the influence on Ambien. I got woke up by a thunderstorm and my pets trying to crawl into safe places around me. Morgan was on my head of all places.
I don’t remember much more than that, but I got up today to see a document open on my computer for Brotherhood.
So enjoy, we start the time skips, and yes, I am pulling from my own life as I remember the Steel Plants shutting down. I’m also giving it a more grownup look also.
Remember, to read the chapters, you have to be a member of my Facebook group, then from their ask Rissa to join the chat for Brotherhood. You DO need to review, since I am doing the pre-reader thing to get feedback. And these are all unedited. I want to get the whole thing out, then will go back to edit them and the other stories to start the publishing thing.
Enjoy for those that get to!
When are you going to update your other stories?
Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2013 02:40:14 +0000 To:
Oh Wendy! I’m so proud that you are finally tackling an original fiction and that you are taking the time out of your vacation to share it with us… I hope you are having a nice break because you so deserve it. Thanks for sharing another great chapter, but remember to take all the time you need on your vacation – you deserve it and there’s no rush to get back prematurely. We’ll all still be here 🙂