Yes, a new chapter for Tea Shoppe!! (Well for this website) And you know what this means, a new chapter of Twilighted Tea Shoppe will be coming soon!!!
Many thanks to thewriteashley (Whose story Thirsty is awesome. I anxiously await updates! so go… check it out!) who has beta’d this and is working on the Twilighted version too.
For those of you wondering, yes. There are many changes to the site and how things are being done around here. My betas stepped up and is taking a lot of stuff off of me. I have a beta who is organizing everything, Meridian (who freaking rocks as a writer too!! so yes, go check out her stories too!). She is moving my stories over to other sites. I also have a Web Admin, the WordPress Whisperer, 4Padfoot. She is going to be the one to contact if there is issues. She has some great things she is dreaming up with Meridian. There will be interactive Character Bios, My WordPress Blogs that I follow and that I completely recommend to any will be added to the rest of the stories I rec, and there is an monthly character interview that will be done, with it being added to the Bio’s later. The choosing of who that month’s character is by the Facebook group, and there is a vote going on for this month’s. It ends on Sunday 09/22/13. So if your not a member, well we now have a convenient link to the group on the side. So go, join! You get a nice welcome from us!
All this and more is happening. My job now? To write. And Edit when I am done writing. I am chomping my way through Aos Si. I am almost done with it, so this means ED will be soon be edited. But I am glad for the break since Meridian is moving my stories over to AO3, TWCS and FanFiction (I think that is all the places). This will be the first place announced any chapters, and the rest will be updated when they get the chance.
We are still working through the changes, and I for one, can tell you I am freaking excited! There is rumors of videos even. So stick around, there will be coming updates to your favorites, and maybe some new favorites as some of the backlog gets worked through. Leave us a note, and if you have any ideas, c’mon over to the group and we will be thrilled to talk about it. Really. I do Snoopy dances in my chair a lot.
Enjoy the chapter, and thanks again to the ladies who are giving their time and energy to my little stories. In return, I will be finishing this Orginal Fiction, and be starting back up on those others. See ya soon!