This is the last post from me for 2013. So much has happened this past year, and I thank you all for the support from you all. Often you had left me such moving comments when I would pour my heart out in these posts. Thank you, a lot of you had me crying, and that should say all of it.
This has been a busy year, this domain is owned by me, is one of the prouder things I have done, and getting the Amazon Partnership makes me happy since Marty no longer has to support this site as well as the both of us. And you guys made that happen, since I had to be approved to have the site approved to be a member of the Partnership. So, thanks from Marty and I!
There has been the ending of Every Dark Night, the ending of You’re is written out, and the Beta for that one, Alicia is eager to have me edit so she can beta and post. There has been huge restructuring of the way we work, Karen stepped up and agreed to be the Queen Beta, making sure those that those who apply are all taught the same thing, and doing who knows what else. Sharon stepped up to make banners and buttons, while having a terrible year herself. Rissa became the Continuity Beta so no one will ever feel the need to come behind me and fix my mistakes. We gained a web admin, Robin, who as we speak, is getting the media page ready for you guys. It will have the stories published available for downloading on your ereader of choice. You can find it here.
We also have me changing my practices after a meltdown, and I am now finishing stories before moving on to the next. This means, when you see something posting, you can be relieved of the worry that it won’t be finished. It will already have been by the time you see the first post. I have one new story done and as I said You’re done. They both need edited, but expect to see them in January. I am also finishing up some one shots I started and not finished for whatever reason. One is called the Shortcut Home – One Shot, that was published as a Christmas present for the readers of this site to find. The other will be up once I get to work on it. Songs that inspired little stories. Karen and I will be posting Shortcut home on the other sites, but this will be the only one that has the entire story on it.
We also came to an agreement, Karen pointing out that I pay for this domain, so announcements will come in this format. Facebook first. The ladies who support us there get to know things first. We are also just 4 members away from 200, so if you haven’t joined, make mine and the rest of the ladies day by getting us to that pinnacle. After Facebook gets it, WordPress will get it, (Because I write these ridiculously long posts.) Then a day or two later, the other sites get it, sometimes modified. So depending how badly you want to know when things are posted, sign up for your preferred poison. We have WordPress, AO3, TheWritersCoffeeShop, Fanfiction, and Fictionpad.
Also I thank you for all the support for the awards this year!! ED won 2nd place for the Energize Awards earlier this year. You’re came in the end of year Energize awards in second (And Ashley, one of our betas, Thirsty got Third!), we both won our categories in the Bloodthirsty awards, and we are awaiting the results in IntwinedForEternity awards. the Burning Diamond awards are going to be happening again soon, the nominations just ended, and both Ashley and I were told we were nominated for those. The Crossovers for Twilight and Vampire Diaries are a strong community. We are playing with the idea of encouraging an award for TB/SVM stories and crossovers. Not sure if we will have it or not, but it will be interesting.
WordPress has released it’s blog stats for the 2013 year, and here is what Robin has to say about the site after she read through it. “In 2013 Wendy and the other betas posted 237 times and you guys viewed about 254,432 times. From 126 different countries you all came. From the US to Kenya.
Best day of the year with 2,712 views was June 2.
theladykt was our most active commenter at 135 comments.” Wow!
Thank you to Robin for breaking that all down for me.
So I know the interview will be up later, and another one shot. But I am off for the rest of the night. Actually going to go play with a cat.
Happy New Year, and I hope it will be a better one for all of us!
Love you all,
LOL Does than mean I should talk less? LOL
Means you need to do more, show the rest what they are missing. LMAO!!!
Love you Wendy! Here’s to 2014 being better for us both. You’re an amazing woman and i am so proud to have met you, let alone befriended you. I don’t know what i did to get so lucky as to have become friends with you, wifey, Karen and Ash but whatever it was, i hope the luck holds!