
I know it has been awhile for postings, but we have been busy.  Unfortunately, the beta in charge of the anticipated story is not ready for posting, and no pressuring to her!! She needs her rest!!!

However… Over in the Kittyinaz Facebook group, a group of ladies had been talking about how they are wanting to know more about writing or was having writers block.  We try to help our ladies out, and talked with them over different ideas to help them out.   If you don’t know me on Facebook, I have a huge wall, and I go through it often.  As I go through it, I share the stuff I find on my wall, share our favorite actors, and jokes on the Kittyinaz or my wall.  One day I found this perfect picture that literally inspired me with a look.

So… I made a challenge.  I am always looking for ways to get the ladies involved with the group, and this one post inspired some of the longest conversations and people wanting to write.  We got five submissions, and hope that the next one (The contests will be posted in the group only, then posted here for voting) will have more.  We have an awesome Banner that Sharon made for those that participated.

Now, for your part.  I have posted each of the stories, without the authors names, so there is no favoritism nor any idea of who wrote what, and you, my beloved readers, get to go out there and vote.   I will leave the voting open until March 12th, 2014.  Why that date?  Well, it is so this contest can be wrapped up with the Banner one on the site, so I can get out the one for the next writers challenge.  If you want to participate, you have to join to see what it is.   We also want to get the Banners done for the winners, and get the authors credited on the stories.

This is something I am really loving, encouraging others to write.  To draw.  To make banners, to get that degree or whatever your dream is.  Life is too short not to do something you love.  Thanks to your support I am able to write, and I thank each and everyone of you! Now encourage others, by clicking the above pic to be taken to the title page of the contest, and Vote!!! (Its on the title page for 02/2014 contest.)

Other changes, Robin, our awesome WordPress Whisperer, and I had a meeting the other day. The results of this meeting is that we have added or will be adding some more pluses to the site.  We have stories to add to the recs, and since we are not seeing many of you using the Blogs I love, we are going to have a rotating banner for each category in the Stories I love that fall under that author.  More ways for you to find other authors and stories.  Crossovers are getting to be big, and we are adding more to that.  If anyone out there has a site, and is writing, TELL ME!! I support all the authors I can, which is why we have the rec page.  We have also added more to the Amazon page, including a Recommend list that I show you guys what I like on Amazon.

I ma now committed to writing a bi-weekly blog on the Food Blog, that has to do with my menus I come up with.  From what I am guessing, the ladies are still getting their feet under them, but they are linking the recipes as I mention them in the blogs.  I also list money saving ways (That are not coupon hungry since I do NOT have a printer that likes my computer, and I refuse to buy the newspaper.) so my ways of saving money are from deals I spot.  Nothing more.  I also have a working budget of $300 for food biweekly.  So it’s.. interesting.

Now I am off to try to finish the Twilight story I am working on, then Working on the MamaKitty story. (P.S. She is working on her first story, and she is posting it on WordPress, Its www.MamaKittyInAz.wordpress.com Go look and encourage her!!).  I also need to work on my original so I can work with it and see about the next step. But there are chapters to come for You’re.  And once I am done, I will have a lot to edit and get out there for you guys before I run off to write.

So go enjoy the short stories.  When I get a chance, I have a Damon Interview coming your way for You’re and the Character Bios.   I am behind.  I know.  I am trying not to stress!

