As you may know, MissRon80 has been the co-writer of my story the Best is Yet To Come. It is my Once Upon a Time story I started because of a dream. She was the beta for it, but ended up rewriting so much of Emma’s POV, I named her a co-author.
In the sad news department, the time has come for former beta and co-writer of this story, MissRon80, to seek her own adventures, and we wish her the very best. In the happy news department, beta Kelpie and I worked so well together that she has stepped in to help co-write this story.. She had become the new Beta of the story, and I absolutely adore her stories. She is also writing some one shots for OUaT. She gets my story, and is going through to tweak Emma towards her vision.
Hopefully, for the fans of this series, Kelpie and I have committed to publishing once a month. It may sound like a long time, but we both have our own stories, and we agreed that this would work. If something happens and we can publish faster. Well ::shrugging:: you guys get a treat. This story unfortunately is not one I can bank chapters since I write from the previous one, send it to my cowriter, and she does Emma, and yeah… you can see what a labor of love this is.
The newest chapter with Kelpie‘s co-authoring ways is below. We will be updating the story with her other tweaks of the character, and I will let you know when the chapters are all updated. For the previous versions, please feel free to visit MissRon80‘s site, where she has my blessing to continue the story in her own fashion.