
According to sources, catchy titles is the way to get attention around here.  I’m trying it, but I can’t see why. I am also told that Neat Gif’s so it too.  So I chose the gif to go with the video theme tonight.

What is going on in the world of Kittyinaz.  I have been working on those Interviews and reviews.  I am still on Meridian, and will be reviewing her stories until I am done there then move on to the next author on the list.

I am also working on my database of stories for us to update the Rec list.  I was going to use sites like An Teaspoon and an Open Mind, but their way of posting things made it so difficult to get the information I needed it was not worth it.  Dokuga is working fine, and so forth, so when I can, I will get everything updated.  Right now, I am only adding the outside sites, and what is on my site already.  When I am done, I will make the forms and such, then go into FanFiction and add the newbies.

I am also working on editing.  The only two stories that will be written on is IND and Heavenly (Harry Potter Fic).  I am trying to reread Chamber of secrets since my story starts off in there and manages to starts fixing stuff all over the place.  It’s interesting to my group who has had a sneak peak in each chapter.  WE started a suitor thread in there, and they have managed to add Dobby into the loop.  Not too sure, but I have said I would add anyone with a request and a second…

All I Want, my version of fixing the mess is with the Beta for the first Chapter.  Once I am done with that I will be moving on to the next one and so on.  Remember Weekly Updates start for me on Wednesdays.  And then the following Wednesdays, the stories are going to be added to the other sites.  FanFiction is going to be eased out the door.  They are getting stupid there.

I have been kept updated by Mistress Jessica on what is going on in TB, and so far, I am so not feeling it.  Quite blankly, it sucks.  How sad is it I am glad I write FanFiction and can my little shipper heart to happier worlds.  But I will say, that both the show and books like to screw over the majority of their fans.  However, it makes that we are now one of the few fandoms that the main pairing that is written about is considered Non-canon!  Hey.. I try to look for silver linings.

I am very tired today but I have finished week 2 of the couch potato to 5k.  I am, per doctors orders having to do the first month on the bicycle.  When I complete week 4, I will be moving on to the elliptical and will be working to be running 20 minutes every other day.  I am also working on weights for the upper body, and let me tell you.  While NOT being sore from the Couch potato to 5k part, the weights are kicking my ass.  But I will persevere and I will be at this time next year a totally different person.

My sleeping issues are still there but I am slowly bringing them under control.  I have a sleeping monitor device through my iPhone and funnily enough, working out does not affect me that way.  There is no difference between working out and not.  However, there is a difference if I write or not.  So again, my brain rules my body.  Anyone shocked?  I’m not.

Ok.  So you know how people complain on writers block?  I complain on editing.  I can write anytime, but I cannot Edit anytime.  But I will work through it and hopefully repetition will get it in the right set up in my mind..

I will do the person of the week again starting next week. The bullshit that is True Blood has sapped my happiness.

But I will do videos on the hope it cheers all of us up.

The first one is a FanFiction made one by TwistedWhiteWolf


I have read this, and I love it.  I am hoping that you guys will read it, and will encourage her to finish writing the series… She gave me Alex as Caius…  And inspired Points of Authority and it’s more in-depth counterpart, Wisdom, Justice and Love.

Ok.  That made it where I thought of the theme for today.  Alexander Skarsgard.  He was missing today in action, so we will do videos that have him in them!

The next one is Sookie & eric – Ho hey


the next one is Eric & Sookie (True Blood) Stay


The next one is Eric & Sookie I See You


The last one is a happier song.  It’s Let’s Go Straight to Number One
