I left the following review on Amazon on the Thief known as Alexandra Anthony’s Fated. I wonder how long until it is gone………..
Stealing another’s work is wrong. There are even laws against it amazingly enough. to be frank, how would you like to build a house from the ground up, spilling your blood into the dirt, your tears into the foundation and so forth. Only when it is done, you are ready to move in and then someone pushes you out of the way saying it was sold to you by someone you didn’t even know? Pissed wouldn’t you be? Going to get your rights and showing you own something. Wanting if nothing else the profit someone made on your stuff??
So how is someone’s time and sweat, sleepness nights and the burning of your eyes as you type your story up. The time you poured into making a fic for others to read, then to find out that someone stole this work of yours, which is terrible I have been a victim myself of, and is making MONEY off it? Before you say anything else, what if Ficlet was going to write it and publish it later? She has that right. 50 Shades of Grey anyone? That started as fanfiction. I know. I read it.
If I was everyone who bought this piece of work from another, first I would be pissed. I paid for someone else’s work that is currently free of charge for you to read, then the fact that you are paying for someone’s work that stole it from another. Stealing is wrong. We all know this. Every religion tells you this, and even more, your own morals tell you this.
So do something right. Demand your money back. Then go read the original authors work and tell her how you enjoyed it.
I am Kittyinaz, and I wholeheartedly Give this 0 stars since it is NOT Alexandra Anthony’s work. It is my friends ficlet78’s work.
Now to go publish on my OWN site this travesty, to forward the message on to all my followers, and to publish it on my facebook, as well as my post going out to the Twitter world, tumblr and so on. No matter how many of these messages she deletes, the truth is out there. And to throw one more cliché.. You can’t stop the signal.
Quotes are from X Files and Serenity. See that?!?!? I give credit.
I wholeheartedly support any actions to be taken to get this removed. And I am going to put this everywhere I can. Help support your fanfiction authors and a fellow human and share this. don’t let it die down, until she removes the work, and is giving ficlet her due credit.
The truth is out there… Well said!
found her Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/authoralexandraanthony
She’s definitely deleting all “You’re a fucking thief” posts…
Holy crow! Tumbler, Facebook, G+, Pinterest and Twitter with hashtags galore! The ones I used, B&Nbooksellers, Amazon, plagiarism, ficlet78, vampires, EricNorthman, SookieStackhouse, SVM and TrueBlood.
Hope this works.
Reblogged this on Addicted to Godric…& Eric…& Andre and commented:
As you may have heard, the so-called “writer” Alexandra Anthony stole our fellow fic-writer ficlet78’s and published it for profit. Many of us have left various and assorted ‘reviews’ regarding this thievery on Amazon.com. I’m reblogging Kittyinaz’s post, and to keep from flooding your inbox, I’m attaching mine to this “pre-blog commentary”:
I’m absolutely flabbergasted! How in the world could someone steal someone else’s work and publish it as their own? Inevitably SOME ideas will just happen to coincide with others, but to lift whole, complete passages? That’s just…thievery, pure and plain. An apology just won’t cut it, I’m afraid. We fic writers (I’m Mer, btw) work our collective and individual butts off to create, write, proof and publish something worthy of not only our time but of our readers, too. We stay up late, get up early, buy many different thesauruses (well, I did…), and are absolutely prepared to shed blood, sweat, and tears to crank out something worth reading.
We do not do this for for some asinine, two-bit fake “writer” to come along and steal our works.
I would like to believe that this extraordinarily stupid and crass thievery by this Anthony person was beneath them, but I am having a very hard time believing this to be true. Bluntly, the kind of person who would do this is incomprehensible to me. I certainly hope they’re not my neighbor because I have to wonder if they’d steal gas out of my cars, too!
No, this person needs to not ONLY immediately and permanently halt the sale of ANY of “her” books, but she also needs to voluntarily forward to Heather any earnings she might have gained as well. Her abject and provable plagiarism automatically negates any contracts she might have made on these works which implies that even more prosecution should come her way. I highly suggest that Heather contact an attorney and pursue this case. Theft of ideas is a very serious, very harmful, very HEARTBREAKING violation of not only rights, but of heart, soul, blood, sweat, tears, and the joy of creating one’s own works.
Feel free to go to Amazon.com and leave your own thoughts regarding this bullshit. Reviews left on her books have been magically disappearing, so many of us have turned to this link: http://www.amazon.com/gp/forum/cd/discussion.html/ref=ntt_mus_ep_cd_tft_tp?ie=UTF8&cdForum=Fx291J0WQMW3I22&cdThread=Tx2GEAOMLBH54N0
Reblogged this on Sitalia25 and commented:
It’s disgusting that someone would steal another’s work, but to make money off of it is quite pathetic.
I seen the Amazon page it sickens me that she’s profited on ficlet’s hard work years of work! Not only that but is winning awards she didn’t earn, I laughed at her love of Old Norse & Greek Mythology she didn’t change much. I hope she or Amazon take it down she apparently has no shame! She underestimates SVM/TB writers like Eric they’ll hunt you down.
Found her facebook page https://www.facebook.com/authoralexandraanthony
Reblogged this on Fang meets Fairy and other encounters and commented:
Seeing that I’m bored and feel like doing something useful I’m going to use the comment feature Amazon reviews of AA’s ‘books’ advising people who bought these to demand their money back and give it to charity or something. However there are a shit ton of reviews so if anyone is feeling bored I suggest you do the same.
Well that was over quickly… I have lost my good standing on Amazon… not that I care. Just shows that the majority of those ‘great’ 5* reviews were fabricated.
lost your good standing with Amazon? How the heck do you loose that?
I’m sure they’ll still take my money just not my other ‘two cents’. Can’t review no more, not that I ever did.
How odd!! I commented plenty on CH’s thread on negative and so on, and they never took away my right to. In fact they beg me all the time to review. Stupid lady. It shouldn’t matter if you don’t like something or not. Its your opinion they are asking for and you gave that.
Though it worries me since I am on their program to receive a payment for referring people to their site from mine. I hope that doesn’t remove me. Ah well. IF it does, it does.
Well I was basically commenting on the reviews of people who liked it that it was a stolen work and they should get their money back. It’s most likely Amazon itself not wanting to hand out any more reimbursements than necessary or think I was a spambot. I’m no legal expert but I don’t think ficlit can demand the money AA made on account that ficlit’s work is an acknowledged fanfic. So the big profiteer in this case is Amazon and the likes.
Also: @AlexAnthony80 is her twitter handle.
There is another discussion over on Amazon for AA’s Dark Heart Chronicles book 2 that I happened upon and someone has said this:
“A.Anthony said this book would be finished in April of 2014, then nothing since then. There is a blog going on now posted yesterday under her Revelations that this author is plagiarizing work. If I were you I wouldn’t bother with this author anymore. Ms. Anthony posted on her blog July 29th that she was removing the VDS. Just shocking.”
Looks like the word is getting around.
So I couldn’t write a review. I just couldn’t do it and not do anything else. I hope that what I did do makes them open their eyes. I contacted them. I was told that the issue was being passed up. I can only hope that this is true. I did ask to be kept apprised to the situation. And I can say that I will hound them till I see some results. If need be, I’ll spam ever one of their e-mail boxes, snail mail boxes, and even Facebook. This is wrong and they need to fix this. I wonder what the news would do if they got a hold of this information???
hear hear!!! U said better than I ever could….u should write public speeches, u just have a way with words
It’s been one week exactly since I first Googled this phrase and found Anthony. This weekend marks the first time that I’ve been able to look at this situation rationally, even amusedly. I guess because the entire Alex Anthony franchise popped like a freakin’ balloon in under a week. But it also marks the first time that I Googled the fallout with any real commitment, since reading about it made me go blind with anger. I knew from my blog that you guys and others pledged mad support and outrage, and rightly so, for this issue is much bigger than this one instance. But I had NO. I. DEA. that your work had made such an impact. I read the forum on Amazon. I read all the bookseller reviews, which were like official statements in a damning class action suit. I looked for any evidence of her fan base and pages, but they’ve been taken down. I’ve only seen one fan of hers defend her stance, and that was in one of my fan’s rebuttal.
Whereas her work kinda/sorta came down at first, it is now completely removed from all outlets that I can see. And I put that all down to outraged phone calls, reviews and emails. I myself has almost no impact when I first contacted them, and was given vague assurances that while our work was “similar”, I would need to fill out various forms, read the entire series, talk to this person, capture a leprechaun, etc. in order to make any headway.
I haven’t had one single person come back on me about this. Not one. None of her fans, no casual readers learning about her fraud, not even the woman herself. Meanwhile, three of our comrades have gotten hold of books 3 and 4 of the VDS and are currently tearing into them (thank God for ebay). These two books were the two that Alex sent me as PDFs with my scene already rewritten, which of course begs the question of what else was changed. I asked her for hardcopies. She claimed she didn’t have access to any (WTF?). So we bought them second hand. They are also the two and ONLY books of hers that catapulted to $99 through third party sellers. NONE of her other books, even though pulled, are selling for that high through other people. I know that she doesn’t control other sellers, but it still stinks. Why JUST those two? What the hell is going on?
Missron80 has finished Book 1 and is starting into the next two, so she’ll be able to tell me soon.
Meanwhile, I just wanted to thank you guys for participating in this coup. I want this to be a lesson for anyone reading OUR stuff and getting ideas. Our community came down like a swarm of bees and I’d be terrified if I was on the receiving end of it.
You’re awesome.