To all the writers of the Kittyinaz Writing Challenge, Angels through the Fire!
This contest was a huge success, not only in the large amount of entries, but also in the huge amount of people who came to read, and vote. The responses of the public was amazing! Writers, please visit your stories to read the reviews, and readers, thank you again for leaving reviews for these wonderful people who put out their work for you to read. I have the winners below, and the banners and names have been added to all the stories in the contest. Thank you again for your participation. Writers can claim the participation banner above, and are free to post their stories on their sites, and grab the angels to be used.
This month does not have a contest, since I will be gone for the Vegas trip with Bertie Bott to meet Ian and the rest of the Vampire Diaries Cast. I have no idea who I am more excited to meet, my Friend, or one of the men who inspire me to write, not only with his acting, but his day to day actions also.
So the next contest, since so many have asked for it, is a Kill Bill. The only thing I will list in addition to our other rules, is to add the penname you wish to have on the banner when the contest is completed. It will speed up the process to finish them up.
The entries will be due by midnight on September 30, 2014 CST. Please write your entries in, including how you would will Bill to die… especially in this dismal TB season.
Now. enjoy the day, I am off to spend time with my hubs.
Congratulations to all the winners, which includes everyone who threw their hat in the ring! 🙂 It’s hard to put yourself out there, and it’s great that you all did that! 🙂
And a special thanks to Kittyinaz for sponsoring the contest :).
It’s remarkable in favor of me to have a site, which is helpful designed for my experience.
thanks admin