Yeah.  I already used the camel last time…. So what could I use….. Oh!! A warning sign!!! We all know how much I love those!


Seems a good one to remember.  LOL!  Yes.  I have a sense of humor.  Not many people get it, but I have one.

Ok.  It’s Wednesday!! Start of the publishing week, which means that all the old chapters are being loaded on those sites that don’t have an awesome person who loads things for us.  You know who you are.  You are just wonderful.

Meridian is the bomb for loading things for me.  AND she betas!  What the heck!! That lady is awesome!!! Really.  I couldn’t do so much as I do without her or the other ladies that beta for me.

So here is the chapter you are waiting on:

Chapter 17 d


Now here is the bad news.  I need to write more.  This is the last of the stored chapters.  It might not be right now, since I am In the middle of working on the Mummy Crossover.  And it is taking more work than I thought it would.

The good news?  I am working on things.  First chapter of The Mummy Crossover will be up on Saturday.

I am spending ALOT of time on Murphy.  Here are some pictures for you to see how bad this poor puppy is:

He is estimated to be 9m-1year old.  He is VERY friendly and knows humans and homes.  So yes, he was a pet until someone left him, and since he hates to be in a car, we think he was abandoned.  But unfortunately, he has some issues as you can tell.  the first thing they did at the vet was give him a pill to kill the fleas he had on him.

***WARNING  This might break  your heart!!***

He had so many fleas when we found him, he looked like his skin was moving.  WE sprinkled some essential oil on him called Thieves, and he was bad, but not even close to that when we took him in on Sunday.  But there was still an alarming amount for the Vet.  They decided the first thing was the pill.  It was harsh, and his poor tummy couldn’t take it, but he could have died from fleas.

Next he had the deworming medicine that we gave him Monday night.  Poor thing.  That is harsh on the system, and where he was still sick to his stomach.  He needs to be on a allergy pill for his allergic reaction to the fleas, and one for the mange he has that is NOT contagious.

***Crying Part over***

Basically the poor puppy has had a rough time of it, but we are pausing for the medicine  to get through his system, and his body getting used to the fact there is food for him.

He is such a sweet animal, that everyone who meets him, are amazed that he was left.  He just loves on anyone that gives him attention.

So this is why I am not getting much done, since a normal puppy would be taken out every half to an hour.  He would be normally a longer time, but his poor tummy can’t handle stuff so we are watching him when he is awake.  Plus nights are not easy for me.  I sleep lightly and he cries.  So not much sleep, and I am floating the days until someone can be home to take care of the puppy and I sleep.  Not much is getting done.  But he is worth it all!

Today he is much more active.  Now that all the things that were draining his blood are gone, we have more hope since he is being active.  The picture of the night we brought him home from the vet, he took Connor’s chair.  I’m happy to tell  you, he has managed to steal Connor’s Kong twice, and his spot at my feet once.  lol!

So forgive me for not getting things done as fast as normal, but I will write the next chapters as soon as I can.  I really want the mummy series part one done, and then I can look at all those stories you guys want updated like Harry potter, What If, Clocks, What I have of Edge (2 chapters!) Sun, and everything else started.  Before I work on them, I will work on IND.

Enjoy the chapter!
