Yeah, this song has me dancing in my seat, and I figured why not?  I should share the love with you and get some blood going through for the rest of the morning! (Personally I love the 3rd wheel couple!)

It’s time for the chapter of AIW for today!!!

And now for ALOT of announcements.

kjwrit emailed me, and I found out that I left a chunk out of her interview.  It was there when I did it the first time, but like an idiot, I must of copied over it.  If you wish to read the missing section, it is before Godric’s interview at the end:


Also, this morning the email went out for the second story I reviewed on her, Law & Order Shreveport.  I will admit at the end of each and every chapter I did the dong dong from Law & Order.  It is a very good story, and I encourage you to read it!! While this will wrap up my kjwrit reading frenzy, don’t discount the fact that I will be going back and reading more of her works in the future, especially as she updates stories.  Im on a weird kick, and I am just skipping through the stories as I decide what to read.

Law and Order Shreveport

Bertie Bott, the most awesome beta for the Harry Potter, Wisdom, Justice and Love as well as When I Pretend (Which is how I snagged the excellent and busy woman who I am honored to call my friend!) has announced a contest for her site!  Please click on the banner below to be taken to her site and not only read her Deadpool story, but also read the particulars on the contest! It doesn’t start until April 1st… but you can get the ideas together…


I am still working on Revelations, and hope that I can get through another chunk tonight, depending how long it takes for the contest results to do, as well as Connor and Murphy McLickin behave.  (Yes, that is his real name, and I named him the McLickin.  He licks everything, even the air if he can’t get to you.)

So we have major debates going on in the muse part of my head.  Dying to Start Again, or Clocks… Clocks will take awhile for me to correct, while Dying to Start has a lot of me editing it adding words…. Go ahead and give a comment on what you want to see, and see if will quiet that fight in my head.  It’s getting distracting..

My excellent WebAdmin, 4Padfoot redid her site.  And it is freaking awesome!!! So please go click and give it a visit.


Reblog is about to get the change for Spring (at least it is on my tablet!), and I am hoping to get through this stuff soon.  It may not seem like it, but I am chomping at the bit.  I have been also talking to 4Padfoot on an idea..  I even talked to my hubs and he pointed out something.

Many huge thanks to MKnue for betaing this, and finishing the AIW chapters.  I just have to make the last 2 banners, and we will be done.

Mknue Betas

Mknue Betas

Also, the Facebook group (And I am making another easy button for you guys) got the notice last night the chapter was published.  I did it as an oops called Royal Ember.  She is working, but she is going to be having surgery and was stressed on a rumor being passed in the group.  She asked that the chapter not be bad, and so I published it early.  I listen!!!

2nd Entry for 0514_edited-2 Banner Facebook

And finally, here is the chapter for today.


I am off to work on other stuff, since I need to keep still.  (Not easy!!!) I managed to hurt my ankle, and yesterday it didn’t hurt until bedtime.  I foolishly thought it would a ok this morning. Nope.  But the puppies and cat are happy.  I am going to keep playing with my new desk toy and work.  Hey… I’m human!!

kittyinaz Signature(I’m going to be sad here soon when I can’t use the signature… I need a new one for Spring!)