
So.  Today I am working on the database (And grumbling since I had to manually correct 130 entries for authors on what fandom they are in) and Miss Meridian, her royal highness, popped up on my Facebook.  Seems she had a few questions.

Meridan "The Queen"

Meridan “The Queen”

I thought we were just conversing, cause we do that a lot.  And frankly I was all like, save me from the monotony of adding TB/SVM to 135 entries, PLEASE!!!   Instead she is asking questions.  But I bet you guys wouldn’t care about that right?

I mean the Beta for two of the most liked fics asking me clarifying questions on a story that she got her hands on wouldn’t interest you guys.

So… I finished a bunch of fics.  Dying to Start has two more chapters to edit, but they also need banners since I seemed to have written them on the sly from myself.  Sneaky me!   But I will be slyly working on those if I get the chance.  Leaving only Clocks and Best to be done.  And that will be it.  Every single chapter I have written will have been given to the betas.  I also did a roll call this evening, to let everyone know what they have out there.

Please remember, none of these have been finished, I am just releasing out the chapters that have been written.  And you will start to see posting now.  Cause, well I am doing the boring side of things.  Copying and pasting into the database every fic.  Since FanFiction won’t release an excel spreadsheet of my favorites, I get to do it the hard way.  Though I did take the stories from the You Want Bloods Awards last year nominations to help out.

Basically this will help 4Padfoot with adding stories to the rec pages.  And it will help me when I am doing the awards, since I will be adding information for me to reference for the fics I read.  And yes, I am going to steal the nominations to add to the site too.  Hey.. There is a silver lining to every cloud.

Also, I was told there was some confusion over what I mentioned on the You Want Blood awards.  The TB/SVM is ALWAYS going to go on.  Even if it is to promote ourselves as the last active writers of the fandom. The Crossovers section is basically ADDING to the site.  The You Want Bloods site sits there unused most of the year until we gear up for the awards.  So I adding a section for another part of the year.  No worries on the TB/SVM side.  That part is gold.  It is where the start of this idea came from.  But the plan has always been to add to it, but to be frank it is ALOT of work to do so. But since I love Crossovers and there never seem to be enough for me, I am using the empty space to expand on our original idea.

I hope that clarifies any misconception.  If you have any questions, please ask us.  We have a Facebook Group for the You Want Bloods.  We are more than happy to answer any questions:

YouWantBlood Facebook Cover 1

I am off to work some more on that database.  Once it is done, I will be home free hopefully!

See ya!






Oh, that story?  You are wanting to know what it was?  Just a little sumptin sumptin that she finished and published.  No worries….  the ladies in the group are enjoying it. If you wish to join, please click on the banner below.

2nd Entry for 0514_edited-2 Banner Facebook















Wait… you do want to know.  Oh fine.   It’s just a little prologue I wrote to Put Your Feet Up To The Edge.  If you are interested… Click the banner below:

Edge 1