
Yes….It is not an April Fools Joke!

You did read that correctly!!!  The last chapter I have written was edited and then sent to the beta, who got on it very quickly.   I know, I am supposed to be on vacation, but I thought I needed it for a reason, so I edited it, only to decide that in the end, (haha!) I didn’t.  Huge amounts of Thanks to Faeregina!

But, I had decided that when the Beta is done with it, she could do her magic wand waiving and publish it.  So you get it now.  It actually was published last night after I went to bed, and people found it.  There are reviews…

I am up for today for a little bit, my allergies are beating me up right now, and I took Benadryl, only it seems to be putting me to sleep today.   It never acts the same.

I know I said I was working on the Mummy Sequel, and I will be as soon as I can.  But I will be working on it off and on, but I do need to finish the editing.

Right now, I am huddled down in the office under a blanket.  The dogs are actually being good, taking turns on laying on my feet.  So I will see how far I can get today, but no promises…


Go enjoy the chapter…

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