
And yes, I am updating on time for Harry Potter.

However…. There is good and bad news.

The bad?  This is the last chapter.  Truly.  Not for the story, that I wrote.  So I need to write more for you to have more.

The good news?  That you have the chapter, and reading it brought back memories of what I want to do.  I started this back when I was starting the idea of journals, and had not even started to work on OneNote.  So there are notes, but nothing like Dying and the rest that I have started.  Well, except for Sacred.  That one is completely directed by the characters.  Believe me.  I never wanted to be at Chapter 30 trying to write the first lemon.

Yes, you heard that correctly.  Chapter 30 and the first lemon. Yikes!!!  But you will understand when you get to reading it.  There is a natural progression.

Ok.. So for other news.


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That is her sleeping place when I am in the office.  When I am working in Photoshop is her favorite time.  She just watches me work in it.

She is still waking me up too early for me.  But she is getting later by 5 minutes each day.  I will take it!   My hands and arms look like I have gone to war with a weed wacker and lost per M.  I am washing my hands, antibiotic jelly on them and then lotion for the rest of the day.  And repeat often.  Kittens are the time you can catch Cat Scratch Fever from the most.  But again, this is not my first rodeo.  She is unique as each pet is, but some things do help me to know!

Connor and Murphy are getting used to her.  When M gets home, she comes out and we stand and monitor interactions with them on the floor.  Yesterday Tucker came out to see what the big commotion is about.  It is quite funny since she is tiny, her head the size of Connor’s nose, and she tries to do that thing where she tries to look bigger.  She goes from tiny to.. well tiny.  Connor is awesome, he acts like she is doing something, then looks up at us like, ‘Seriously?’.  We praise him for it, and he is happy. She is happy.  And she gets the belief that she can defend herself.  Good all around.

For the writing front, My muse is still tapping her feet and pointing to the to do board.  So I gave up and I am finishing up the stuff.  I finished up the written chapters for Dying last night.  Next up, Clocks.  I am writing on Sacred as much as possible. I really like to get it done and then present you guys with a whole story.  But it is at 30 chapters, and I haven’t got past the first arc.  Close, but not yet.  I already set up the information for the second arc, but I need to move there.  Ok, maybe it is the third arc.  It depends on the characters and their reactions.  But there are three to four arcs in this one.  They have all been hinted at, so it will be fun to see how it goes.


2015 1

First off there is only 3 more days until the polls close on the Writing Contest.  And 4Padfoot was finally bribed enough to give me this.  The Poll reset after a week.  So if you voted at the beginning, and had a hard time deciding, this is your chance to throw in another vote for that other story!  Remember, the authors will be able to respond to reviews once the polls close.  I will try to add the names to the banners and then who won as soon as possible.  It should be quickly, but remember, I have a munchkin ball of trouble that makes life interesting to say the least.

Participation Banner for 063015g

Then there is the contest for this month.  I will not lie, I am looking very forward to reading your submissions!!   This is one of those that fire up my imagination.  Remember, it does NOT have to be a Disney tale.  It just has to be a fairy tale.  Which I have commented, that Grimm versions are considered a Fairy tale…  Just saying!  Don’t forget, you can submit at any time, Only one person sees the submissions.


Next is the contest that two of my ladies have started.  Meridian and Gyllene threw back and forth the results from their results from people finding their sites through some odd searches.  I know my beta group has laughed at these for a long time.  Now these awesome ladies have suggested a contest with it!  I just saw what could be a prompt that has inspired me.  I already had the song logged down.  So yeah, go look and enter this!!!



Now I do post on TWCS, (Which is kept up to date with this site), A03, and  As I mentioned I have branched out to BestInTexas’s site.  I can’t explain how nice these people are!!! They have added True Blood/SVM as a category, which they are limited on, just for us. Go there, sign up, and load up the stories.  If you have any questions, you can ask me, or them. It does take a few seconds to understand, but once you do, you will fly through it!

And they certainly have no issues reviewing!!! I have gotten fired up on some fics because of them and trying to figure out how to do everything I want.  The other site I am fired up about is FanFiction Affliction.  This is started by 4PadFoot and Gyllene.  It is the same formatting as TWCS so if you post there, there will be no issues on this one!  They are freaking awesome also about keeping up with requests.

There are options that do NOT involve a site that cannot get their buts into gear to add something minor as an age verification.  Shoot, my site here has a button to enter the site that does the same thing!  If you are under age, you shouldn’t be here.  To enter, you have to agree that you are old enough. I set the rating to be adult level for any parental controls to filter it out. I’ve done my part.  This just gives you more options to find additional fans.  And again, BIT does go out and follows you!  I know AndrewPine has taken my suggestion and is now on Thirsty for Your Love.  I like spreading the love.


Don’t forget to enter your nominations in for The You Want Blood Awards!! The window of opportunity will be closing in a day!


Also, Better In Texas is having nominations open now for a member only contest.  That ends on the 15th on that stage.


And finally, Fanatic Fanfics 1st stage of voting will be ending soon.  So many contests!

There is my life for the last couple of days.  The database is growing, and what 4Padfoot is doing with the information is looking awesome.  It will be a site that all it does is spread the recommendations across all sites for all fanfiction.  Remember, it is starting with my recs, and whatever else is being sent to us.  And I have seen there is a way for you to add your own recs to it. I can’t thank enough the ladies who have stepped in to get my favorites entered.  Because of them, you guys are getting stories.


Here is the chapter for today, enjoy and have a wonderful weekend!

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