giphy 2

I couldn’t resist the Gif… Sorry if you have it stuck in your head like I do now….

But, seriously!!! I have been up and working on your present, and it is STILL blacker than coal outside.

Is there no more sun?  While I slept in my oddball time yesterday evening, was there an announcement that the sun took the day off?!?!?



As you know all too well, insomnia thinks it is my best friend.  It sent me a necklace last night in fact.  So I am back to sleeping for little hours, cat naps really, (why do they call them that?  My kitten naps, along with the 7-year-old cat and they sleep for hours.  Cat naps are supposed to be small increments of time.)

See, Connor and Murphy are becoming eunuchs today.  Murphy is very, very aggressive lately.  Connor needs to be since it makes them live longer, but seriously, it is Murphy who pushed this sooner on us.  So I will be leaving here, with two hyper dogs who think they are going for a ride, then drop them off for surgery.  We will pick them up later, and I for one, am so happy this is taking place today since it will mean there will only be one day that I will have to take care of two dogs alone.

So, while I was lying in bed, trying to get more than 4 and a half hours sleep, I noticed the most awesome, mighty, wonderful Beta, MistressJessica1028, had sent me the first 6 chapters of Clocks.

Let me tell you about the story behind Picking Down Clocks.  I wrote it, then edited and sent it off to be betaed.  MJ sent it back saying it was a little too jumbled in time.  She suggested that I tear it apart and put it in chronological order.  I was too anxious having my lovebirds separated, so I had them together remembering the time before.  However, MJ was 100% correct in having me reorder it all.

The issue?  I suck at verb tense.  And it’s quite bad.  For me to tear apart the chapters, (Thank GOD for OneNote, it made it a breeze to move things around and do what I needed to do!) then go back and work on them…it took months.  It got to where I would watch the video for the story that 4padfoot made for me as well as the cheering in the Kittyinaz’s Facebook Group for em to struggle with it.  I started to hate it frankly.

When I got out of the chapters, I was just too happy to get past them, and finish what I had written.  I sent it off, and breathed a huge sigh of relief.

This morning, I got them back and opened it up to work on it.  I was hesitant, and played a game of Candy Crush in fact. When your beta tells you it took them forever to work on them, you know it was bad. Then I took myself in hand and started to go through the notes MJ left me.  And soon I was laughing.  She left notes, rants about oddball things.  All in all, I was so entertained by the whole thing I am thinking of doing the next chapters as well.

This story is one of the ones that the group begged asked for and is, in fact, the one that they broke my conviction of not doing any until they were completed.

So please take a moment, and give mighty thanks to MistressJessica1028 and her wonderful patience with my messed up chapters.  She deserves it.


OK.   So here we go!!:


Many huge thanks to the lovely Gyllene for her banner for the story!!!

Description: A chance meeting in Las Vegas changes everything.  Suddenly a future that had been a brief glimpse of, is possible, and there is nothing the Blood Line will not do to make it happen.

This is a Twilight/True Blood Fic.  Eric and Bella.  There will be a mix of cast in here, and no worries, Sookie is going to be around.

Here is the Video that 4Padfoot made to inspire me to do more for this:

And here is the first chapter.  I will try to update this as long as I can since I may be leaving in a few weeks, if everything works out!

Prologue 1

Eric-Gif Signature