Well, to be honest, a couple happened.


One, that Mother Nature loves laughing at me.  Last week we had a cousin we had never met come here to spend a week with us.  It was fun, and so was she.  Monday we went to Galveston, rode the ferry (and I sprayed a crapload of sunscreen on me!!! so no burns this time!) as well as went to lunch to one of the island local restaurants.  The food was awesome.  Then we went to walk down the Strand, which is where the Wall Street of the Southwest was in the old days.  The architecture and history are amazing, as well as walking into the local shops.  The Temp was 89 with 70% humidity. The next day we went to Nasa.  Had a blast but after so long (and 87 freaking steps to mission control that almost broke me!!!) in the heat, we were ready to leave.  the temp was about the same, with just more humidity. Wednesday was supposed to be rain.  Lots of rain.  It was a thunderstorm in the morning and that was it.  lol!  So that night we went bowling, her request.  During that time, she mentioned she loved the zoo, so guess where we went Thursday?  And it was worse.  Heat indexes in the 90’s.  Friday was spent visiting and at the Barnes and Nobles.  And dinner with Bar-be-que.

Today?  69 freaking degrees at 1pm.



Two is that as much as I wanted to work, it did me a lot of good to have the time away.  Though I vastly prefer the last week to the week spent in bed sicker than a dog.  I was eager to get up, finish the banners for the contest, to think up a new one (which once I make it I will showcase it.  It is one I have to think of how I want to do it!)I got that all done with and we are waiting only on the master website admin to get home to work on her part.

Three, I have a plan of action that may make you happy or upset. I am going to only publish what I have back from the betas.  There is plenty out there, the next chapters of Clocks, The Charmed story and so many more.

Meanwhile, I want to sit down and try to finish some older stories.  In The End, Revelations, and a good try to I Never…Did.  I want to get them out of my line up and free the areas on my blackboard for some other stories.

I also have a bunch of books for classes on Photoshop and WordPress, that I want to look over.

And my books, I want to work on them without feeling guilty that I am not working on an update for you guys.

So I am going to take the updates and do them once a week until I run out.  I am going to go through and work on finishing the other stories so that they are gone.  Depending on how things go, I may get back to What If and so on.  But I need them done so that I can feel free to work on whatever I like.  Lately, I have been working on things for you guys and not paying attention to the need to write.  With my new iPAd, I have been going back and reading stories, upset that there are no more chapters for me to read, and I WROTE THE DANG THINGS!

Now, for some news….


Thanks again to everyone who uses the link to Amazon.  You just helped pay for a month of Google and Photoshop.  My hubby, M, is thrilled that you did this and it isn’t coming out of this pocket.

For those that don’t know, the Amazon link doesn’t cost you anything, you just use it to access the site, and then if you buy anything, I get anywhere from 1-6% of your final cost for referring you to their site.  This goes for the things I use for writing, Grammarly, Photoshop, and Google Drive to keep all my documents and pictures safe.  Also on the side if you read a story or hit posts on the top menu, there is a donation button.  This goes directly to the site admin to use to pay for the security (aka virus protection as well as hacker prevention), the site itself, and any enhancements that she can find to speed up the site and allow more to use it with their tablets and so on. When I was hacked, and 4Padfoot was telling me what was needed to fix it, Mamakitty came up with the idea of the donation button.  And within a day or so, the response helped us with that cost.

None of the amounts get used for anything but those items.  Photoshop and Google drive cost me about $20 a month.  The Grammarly was $140 for a year.  I get around $10 – 20 a month, with an increase around the holidays. Most of the time, we end up paying for something out of pocket, since the $20 a month is very recent that it was more than a month in a row.

2nd Entry for 0514_edited-2 Banner Facebook

Banner contest in Kittyinaz’s Facebook Group!!!

I am ending the entries for this tonight, (or aka when I wake up in the morning).  The rules:

Banners are 801×250.

All need to have the words: Kittyinaz’s Group and the KittyinazsBetas@gmail.com on them.

They need to be one of the following:

  1. Story banners with the story name on it,
  2. Character Banner with a quote,
  3. Pairing with the story name,
  4. or an Owl.
  5. And for this month only!!! – Civil War idea and/or May the Force Be With You with stories I use already.  I am sooo looking forward to this one.


And last but not least, the chapter for this week:

Revelations 10 1a

Enjoy and I will see you guys later!
