I will be in bed wishing that I was better.

Seriously, this stuff gotta end, but there is not much hope of that.

The good news?  The title is the name of the new Revelations chapter.  Not is the song that it came from one of my favorites, it also made imagery come alive, making this chapter one of my favorites.

Now the bad news?  One, the pics I originally had for this are as lost as the bathroom one for Teashop.  I looked, but nada.  I can’t even remember how I found them, but they were of a balcony looking over the city, but you really didn’t see any city details.  And it was a railing as if made out of wood, but stone.  Think Rivendell for the interior of the Kingdom of Knights.  Then add in some nice stonework to support everything, and you have it.

The other bad news is the insomnia, being sick and so on is hitting me and has been hitting hard.  Part of it is the heat.  According to the people who do the warranty, our AC is fine.  To us?  80+ degrees in the house is too hot.  But because it is under the 20 degrees under the heat index, it is fine.  Yeah… No.  Along with this is the fact I feel like crap, so I don’t want to get out of bed most days.  The other is that I want to kill animals since they decide that 8 am (after I go to bed a 5am) is a great time to come meowing, or commence barking under the house.  Right underneath my bedroom in fact.

But I did learn some stuff and found out new features on my Photoshop to help with pics.  I am nowhere done, but I am working on it.

I did come up with a new idea for the writing challenge.  Thank you IMDB for a name of a set of photos.  It made it all work.

I received the files, and there are some really awesome stories.  I will be working on them tonight, hopefully if my body agrees.

Though, I have found out I suck at first person shooter games.  My hubby can tell you how I killed 5 people to his 25.  In fact, I personally killed him 1 time. After the second time, he shot up my backup.  Seems I cannot control the aiming thing very well.

Ok not at all.

I’ll stick to my RPG games thanks.

So here is the chapter, hope you enjoy it.  I am going to try to eat, and see if I can take a nap or something so I can work tonight.


