Sorry, misspent youth…
But seriously! I got the following nods for nominations!!
First off, a huge freaking thanks to Robin aka 4padfoot. She got to working on this and busted her butt trying to get everything verified… I was amazed to hear how much time and work she poured into this contest.
Picking Down Clocks: Hybrid
Put Your Feet up to the Edge: Hybrid
Some Sacred Place in Time: Bill for Best Villian and The Best of the Best (seriously?!?!?!?!? I guess I should edit some more chapters for you guys!!!)
Then there is the one for me, as best artist! Then there is the surprise of surprise, EricIzMine Award nomination!!! That someone would think that highly for me is awesome! Wow!!!!
I’m truly awed everyone, you turned a crappy three day weekend to one that is much better. Thanks so much!!!!
Now go support my awesome web admin and your favorite authors by going vote for the people you like. Or at least go through the nomination list to read the nominations. Cause they are awesome, and we did such an awesome job of pulling some authors that you may not know out for you to look over… Click the gif below!
As for me, I don’t know when she will have a chance, but I am not posting anything this weekend for you to read. Depending when the site is up, I’ll try to post something then. I am still waiting on some entries. I told you guys I would take extensions, and so we have a week to wait on some entries. I am patient, but only if you ask!
Now, I have a chapter in front of me to edit, so I am getting to work…
Congratulations on the awards!!! You earned them.