I got the results and here they are!

Congrats to Jenna Tee for winning the Challenge!  And huge congratulations to all who were awesome and submitted to the contest.  For all those that entered, If you post on your own sites, and/or extend the entries, please let me know.  And if you post on FanFiction.net, let me know and I can work with you on making a banner for that site.

As of right now, there are no entries received for the October Contest, but if you email me, I will be happy to discuss extensions if needed  If I receive nothing by the 22nd, I will declare the contest closed.  If you end up being the only one entering, I will still make the banner for you.

Now for the Annual Christmas Challenge!!!


Once upon a time, Carols were just another form of story-telling.  An example of this would be the famous A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens.  And if you think of most of our Christmas carols, they tell stories.  So this year, I am going to open the contest to be inspired by Christmas stories, no matter if they are carols, actual stories or so on.  ANYTHING inspired by one of those will be accepted.  It can be one or more stories combined to enter.  You have until Thanksgiving to send entries, and I will give a leeway of until Saturday after Thanksgiving to have entries in, since I will spending Thanksgiving cooking, and Friday shopping and/or decorating.  (I say shopping but it will be watching people be stupid.  I can’t help it, it makes me crack up each and every year).  But I will have the entries up by the 1st of December for voting unless someone contacts me for an extension.

Click on the banner for the Christmas Carol Contest, (oops should say challenge!) to get more information, as well as the Participation banner.

Good luck to everyone, and I look forward to stretching my banner making skills!!!!  (and my computer, since Natsgirl banner last year was awesome, and it wouldn’t export out because of the size, but I even had it snowing in her snowglobe!)

I will be doing an email later on other stuff, once I am caught up on things!

And again, congratulations to everyone who entered in the August contest!

Autumn Signature