I know, I said I would remind you guys,but I managed to wipe myself out from Thanksgiving. The food was awesome, per everyone, and my taste buds!!! But I went to bed last night at 7pm and didn’t wake up until 10am today. Then I still had to take a nap.
I managed to pull something in my right shoulder, so yeah.
So, I will push the entries to be in my the 30th of this month. End of the month.
I still need to get the house all Christmasy, as well as switch out the summer clothes for the winter stuff. Seems it likes to be cool for the nights, so I may as well get the stuff out since I save t-shirts since I like to layer clothing. With this in mind, Tomorrow is the last day M is working for the holidays. I will be asking for help to get the Christmas stuff and clothing down so I can let my shoulder rest.
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving for those that celebrate it, as well as getting ready for the slew of holidays that are coming up for the world. I say Happy Holidays not because it is politically correct, but because I truly hope that everyone I say it to DOES have a happy holiday. Plus, for the clerks and so on, who knows if I will see them in the next year? LOL!
I have received three entries so far…
They are:
I’ll Be Home
Once Upon a December: Winter Memories
Letting Go
If you have sent in your entry and it is not here, let us know.
Hope to see more entries when I can sit down and work on them, I am so looking forward to listening to the Christmas music and doing these! (I have my Friday list on with the Christmas Songs, but I think I will need to go through and purge some of the songs…)
See you guys soon!!!
Looking forward to reading them!