Hello Everyone!


I wish this were a post to say, Hey!! I have a new chapter/story post.  Unfortunately, it is not.

I ended up in the Hospital on 02/05/24, due to a possible bone Infection.  After a week there, I am now home after having surgery to clean out the infected area and to also get my heel spurs removed on both since I was already under.  Miserable, but hey, it will hurt less later.

Last night, we noticed that I am allergic to the Antiobiotics and had to deal with that and the call to let the doctor know.    Right now, I am dealing with that; I had my pain meds delayed until yesterday afternoon cause the pharmacy was out.

But I have been reading all the comments everyone has been sending.  I don’t have the energy to deal with anything on top of what I am doing, so I am stuck either reading or playing Minecraft since no physical movement is needed.

It will be worth it. It will be worth it…  I just need to keep on swimming.. lol.

But I figured you were due for an update. And Yes, I am still mad at myself for not finishing stories because I want to know what happens next, too!!!!

Hope everyone is doing well, and I’ll See you guys later!
