It’s been one week exactly since I first Googled this phrase and found Anthony. This weekend marks the first time that I’ve been able to look at this situation rationally, even amusedly. I guess because the entire Alex Anthony franchise popped like a freakin’ balloon in under a week. But it also marks the first time that I Googled the fallout with any real commitment, since reading about it made me go blind with anger. I knew from my blog that you guys and others pledged mad support and outrage, and rightly so, for this issue is much bigger than this one instance. But I had NO. I. DEA. that your work had made such an impact. I read the forum on Amazon. I read all the bookseller reviews, which were like official statements in a damning class action suit. I looked for any evidence of her fan base and pages, but they’ve been taken down. I’ve only seen one fan of hers defend her stance, and that was in one of my fan’s rebuttal.
Whereas her work kinda/sorta came down at first, it is now completely removed from all outlets that I can see. And I put that all down to outraged phone calls, reviews and emails. I myself has almost no impact when I first contacted them, and was given vague assurances that while our work was “similar”, I would need to fill out various forms, read the entire series, talk to this person, capture a leprechaun, etc. in order to make any headway.
I haven’t had one single person come back on me about this. Not one. None of her fans, no casual readers learning about her fraud, not even the woman herself. Meanwhile, three of our comrades have gotten hold of books 3 and 4 of the VDS and are currently tearing into them (thank God for ebay). These two books were the two that Alex sent me as PDFs with my scene already rewritten, which of course begs the question of what else was changed. I asked her for hardcopies. She claimed she didn’t have access to any (WTF?). So we bought them second hand. They are also the two and ONLY books of hers that catapulted to $99 through third party sellers. NONE of her other books, even though pulled, are selling for that high through other people. I know that she doesn’t control other sellers, but it still stinks. Why JUST those two? What the hell is going on?
Missron80 has finished Book 1 and is starting into the next two, so she’ll be able to tell me soon.
Meanwhile, I just wanted to thank you guys for participating in this coup. I want this to be a lesson for anyone reading OUR stuff and getting ideas. Our community came down like a swarm of bees and I’d be terrified if I was on the receiving end of it.
You’re awesome.
There is no thanks needed, Heather. What was done was wrong, and I am happy to have helped to bring this to light. Thanks for the stories you have gifted to us!!!
Yay!! Best news ever! You guys are all awesome!
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