
Yep.  It seems I needed to get a couple things done today, a chapter was ready for Harry Potter, and Mr. Kittyinaz worked.  Add to that I went to the gym since Friday is Grandma day, well you get a break in everything.

Not that I won’t take a day off, it just probably will be tomorrow.  Hmm sleeping in with no one in the house, and not needing to get up for any reason?  Heaven!  Now we just have to get the dogs to agree.

So what is going on Kittyinaz?

Glad you asked!! I finished the edits for Tin Man!!!!  The only thing left is when the beta sends me chapters on the published stuff, and then I will be adding the banners so that everyone will know which chapters have been edited.  Then when she reaches the new stuff, I will be able to do posts and voila.  Chapters.  Done… and posted!

I know.  You guys are just not that interested in the Tin Man universe.  But as I read what I wrote last night, it hit me that I had written both Alice and Tin Man stories planning to make them into a universe.  But that plan got sidetracked, but my faithful muse never forgot.  Instead, she waited for me to get what she is laying down in Best.  And I went Duh!

Yes.  The Alice and Tin Man universe as well as Best is going to be part of a Universe of their own.  And Rissa, came up with the name when I was floundering…Legendary Tales.   It will make sense if you read the stories. Especially Tin Man and Best, they start with the linking, but at the same time, so does the Alice stories.  What can I say, my muse works in mysterious ways…often to me!

I am working on Revelations, and since Mknue has already did a preliminary beta on them, they should go much faster.   Then I have Edge, Dying to star, ITE, Clocks and then Best.  I admit I may rush through some of them, I need to get to the other stuff.

I will say I was thrilled to realize that my ratio of pendings to drafts in WordPress made me cheer.   I had as of last night, 25 drafts (unedited chapters) vs 70 Pendings. Now not all the drafts are mine or to be edited, since both Robin and I have drafts for coding purposes. But you can see the difference! When I started this, I had way more drafts than pending!  And as today and Harry Potter, there are now 69 Pendings.

For those wondering about Connor and Murphy, here is a pic from last night.  They have become fast buds.  Funny enough, Murphy is the one that leads them into trouble.  Connor normally will wait for people to get up or get home.  No damage ever.  Murphy is the one who tears up things and is the bad one.  So he gets left in a crate when we are sleeping or away.  The dog has his own blankets and so on, but he has to be crated.  Connor now sleeps next to him in his crate.  Door opened.  And Connor HATES crates.  That is how close they are.


So what else is going on?  I am getting ready to make the banner for tomorrow’s AIW, then go relax with hubs before he trudges to bed and work again.  Also there is a contest over on the Non-Canon Awards.  yep, it’s time for their awards!!!  Here is a link to go over there.  I am also a judge, so I can’t be nominated for anything, but there are plenty of others!   I will also have that review for All In done as soon as possible, then off to Mags, site, where I am rereading her stories.  (Yes I got nominated and given this so far!)

Kittyinaz Nomination

Also, don’t forget the reblog pages.  Anything that is on WordPress I reblog.  We are having a lot of people moving over here, and some of them are ignoring FFN completely.  I made the reblog page to be able to reblog as I used to on this, before we went self hosting.  Now everything I follow, I reblog.  I am about to do a huge update, but there is a way to get the updates once a week.

Reblog winter 3

Also the voting is still going on with the February entries in the writing contest.  A lot of people are reading them all to make sure they vote fairly, and they are being surprised by some of the stories.  Go off and find what the surprise is!!!

Quote d

And don’t forget, the March contest is ready, and I listened to the song in the gym today, and was going through ideas still for the song.  I will admit there are two people in mind to write the stories for, but hell, they would fit a lot!!! The video is on the page, feel free to listen.  Remember, you need to be inspired by the song.


Did you know the Writing Contests officially started a year ago, and right now is the anniversary of the first voting?  We have come a long way, and I couldn’t be happier!  I love reading the stories and wondering who wrote what.  Again, the only person who knows right now is Rissa, and 4Padfoot is the only one knowing how the voting is going.  I won’t know until the 16th, when it ends, and neither of those ladies will know who won until I announce it.  We really try to keep this as fair as possible the entire time!

There is the Amazon link, please don’t forget it. I am going to visit with 4Padfoot and see if she has any suggestions.  I want to make it easy for you to see the ads, and I am trying to get things that will interest you guys.  I am also going to see if we can get the daily deal on there.


Many thanks to the beta for this, Bertie Botts.  Click on the banner if you want to read another awesome writer!!!  In fact, visit my beta page to see some of the most awesome ladies I am honored to know.  They kick some butt (often my own) but they are mostly all writers on their own!!!   I am so deeply honored that they work with me!


And as always, the Facebook Group is awesome.  The other day we have some ladies thinking of writing, and the ladies encouraged them.  I know one has published, and I think the other, but the first one posted her first story on WordPress.  It has Godric, and we had a long thread on it, as she talked with us over her ideas.  I loved it!   My ladies in the group are some of the most encouraging, and I think since we founded the group, I have issued one warning to the group for behavior.  I have no solid rules, well except no bashing of others, and no soliciting sunglasses.  But your crafts, your stories, your products you make?  Please do!!!  We are also pretty good about the teaser threads, and have shirtless days.  the eye candy is awesome, and the ladies in the group.  Well I will just say you will be surprised to see all who are there.  If you want to join, click on the banner on the side that says Click to join Facebook.  They also get notice when things are going or have posted before you guys do.

Other than that, here is the chapter for today. I am off to work on the banner for tomorrow.


Have a great day/night (depending where you are, since I am finding that I am being read all over the world!!!! How freaking amazing!!!)

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