After a long debate with myself, talking with others and a final talk with M, I am pulling all but one chapter from all my stories on Fanfiction.
I have spent a long time bowing to their mandates and so on, wanting to give something back to the people who helped to start me off on this wonderful journey.
But no longer.
Their practices of not protecting the writers and enabling the readers to bully us is over. No longer will I spend a long period of time editing out chapters for content. No longer will I put up with having to go in and delete Guest reviews who are being nasty for the sake of being nasty.
While I will miss the people on Fanfiction, I have made sure there are other alternatives to reading my work.
So with this being said, I will be flooding inboxes with the removal notice since not everyone will receive the notice unless I do it this way.
I will leave one chapter per story up. And I will notify the DAY I post another chapter here. Once. For each story. Then I am done.
As M said, you have make a stand, fight for what is right, and not what is easier. Easier is to leave things as they are, to continue to post my chapters there to get the reviews. Cause let’s face it, while I am content with seeing stats to keep writing stories, reading reviews helps fire the muse up to keep writing.
So I am off to make the changes needed.
As a reminder, I am also on: FictionPad, Fanfiction Affliction, Better In Texas, TWCS and A03. None of those chapters are edited for content. And TWCS is often updated with hours or the latest days from when I post here. I am Kittyinaz on all the above-mentioned sites.
Thanks for your understanding!
Good for you!!
That’s what I did last night. I’d been considering doing so for a while now but, like you, I wanted to keep my readers on FF happy. It’s where I started out in the fanfic world and so, yeah, I felt that nostalgia and that responsibility to the readers on that site, but after quite a few instances of basic bullshit where FF totally neglected to support and protect writers, the mirror/clone site thing was the final straw. So…yesterday I pulled all my complete stories and all but the first chapters of the WIPs I’d posted over there. After this, if I start any more stories, I *might* post the first chapter on FF…and I might not.
Based on what I’ve read the last couple of days, I can understand your decision. I think you have made an admirable compromise by posting the first chapter of your stories. This allows the readers on fanfiction to know you are still writing, and how to find you for the rest of the story. There is no question that fanfiction .net is probably the site that is most easily found for new readers. But the issues with the site cannot be ignored.
Good for you! I am in total agreement with this decision and since you post in a million other places, we’ll still have easy access to your marvelous stories (always among my faves). Maybe now those idiots will start doing something about their mess.
Dont blame you hun
I totally support your decision!
Thanks so much for leaving that first chapter on ff – it’s how I found this site!
Glad you found me!!! Doesn’t 4padfoot go beautiful work?
I feel the same way Wendy. Between the threat of taking our stories down now this mess with the mirror sites (I haven’t heard from google yet), not to mention people stealing stories. I’m just so done with ffn. As like most of us I’m also posted on fictionpad and TWCS. Also as you said you won’t have to edit for content anymore. I look forward to reading your new chapters and more new stories.
Love ya hon,