It’s Time to READ!!!!!! And Vote…

It’s Time to READ!!!!!! And Vote…

Oh my goodness, the stories that have been submitted, have really entertained me!!!

And I hope you feel the same way!

So here we are, you have until the 20th to read and vote.  Please comment for the writers, for when the contest is over, they can respond to the reviews left by you.  And I can tell you as one who has entered contests before, it always makes a huge smile come to my face to read others, who have no idea who I am, say nice things!!

So, Settle in and open up the contest page you can get through the banner below, and read!!  Some of are long, so be prepared!


I have been working on the banners (while reading these awesome stories!!!  Wow you guys outdid yourselves!!!) but came upon a stumbling block.

I fixed it for one story which I am finally getting to read now, but the other is unable for me to paste into WordPress.  If you submitted a story to me, please check your inboxes for an email.  I need your help to be able to post your story for the contest.

For you guys, My hubby and I came to a compromise, and I have been in the office today and yesterday working on stories.  Unfortunately, I was having a huge issue with my Malware and Word.  They were not allowing me to open Word and I spent last night happy I had a laptop so that I can still work and at the same time work on my desktop.

Right now I am working to get the last of the banners done.

But I will give you a hint for the next contest since I have betas asking already…..

Fairy Tales….

Last Day!!!

If you follow me personally on Facebook, I was a very sick person this week.

For some reason, I get cold like symptoms when I have allergy attacks.  And per everything, I am guessing I am getting sinus infections which is the only thing that makes sense. Plus I was having other things, so I was in bed being drugged into sleeping.  It was so bad I was taking 3 Benadryl along with Sinex.  And it was barely working…

Today is the first day I have felt like a human.  I was kinda excited to go sit in my comfy chair, and maybe write something since I am still very foggy in the brain section to be able to catch my own mistakes and add things correctly when I am that bad.  And would you know my laptop kept shutting down continuously to the point I had to look up how to get into Safe Mode.  Seems there are three of them, and of course, I needed the second one to run McAfee.  It’s running right now while I sit here and write this on the desktop.

Though it did allow me to have time to watch Assasin’s Creed.  And quite a bit of Marvel shows on NetFlix.  I am not sure about Iron Fist though, it just kinda bugs me for some reason, and no, I have not started Luke Cage since I am still in the middle of Jessica Jones.  These are things I never really have time for since I am trying to write.

All entries that have been received just got an email sent saying I received them.  If you sent an entry in and didn’t get a confirmation email, please contact us.  If you asked for an extension, and I have forgotten (which is sooo freaking likely with my drugged up head) Let me know.  I am going to be online for a little bit working on banners for the contest.

And for chapters from me?  I am trying to wrap up some ideas floating in my mind, and I will be releasing them hopefully next week spread out.  Like they used to be…  It seems to work better for me and for you guys.  I can plan better and not just do a huge long list of updates.   It will have to be next week since I am still recovering and need to get these banners done…

Hope to see you soon!

Still time…

Related image

Truly, even if stuck after midnight, let me know.

I am waiting on an entry from someone who submitted an extension, so there is still time, you just need to email me.

For now, I am off to write more chapters of Dying since I was feeling bad this morning and now am literally surrounded by animals.  And me being me, I can’t move the 5lb cat (aka Stormy) on my legs, nor the 10 lb cat (Tucker) half on my shoulder, the other half on the back of my chair.  (Tucker also likes to hit me with his tail if he thinks I am getting up.  Typing is ok, but not much else.  He was around when I started writing on a laptop in a chair much like right now…)

Connor is half on the ottoman and the other half on the couch.  Who knows where Murphy is.  He runs in and out of the room.

Who am I to tell them they need to get up because Mommy wants a shower or to go into the office for doing all the work to publish chapters?

Especially when I can feel the purring they are doing…

So, sorry for no new updates, but hey, I am writing new chapters!

Now back to work.

It’s Time to READ!!!!!! And Vote…


Tomorrow is the last day to get those entries in.

I have already granted one extension, just by someone asking.  Also, if your entry has been received, you should have received a confirmation email back.  If you send anything about the writing contests, you should have received an answer back.

If not, feel free to contact us on one of our other accounts.  We have the betas one: or  Both are checked especially when the writing challenges are happening.

The Betas email is for things that do not concern me, so no sending anything there for me, since I will not see them.  I don’t even have a password for the email, but I do for the challenges now, in case I need something.  But again, that is only checked once a month unless it is around a time for a challenge to be finished.

Now I am off to the other room, hopefully getting better so I can be back in the chair getting some chapters done and some banners for the contest done.