And… a Question

And… a Question


Yeah.. I had them bad today.

I am sitting here trying to decide what to do for the next month contest.  It will be held all next month, and then the stories will be posted from the beginning of March  (depending on the banner needs) and will end as normal on the 15th of the month.

And quite frankly, I need a boost to start.  So I figured I will allow you guys to vote on what you want to see for the contest.  Just know that from there, you cannot have the option again until the others are done.  So yes, this means I will try to host the more unique ones more often, but no promises.  Something always sets them off, a picture, an idea, or even a dream.

Here is your chance to give me feedback on the writing contests as well.

While you do this, I am going to rework chapter 6 of LOTR, then see where the muse leads me tonight.  It’s freaking hot here.  I am used to 20 at night and then 60’s at the hottest.  And in the house it is 75.  Yuck. So I am trying to wait it out until tomorrow when we have the high at 50…  Thank god.

Like I told the ladies in the group, we are still working on trying to get settled from the trip.  I need to work on getting clothes done, then we can have the apple tv back and the chance to go to netflix and watch me some yummy Damon goodness.  Also some Inuyasha and the rest.

So I am off to work, now that the syncs are finally done!!! As well as figure out what graphic card I may need to upgrade to now for Photoshop…. Oi Vey.


I’m back at Home!

I’m back at Home!


But…. I am nowhere close to being ready to do anything on my normal schedule.

My desktop has 7088 downloads for the Google Drive.  And my Laptop is doing 5501.   Then they have to cross sync.

Oi Vey.

The joys of no internet or having only metered.  Next time I will be doing what MKnue suggested and take it to another place and allow it to catch up downloads.

Though, normally this wouldn’t be a problem, but the desktop was ‘updated’ aka restarted by Microsoft.  So it didn’t update as it should have, and even managed to lock out M from his games there.

Hey, when my computer wants to be an asshat, it really does the job well.

But I am sitting here, watching things download, and working out places to put things from the trip.  Cause as normal, I came back with more than I went.   I have lots of new cups, both Tea (aka coffee cups, the nice thick ones too!) and a new tumbler from M.  Now I have enough if it turns cold, I never have to use a coffee mug again.  Though this makes me laugh since I wait for it to cool to just the right temp then drink it madly while trying not to burn myself.

Yep, it’s an art.

Murphy has been overjoyed with us being back.  And not so happy I can catch him being the klepto he has become.   LOL.  It will be interesting tonight when we try to sleep with all the pets jumping in bed…

Stormy was standoffish, but I bribed her with a new scratch pad as well as a treat.  I threw in some expanded sun room in the office and lots of chest scratches.  I finally got a purr from her.

I am looking forward to seeing everything I wrote, tossing it out to betas.  I also got some offers for betaing, so I need to look through them.  But it will have to be tomorrow.  I slept 5 hours on top of luggage.  With stops for bathroom and gas in there.  Needless to stay that now that M has fed me, I am losing steam quickly.  Though I am not sure what to do with all the stuff on the bed…..

The sad thing about vacations.  No matter how restful they were, you need time to rest after them.  Or in my case, the trip back.

I wanted to let you guys know I am back in town, with internet that actually is speedy and not metered.  And that I have ALOT of stuff to download.

So be patient.  I will edit what I have as soon as I can and toss it to the betas.


Things are happening…


Yes, I am still on vacation.  I am still on a metered connection, (which reset thank goodness!).  I will be heading home from AZ on the 23rd of January.

Until then, I am only online when I am actually writing since I use the internet so heavily then.  And to try to save the data until I get home.

However, I am finding that the freedom to write whatever I like has the muse becoming more interested.

Edge 1

Edge has more chapters.  And more to come if I can manage it.  They have been teased in the Facebook group

Love Speaks in Silence

Love Speaks in Silence (sequel to You’re) is started, but I want to watch some vampire diaries to get Damon’s voice right.  IT looks alright when I go back to read, but feels so awkward to write.

Heavenly 1b

Heavenly has one chapter written and teased, with me currently writing another.

All This Time 1

The sequel to All I Want has been started….twice.  Yeah, I scrapped the first start.

So, with the muse working OT, I am writing.  And it seems the way I started out, writing as she hints no matter how much it jumps stories, is the best way for me to work.

Do I like this?  Not really.  I rather finish stories.  But I am finding I am working better, and being able to jump around so much easier.  So it becomes a question of…Writing not often to stay on one story, or write as she dictates.

I think I will write as dictated to.  Since I rather just write!

I also did an origin story for those who are interested in my original Fiction.  Once I get back and can spend more time online to make it all pretty, expect some more posts on that.

If you are interested in being a beta reader for the original fiction, you need to be a member of the Facebook group, and speak with Rissa.

Be patient, we are all on vacation right now, so things don’t get answered right away.

And thanks to all for the well-wishes, as well as being so patient while I am resting.  It has been a great thing though not much as I wanted to get done was actually done.  But being able to start hitting my stride again is feeling great.

And as much as I need some betas for some stories, I prefer them to be on Facebook.  Just cause it is easier to communicate.  It has been the only way for the betas to contact me.  My phone was able to reach Facebook when it couldn’t reach anything else.  Go Figure.

Sacred 1

I need a beta for the story Sacred.  It is not finished but has 30 chapters done.  I want to start editing and getting it ready for posting.

Anyone interested?


Working Away finally!

So I had given up on working what I want. My muse decided that she will work on what SHE wants not what I want. So I am now working on what she wants.
Pesky Muse.
But she is working on one story. I gave a teaser out in the group, and then promptly wrote the next chapter that the betas loved. And am writing the next one. But I don’t think my group much liked the teaser. So we will see if they get more.
For those that don’t follow me on Facebook personally, it snowed here in AZ!!!! Yesterday some big fluffy snowflakes the size of small snowballs coming down. I woke up this morning expecting it gone like the last one, but the ground is mostly white (except for where the dogs and we played). So I am up early, in a warm new comfy U of A sweatshirt, candle lit, Tea made and being drank and working away while all the dogs play around me.

Hope you guys have the same wonderful day for your Friday!


PS.. the story hint is in the categories… lol!

Happy New Year!

Hello Everyone!! The Text is not appearing on my screen, so excuse any mistakes.

I wanted to wish everyone a happy new year, and I will be back at the end of the month, M is pushing this out to the 25th it sounds like. See you then! I’ll see you guys at the end of the month!!!!!