Checking in


Hello, everyone!!!!

I just wanted to let you know that I did survive the weekend.  Saturday was Xmas shopping with in-laws, which was a blast.  No shortcuts were taken, and to be sure M drove.

Yesterday was grocery shopping, then we went to see Xmas Lights.   See, there is a place in Tucson, a subdivision that does up Christmas lights for the whole place.  It’s called Winterhaven.  And there were ALOT of lights.  It has been a thing to do for free in Tucson for years.

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They did an awesome job, there was one corner that was a Griswold Christmas light fight going on, one guy had his yard wired for lights on it, along with everywhere else!


Another had a Frozen theme with soap bubble snow, that looked amazing!


Then there was the mystery of where Royal Ember’s flock had gone for the winter solved.

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There was laughs to be had, along with my nephew being thrilled with lights as well as playing with M.

All in all, I have been busy the entire time I have been here, either resting (like today, too many people at Winterhaven!) or being so busy we had no time.  But this week M and I are all alone at the house, and it might be time for us to relax.

I am on a slow connection, so if you want to talk to me, be patient.  I really have to work on some chores this week, mostly making cookies and chocolate covered cookies, my peanut butter rice crispies dipped in chocolate, crunch berries treats, snicker doodles, chocolate covered pretzels.   And wrapping for people.  Since I am OCD on wrapping, everyone trusts me to do it for them.  lol!

I had forgotten the cards to mail out for the Xmas cards exchange, so I bought new ones, and will send out them as I receive the cards.  Sorry, I had to forget something!  This time was a little more than normal.  I was excited to get here!

Now I am off to write.  Hopefully, some fun stuff that you guys will like!


Results are in!

Results are in!


I am sending this out, even with it erroring out on me.   Hopefully, 4Padfoot can fix the error on the home page of the contest.

As most of you know, I am in AZ, and on a metered connection that is better than what I am using now.  However, the metered connection, 9 days in, is 75% used.  The only thing I can think of is the Windows 10 or maybe the game I am playing though it is NOT online.

So I have the one that they have here.  There is a reason that I do not like to use it often since it is slower than molasses.

I am having a wonderful time!!! It snowed here, enough that we actually have some left on the edges of things. And the stairs are a menace to me since they ice over every night.  But nights like tonight, when I can go out and see the millions of stars with my naked eye, make it where I love this place.

I have been resting, playing games, reading some (since the stupid iPad….grr!!).  I am also going out with people sometimes, sleeping in, laughing so hard my tummy hurts and so on.  I am cooking, which thrills his parents to death.  LOL!  And it looks like I am doing Christmas dinner here.

I have also written the first chapter of the sequel to All I Want.  It drops a bomb on your guys from the start, and I am looking forward to seeing where the muse takes me on this one!

I also finally got my laptop up to where I could do the banners.  I had a slight issue with getting the sizing box to come up but finally got it to turn on.  Since I had done all the names on the banners before I left, it was simple.  Except… That is when I got the notification that the data was running out, and since that data includes the phones, I need it!

But I finally got it all to work, and fixed the names on the pages, added the banners, only to have the homepage of the contest not allow me to update it.  Grrr…..

So while I can, I am sending this out.


Congratulations to our 1st place:

The Snow Globe 2


Thanks for the Distraction 1 Blueguju


A Viking and a Swan Falling Stars 1


Dreams 1 idream3223

I have to reiterate, I loved doing the banners to these stories!!!  The only one I am disappointed in is The Snow Globe since I actually had it snowing inside the snow globe.  If I get the chance, I will see if the laptop will render it better than the desktop.

And that last call for you guys to vote?  Thanks!!! It was a clear win, and in fact, I think you changed the results!  Wow!!! When I asked for votes, you answered!

Authors, thanks so much for submitting, I was stunned to see the diversity in the entries, as well as when I found who wrote what.  None of them did I guess right.  NONE.  Thanks for entering, as well as giving me a fun time making the banners! Without the entries, this would not be much of a contest! You can answer the reviews, as well as post the stories on your sites.

And readers, thanks for leaving reviews for the ladies who wrote!!  Without you reading and voting, there would not be anyone entering!!!

Please keep an eye out for when I return, I will be doing a new contest at that time.

For now, have a Happy Holidays.  I will be sporadically online on Facebook, but probably not here.  It takes forever to pull up Facebook alone, and this one?  Actually it is faster, but I am not wanting to waste the data doing it unless I am saving to this place.

Now I have to deal with M. He is trying to tell me that he is Natsgirl.  Sure sweetie…  But he is pouting.  Personally I think he is getting too used to everyone picking on each other, and thought to have fun, until he found the name of the author… Not that he wanted to claim any of the others.  *snickers*.  Enjoy!


Poll’s reopened!

Yep, we have a three-way tie for one of the places, and we have opened the polls back up for you to vote.

So get in here and vote!! The poll is on the post page on the sidebar.

The other places are not close, but your actions may affect them also!!!!

So help us out, and let’s get some votes in so I don’t have to put a deciding vote (like I ever do, but it sounds good right?)

I’m online for awhile, going off to write….


Last Chance!!!

Last chance to vote!!!!  Voting ends on 12/15!!!!!

Let’s get those votes and reviews in, let these wonderful authors know that you liked/loved their story!!

I would load the link, but I am unable to get the things to work while on this thing.  Sorry.


About to leave!!


I am excited.  I have about 15 minutes until the last rush to get those pesky last items to the car, and then Connor.

Who is sticking to me like white on rice.  No worries, Puppin, you are coming.

Please don’t forget to read and vote on the stories! It is closing this Tuesday.  Get the word out!!!

Click on the banner as always, and have a great holidays!

Check out the signature I made myself the other day….

#playingWithPhotoshop #MultilayerFun


*Kitty runs away before 4Padfoot catches me*