Merry Christmas!

I’m doing this on the iPad app, so I have no idea what I can do. But I wanted to say Merry Christmas!! As a present, there is hidden a one shot on the site. Many thanks to Karen aka Meridian for betaing this chapter, though she did send it back to me, demanding parts to be added.

Clues are in the Facebook Group. Just a reminder, Facebook gets notices first, then WordPress who is the only one getting the full chapter. I will link the chapter and publish on other sites before the new year.

But I hope you have had a Merry Christmas, or whatever you celebrate. (Since I do celebrate Russian Christmas…. I have quite a few days to wait. Though it is more of a nod to my father and I’s heritage.). I will be back to work after tomorrow since we are having Santa visit tonight for my nephew who couldn’t do it this morning….. Should be fun!!

Enjoy hunting, and I will see you in less than a week!!

