Hump Day!!!!

Chapter 2_edited-1

And no, it aint no Camel day.  No matter what GEICO  tries to tell us.  Nope.  So…. Guess what?  You get two updates today!!!!  Anyone complaining?  If so, direct all comments to…  Never mind.  Huge thanks to both Meridian and Mknue for betaing! Pick your poison that you wish to start off with.

Chapter 9_edited-1

Now for the updates of what is going on.  Yes. I missed the Sunday post.  I was ordered off the computer, not allowed to do anything on Sunday, and let me tell you, it was GLORIOUS! I actually took a nice nap, and got up to date on Chamber of Secrets so I can go back to writing my Harry Potter.  Ideas are springing up everywhere. This has taught me the benefit of taking some time out for myself, so I will schedule the Sunday posts for you guys from now on.  Which would be better since anything I hear of True Blood disgusts me right now to the point I want to go nowhere close to the computer or TV.

All I Want may.. MAY get another update this week.  I am doing my edit thing, and I am in front of the beta.  I am thinking that Monday’s will be a great day to update this fic. The tentative schedule being Mondays – All I Want, Wednesdays – I Never…Did and Fridays will be Heavenly (HP/Twilight).  The other stories will be up for the Betas to decide on.  Heavenly is still in the writing time, but I am thinking to finish it after I finish AIW, as well as some contest entries from friends that have them out there.  I am thinking a one shot to be inserted somewhere also.  Hey editing is NOT my favorite thing to do.  But if I handed you guys the story without the edits, it would not be detailed, and my characters are cardboard cut outs talking to each other.  Well, maybe not that bad anymore, but yes.  When I write, I am doing a very rough draft.

After AIW is done editing, we have some short fics coming before I drift away to write.  Oh yeah What If.  The first half will be edited and then I will finish that one.  Then work on my Original Fiction, then In The End.. and Edge.  I have 8 stories in the works people.  Let me write and you will get them sooner.  IND will be worked on in spurts, that hopefully you will never see. If I get what I want, then you guys will get some truly epic stories done.

Just a reminder to let others know.  This weeks AIW and IND will NOT be updated to FF, FictionPad and AO3 until next week.  TWCS gets theirs earlier.  Someone is nice to do it for me.  Friends don’t let friends read a chapter behind!

Contest time!!!!

Yes, last month I know I opened it up to you guys late.  However, you are getting this the second day of the month.  Should be enough time to think up something.  Here are the pics that are the prompt for this month:

I call them my Angels Through the Fire Series.  Here is the deal:

This month the contest is to write a fic (One shot or it can be the beginning of a story, just indicate which) based on one of the pics up above.  Here is the catch. If you have another character you would write on, ask me to render it for you. For instance, Kelpie wanted Hook, she got a say on the pic used, and what the wings will look like. However, she owes me a story for the contest. But once a character has been added, you are free to enter under that character.  For more information as well as the rules, where to send the files and so on, click here.  Remember, I gain nothing by this.  I will be making the banners and so on, this is to help you guys.

Also, the Non-Canon awards has me interviewing people.  I am still on Meridian, but we got a little more organized over there.  Expect to see me at least on Tuesdays for sure.  For the record, so far I reviewed 2 stories and some one shots, and in return, Meridian has turned one One-Shot to a story and updated the last story I reviewed, Decisions.  Keep clicking on them to get more.

I can’t forget the Amazon, since really guys, clicking though it does everything for me, and may give you additional discounts for using it.  It costs you nothing, and if you bookmark the page after you go through my link, it will always give credit.  I hate bringing this up, but when I stopped, the sales went way down.  So thanks for helping contribute to the site by doing nothing but using the link and buying what you would normally do through Amazon.  For more information, click on the Amazon banner on the side menu.

Expect things to change, I am getting bored of the side menu content, and I like the look of pictures more.  I already changed some stuff, so expect there to be more.

I can’t think of anything else right now.. Oh yeah.  While I was busy writing this, the Facebook group has been clicking away at the stories.  I replaced the words on the side menu with a banner for you to click and it will take you to the group.  Join, and you can get special advance notice when chapters will be posted, as well teasers. For instance, last night they were treated to a teaser from next week’s chapter for AIW.  Just saying…



Wednesday!! Oh Wednesday!!!

Chapter 8_edited-1

I know you guys love this day more than any other.  It is the start of a posting week for me, so it is when all you loyal followers of the site get the new chapters.  Aint life grand being a follower of this site?

I am right now working on getting all the chapters I have for this story edited, so I can work on AIW faster.  Then I can write more and edit more on this then move on to Wisdom and so on.  Yes this is a WIP fic and will be written on it.  It’s just getting started people.

I am also rereading Chamber of Secrets so I can move forward on the HP fic.  I do it at the gym since it is the only time I can read without being bothered.  Well mostly.  I have to go early tomorrow since I have to drive on the other side of Houston, to a town called Katy.  An hour to two hours drive.  All to see a doctor.

I am moving forward with getting stuff done, looking forward to the next writing period.  I have my betas staring up with requests for their favorites to be updated.  And they know how to push the buttons.


Ok some housekeeping stuff.  Amazon.  If you buy through Amazon, save the link in the pages.  AS long as you use that as your gateway into the site, it will give me credit.  Save it as your link to Amazon instead of the old one.  It costs you nothing, and is giving me credit for you using my link as your gateway. they pay me for referring you to them.  Nothing more nothing less.  Buying a Kindle book?  Yep go through the link.  It all adds up and helps support this site.  I pay for all this out of my own pocket.  It may not seem like much to you, but for us it is a huge deal.

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The Kill Bill 2 contest is wrapping up this week.  Friday is the last day, so read those stories and VOTE!!! The vote is on the side also to make it easy.  You can only vote once, but that makes each and everyone of them count more.  This is NOT a popularity contest, so the names are withheld.  Vote for the story you like best.  Winners will be announced on Saturday.

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The writing challenges are for your benefit.  Not mine.  I make all the banners now, I have to read the stories so I can get the banners right.  Robin sets up the links, as well as make the voting polls.  There is nothing in this for me, but I do them to help people realize they can write, to make that first time hitting publish easier on them.  Or maybe you have writers block?  This month I am going to try something, and I will post the information for the contest on the page early.  You can submit your entries to the  Its new so no worries for any transferring this month.  The other email is still checked.  Click on the above banner to be taken to the guidelines and prompts for this month.

Thanks for all the reviews on All I Want!! My betas are also enjoying it, they were shocked since the new chapter that you guys got was much bigger than the original.

Now.. I think I have let you guys read enough.  I am off to go back to editing, and using the reviews you send me to inspire the next chapters.


What day is this??

Im so lost.  Days are turning around on me as I work to get everything done.  hmm.. ::Cocks her head to the side as Meridian whispers in her ear:: “No, I don’t need another story.  I have one bugging me from a Gif I saw and no!”  Meridian laughs then whispers something else.  “Oh!!!

Chapter 7 of IND_edited-1

Umm.. It’s Update Wednesday!!! So yes.  The banner above tells you another chapter of I Never…Did is ready for you to read. This has some of the questions you are asking answered.  And the reason why they are answered.

I have also just finished the Mummy part one.  So I have the Harry Potter fic left.  I have been working on multiple things.  I am getting the database started with the recs and so forth so look for things to be changing there.  I also read All I want, and will start editing it. From there I will go and update all the stuff I can find.


This is a group that their sole purpose is to let the fans know their favorites are being updated in one place.  They come out nightly, and if you tell them of a author you like, or story, they will follow it and let you know when they update.  It is also a great way to find new stories. Go over and look at what they got!  They also have a Facebook page.

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Crossover Haven.  The site is out there, and we are not getting much on it.  Tell us why!  we can’t fix what we don’t know is issues.  Tell us what would make it better and we will try to get it working for you.

Same with the food blog.  I have stepped back, having way too much on my plate.  I am writing ALOT of stories, and you guys all want yours next.  27 stories is nothing to sneeze at, and I am actively trying to get them all updated.  I note what you guys want, and I shuffle in fan favorites as I can.   NOTHING is abandoned.  But I do need to get my Original Fiction out.

I helped start a lot of these, but the idea was that I would help start it, and hand it off to the ladies who make it all work.  I knew I could not do it all, and that time has come.  I’m human.

I also needed to take a step back since I am doing the interviews for the TB/SVM world.  It is not as easy as you think, and I will be working on the first review of a story tomorrow.  (Too much on my plate tonight!)

I write these the day before, needing them in place in case something happens.   There is a whole world working behind the scenes, and many people working together to make this site work.  Often these are written ahead of time, with editing as things change.

On that note, I will also be updating the Rec lists soon.  Give me some time, it will take awhile to get it all in a place that I can export and import from FF.  From there I will try to go to the Blogs I am interviewing and work from there.

My board is busy with my next steps, and even my betas are starting to look askance on me.  But I am working on them and will get things caught up soon.  I hope.

I Have updated the contest pages, and they will be live as soon as our awesome WordPress whisperer gets a chance.  I’m working her hard.  Sorry!  I do have the winner of last month’s, Bertie Bott, also in the there, so keep an eye out for the updates there.  Here is the Banner I made for her story:

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I am also going to be updating the banner page.  There is soo much going on, and you guys only see the tip of the iceberg.  If you want to keep up more with our happenings, please join the Facebook group.  They got the notice that I Never Did was up a couple of hours ago.  There is teasers happening with the new Harry Potter crossover I am doing, as well as a suitor thread for them to debate on.  It’s getting lively, and I am enjoying the discussions.  So join us.  The link is on the side, but I will add it here.

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Enjoy the chapter and I will see you Sunday, if not before!


New Chapter of I Never…Did

Chapter 6_edited-1

This is going to be short, and to allow Meridian to post when she gets time.

I will be gone for a little while, only getting on sparingly (if my brain allows me to sleep).  Seems I have a fever now.  ::head bangs on the desk::  Cool desk…. What was I saying?  Oh yeah, me sick.  Taking sick day.

If you haven’t found it yet, there is a new website out there courtesy of Gyllene and 4Padfoot.  They are posting what updates they know of.  Sign up to follow, and let them know who you would like to be added to the list.  It is a relief to find them all in one place now.  And to know of new ones!


Just a reminder that this is the site that gets all the new chapters up to a week ahead, and the other sites get them when we post.  Except TWCS, but that is because of LadyKT.  She is awesome!!

My Facebook page has the teaser for the new story that is haunting my mind.  Click the link, and you are more than welcome to sign up.

I have received two stories for the Kill Bill contest, and as soon as I can, I will try to get them banners and loaded up.

4Padfoot updated the Amazon link.  Remember, that using the link for me will give me credit for referring you and cost you nothing.  It pays for the upkeep of the site.

I am off to bed, and hoping that I can survive the night.  Thanks!


Kittyinaz survived the night, but she’s still a sick kitten, so I’m posting this on her behalf so that she doesn’t have to worry about it, AND I’m posting early because I have yet MORE summer thunderstorms dancing over my head (in MY area, these kinds of storms tend to take out the power and the wifi)…

Have a nice one,




What’s this? A New Chapter?

Chapter 5_edited-4

Yep!  And it is for I Never…Did.   Here is the deal, I wanted to do a chapter, that turned into 7.  The reviews on this one made me think.  And you got this for it.

See, I Never…Did is a truly awesome story, and has nothing to do with the other 20 stories in my head.  It is a clear what if situation.  And… it is what brought 4Padfoot to us.  Man… What an awesome trade off.  I would not be as able to get as far as I have gone without her on the site.  All for one story.

It was planned to be a stress outlet for me, to allow me to escape a story to write a few on it.  Then Meridian took it over since 4Padfoot had much more important things to do.  Like figure out my site.  I still am amazed at 4Padfoot‘s ingenuity.  And this story has been that, a stress outlet.

Until I got all these reviews asking about Bill’s reaction, and I started thinking, then dreaming and thinking more.  I decided that I would write a chapter maybe two to tide us all over until I am done with stories and sent them off to the Betas.  I can add more as time needs it.

Then… ideas flew through my brain so fast it wasn’t funny.  I impressed some new ladies to the beta group.  See, they are my first readers.  I save everything to WordPress to make sure it is always backed up, and to allow them the treat to read the stuff before I edit.  And they were shocked I wrote over 8k words in a weekend.  4 chapters.  Sometimes I can even do that in a day.  Depends on the music, the words and the movie and interruptions.  But when it is all flowing, well you can interrupt me all you like and it really does nothing to slow me down.  And remember these are all rough drafts.

And let me tell you, Meridian has EARNED that 2nd Place Eagle Eye Award as a beta for me, as well as her nickname of The Muse Whisperer.  To have all that AS WELL as being THE beta on the story.  Well.  It’s lethal.  And I reminded her why she loves the story.  So she is bouncing all over the place, thrilled about Character Banners, about Banners and the chapters.  It is awesome.  She reminds me why Betas are ducking awesome all around.  The enthusiasm and so on.  And the request of more please.

Now, don’t get me wrong, there are lots of people on my beta team who love this story.  4Padfoot eagerly eats up the chapters, and missrissa81.  Well.  missrissa81 gets so happy you can’t help but grin.  missrissa81 is the type of person you want on your Beta team.  She will cheer you on.  Want to do a new crossover?  Hell yeah!! She is there reading it.  Thinking of a one off?  Can I have more instead?  And.. she is one of the few people who can keep up with ALL my stories and to work on making sure they are all being on track.  I will not be another CH.  Nope. Not with her.

So.. you guys are getting this chapter, with the hope I will be back in time to do the next one, but I have told Meridian to go ahead since I am not finding hardly anything to change.  A rarity with me I promise!

As you are reading this after Meridian posts it, I will be getting things packed and so on for the trip to Tucson.  We will be leaving Thursday around noon if everything works out right.  I will be leaving sometime Monday to come back.  We prefer to drive at night, it is easier than driving the desolate waste of space between San Antonio and Tucson.  Not a fun trip since most of the time will be spent driving, then with funerals.  Never fun.

I have the enjoyment of announcing two new Betas,  one is known, MistressJessica.  She has agreed to beta The Best is Yet to Come (yes, the chapter is out and being worked on by Kelpie and her side of things).  Its never a good idea to try to beta when you are writing the story.  And not when you have two writers who love the story, but one writes in present and one write in past tense.  This will make sure we stop worrying.  The second is kbhotz.  She is the beta for Tin Man.  I am looking forward to working with either of them.  We are always taking applications for betas.  We have a test, and you also get to work with a beta who has been with us for awhile.  And since I came up with 5 new ideas just this writing period, no one gets bored.  The benefits is having access to all my chapters, even those I wrote the rough draft for.

With the new additions, well I am also promoting someone too.  For so long, we have called Meridian the Queen of the Betas.  But there has been a third there at all times helping.  Bertie Botts.  She has been mentoring, helping out, listening to me rant, to brainstorm with (She really is very much like me!!) and so on.  She is the one that is I turn to If Meridian cannot help me at the time.  So we have elevated her to Crown Princess.  And then the rest of the ladies got named my princesses.  LOL.  Fun times, but they really are unselfish, awesome ladies who give of their time to help my stuff be readable.  They listen to all I say and we help each other out.   So they are to me, the royalty of betas.  And mine!   (For those that don’t know my place, well I am the Empress of My Universes.  Really.  It’s my job per Facebook!)

We held the Banner Contest for the Kittyinaz’s Group and for the Facebook Page.  Now remember, this is a group only contest, and its quite free to join the group. (Click on the note on the side menu over there~~>)  We have loads of fun.  This month, the banner page here got a lot of entries and examples of why the ladies got not only nominated, but won their Van Gogh’s!  I was shocked when one of my banners won, and the other, well I am not surprised about. I thought it would be a contest between 4padFoot and Gyllene.

2nd Entry for 0514_edited-1

1st place and the Banner for Kittyinaz’s Group in Facebook

Gyllene Banner 1

2nd place and the Banner for the Facebook Page for Kittyinaz, that is connected to this site.

Unfortunately the news of Marty’s uncle being so sick came when the awards were announced, and I couldn’t get anything in me to crow that I won first in the Crossovers in the You Want Blood.  It was the only one I crossed my fingers on that I would win on this one since I read Skin Deep, Ladies Night out, and I heard that the other one is awesome.  I was amazed when I got the results for the categories and that I placed high on them.  5th or 6th.  And when you are going against the writers I was, well.  Not to be dead last was a huge achievement for me.  Yes, I am Kittyinaz and I have low-self esteem.  Ask my betas.  I publish, cause I want to read them later.  But I am shocked when you guys like them.  And to nominate me?  Hell yeah!!!


So while I deal with the sad things, you guys will get I Never Did chapters.  And get ready for a ride.  I did a lot of research and did a lot of looking hard at some actors.  Such a hard job to look at guys to find my characters.  So hard…..

So enjoy!  And leave some reviews so I can have a smile as I hurdle towards Tucson at posted speed limits.  Yeah… Sure.  I have some ocean front property in Arizona if you believe that.


Addendum from Meridian:

First, I’m sorry that Wendy has suffered yet another loss in her family.  ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!


Third, while I totally understand the low self-esteem thing, I can see ABSOLUTELY no reason for Wendy to even know the word.  She’s first and foremost an awesome lady, who is an awesome writer, who is an awesome friend, who is an awesome inspiration, who is an awesome animal lover, who is an awesome daughter/wife/puppy- and kitty-mommy…  Really, she’s a joy to work with and I’m proud to call her a friend.

Fourth, I adore IND (*confession:  I’m the MISTRESS of the art of laziness and will absolutely abbreviate all story titles…IND = I Never…Did) and am loving the chance to beta it as well as all the others I was able to get my greedy little beta-paws on, too.

Fifth, Bertie Bott has been an awesome help – going way above and beyond – and truly does deserve recognition for being “third in charge”.   She is extremely intelligent, capable, patient, creative, and supportive, plus she’s one of the nicest people you’ll ever virtually meet.  She is a very talented writer in her own right, so check out her stories!

Sixth, go read this latest chapter of IND and enjoy!



New Aos Si Chapter and a New Chapter for I Never…Did

Yep a two for one.   As many you know, I normally like to split these up into separate posts.  But for today, bear with me.  the pictures below will lead to their relative story.

As some of you may have noticed yesterday, WordPress was having issues.  Due to this happening, my Beta team leaped into the mess that is my site, and quickly realized when I told them I spent ALOT of time on my WordPress, I wasn’t kidding.  Luckily one of my Betas, 4PadFoot, well she is a secret lover of websites.  She got on her computers, and went to town to try to fix the issue.

Since then, I have talked with her, and she is happily taking over the website maintenance for me.  I will have writing, editing and making these posts left for me to do.  Can we say I did the snoopy dance?  Cause I did that, and have no problem admitting it.

So for the future, the site may be changing.  She is taking all the comments people are making for her input, since the site does not always look the same on all devices.  So meander over here and leave her a message on how awesome it looks, or if you have a suggestion.  Themes will be cycled through as we try to find one that will work as we wish, then she will be doing all those little things I never find the time to do.

Also. I am writing out Aos Si as fast as I can.  Once I am done with it, I plan to go back and really work on it when I go to AZ for a couple of weeks in December.  None of the stories are being forgotten.  I have ED ready for me to edit and hand off.  You’re is next on deck and so on.  I figure you want chapters, not filler until I get the time to write it.  So be patient.  This little fic I am writing is for to send out to try to see if I can write in other forums.  Since I write chaptery outlines, it takes awhile.  But I have not forgotten any of them and they will be all worked on!

Lots of things going on behind the scenes.  We are getting more organized, realizing that with all the readers we have, we gotta make this good!  So thanks for reading!!!

First up: Aos Si – Sean McMillian


Name: Sean McMillian, Age: 24 Species: Human Other Half: Kelly Thorpe

Bio: Sean is an Air Force Brat.  He has moved as many times as Andrea as his family moves from base to base. He had developed a love for genetics, they seem to be a great question of what is out there.  For him, he finds them easier than most. He had been in his senior year when he met Andrea.  He had to take a health class that he had somehow missed all this time, and he has never regretted it.

Over time, he has been very close to Andy, her mind amazes him as well as how she has opened up under the loving care from the group.  He knew Jason from rumors, but seeing the so called playboy fall so hard for the tiny girl had made him laugh.  Since then, Jason and Sean have become close.  Sean is also responsible for the group to get the credits for the college level classes they are going through.  He has also, over time become very fond of Andy’s best friend, Kelly.  He is the leader of those who have stayed around the group after graduation.  He is also the one who the group turns to with medical issues.  His calm demeanor is often a lie, hiding a mischievousness that is equally matched by Jason often.  And even though he is older, he and the rest of his group fall under Jason’s leadership.

Played by: Luke Mitchell

Next:  I Never…Did

Alexander Skarsgard 25

We got another chapter of this story ready to go!

Just a reminder, The links and such are going to be done by the Web Admin.  I have another of my ladies, who is in charge of the Betas, Meridian, who is going to spread my stories to the other sites.  So, my job is mostly to write and write and write.  Also Edit in there also.  I will be out of the house for once, so enjoy these presents! Thanks for your patience.
