So today started off crappy. I was very upset, and had considered taking myself off Facebook completely. I decided to stay away instead, since I do more than sit on there, I run my group, and I chat with the Betas on it. It is how we talk and communicate.
See, I fucked up yesterday. I made a mistake and pissed off some very good friends. I don’t often make huge public apologies, cause let’s face it, I am of the species Homo Sapiens. And we don’t’ admit when we mess up often. But I did. So I apologized yesterday aka this morning, and I am doing it here, since my fuckup was on here.
But today, 4Padfoot was hitting the messenger, and I caught it once by accident, something about my video being worked on. I smiled, but went on reading What If so I can work on the edits, ignoring the Messenger while on my iPad. Then…She told me it was done.
I couldn’t stay away after that.
The Kittyinaz household only has myself and the pets home. And ironically, they are all here in the office while I worked. However, the dogs were running around earlier as I squealed, then squealed again and again as I watched the video. Anyone passing by may wonder what was going on. LOL!
Since my belief in the world is upright, and I am not kicking myself heavily for a mistake I made, I finished up the banner finally for Light up the Path. Seriously, this past week really has been bad with Drama, and last night was the last straw. I couldn’t make a banner for the chapter all week, and have some BAD examples of how badly they sucked that I promptly deleted once I made the one that worked. Oi Vey.
Before that mess up happened, I played with the site. I got the Amazon ads to run. Now here is some information… Off to the right, you will see a mp3 player. For now, this will showcase the song from every story current. Yes, that means when you go into the latest chapter for any story, the song snippet is there. If you decide to buy any from there, they can be added to iTunes or any place. And yes, it credits me. The ads also link to the product and give me credit. If you click on any and go from that spot to shopping, I get credit for the entire purchase.
Thank you all for your support during Christmas since it is going to be used to help the site. We are thinking about adding music for each chapter and so forth. I am also replacing the home page banners to reflect the current stories being updated. If you click on the banner showed, it will take you to the cover page for the fic. I am thinking of having contests to replace those banners on the Facebook Group. This time, I did them, but I am going to start a thread on the group, and Open it for others to showcase their talents.
I have also done away with the chapters on the side, since it was getting to be ludicrous. I am also looking for any suggestions. As for the ads, if you want space on the site, we can talk. Betas, as a thank you, get free advertising. I have thought about leaving doing a spot for donations, for those that don’t shop Amazon.
So where am I on the whole editing process? I have finished LoTR, and Game of Life. I am working on What If right now, and then I will be doing the following: Edge, (yes the sequel to Ed!!) Dying to Start Again, ITE, Clocks, Revelations, Tin Man, and Best. When I think I am done, I will be double checking all the documents, and making sure that there are no more chapters hidden up my sleeve. Everything will be sent to the Betas.
Then I will be taking a break to work on my database for the recs. I am participating in HisViks’s WordPress idea. I will be donating all the fics I have recommended once I get done adding them to the database. Well all the TB/SVM. I know many of you are wondering why am I doing it. See, I read. ALOT. And to update the Rec pages, was a lot of work. Since you guys hit it up so much, I wanted to make it easier to update. I also wanted to add the blog stories as well. It is a slow process now, but once it is done, it will be adding as I go. I also needed this to be done before awards come up.
As for the awards, well let me tell you, I have huge respect for anyone who does them!! You truly need to know the fandoms to do this. As much as I read True Blood and SVM, there were still some fics I never heard of nor the authors, and luckily someone in the group of ladies who did it, knew them. WE had planned to do it for all the fandoms that had vampires in it, but frankly, we ran out of time. I would love to do the other fandoms, but I don’t know Vampire Diaries enough, and need more than me for Twilight. I though of doing one for crossovers only, but again, need more than me.
Now for the stuff you have been waiting on, I have two chapters for today, and the video!!!
Ok.. First, Don’t forget to read, comment and vote on the stories you like for last month’s Writing Challenge, nor forget the new challenge.
Light up the Path (There is only one more chapter left!)
And the video for Every Dark Night:
Every actor on the character page is in here. Can you find them all?
Yep. It’s THAT chapter, the one that ends the first book. Karen has had it up since midnight, and she let the ladies on Facebook group know about it while I slept peacefully in bed.
I know you probably ain’t going to read the rest of this, but here it is. Next week, and the week after that, all betas are off work. If they happen to post, then all the good for all of us. But other than that, don’t expect no posting from our site. The Holidays are a special time and family is supposed to be number one, no matter if it is blood family, or a family you have made for yourself.
Good news/Bad news time. Tonight at midnight the voting on the five questions ends on Facebook. ED’s Eric is the lucky guy to be interviewed. I am also looking to finish All I Want this week. Looking at the thing after mapping out what needs to happen, well I seemed to have written myself into a trilogy or even 4 books with this one. But it will be finished!
We have a beta for OUaT, Yeah!! She is reading through the story and as soon as I can get with Robin, we will be adding her name to the Betas list. Please say a hearty welcome to RealJena. And check out her site!!! (Click on her name!) I am going to work on the next chapter to send to Sharon once I finish this fic this week.
After this is You’re, and then I will edit All I want, then Aos Si, edit You’re work on the sequel to ED. And so on. I am finishing fics. I am trying to get to the point I am writing, and there is work for the betas at the same time. I have so many stories to catch up on! But I will be working on them, even though I am fighting MamaKitty on her story, she really wants me to write up one I came up with while entertaining her. It kinda amazed her the fact I could sit there and tell her my story to keep her entertained.
So for now, you settle down, read the last installment of Every Dark Night, knowing there will be sequels following as soon as I get these other trilogies started also. When I start a new story, you will get it once it is done. Yeah?
Other things I need to touch on:
The food blog is up and running. I have been using it heavily on vacation to cook for my inlaws, and we will be cookie diving soon. My aunt has given me her Taste of Home magazine and Light Cooking for me to send to the food blog, (With all credits) so there is a lot of stuff Megan is working on getting into there.
This is award season! The Diamond awards are open for the nominations, and the Bloodthirsty Awards are open for voting. Go vote!!! BertieBotts Thirsty is up also! Please vote for us… How can you deny Connor?
The Amazon Partnership is fully up and running. Right now it is giving me some percentage you pay, and there is no difference in how you pay, just how you get to the site. Marty and his mom tested this by using my link and going through it, and not using my link. No difference in the price, but one way pays me for referencing you to the site, the other, Amazon gets all the money. The monies will be going towards this site, and paying back my generous husband for his money he has paid towards the site until now. Guaranteed arrival is if you order by midnight today, so have at it! Link is on the side, and later we may dedicate a page to the Partnership. It has been telling me about sales and such for the future.
Feel free to contact the Betas if you spot a mistake, or have questions for them. They set up an email just for this purpose. Also we are still looking for Betas, so if you want Bennies like being able to read ahead, and hear me talk and plan, get ahold of Karen aka Meridian and she will administer the tests to you. No worries, she makes me take the damn tests too.
Also please take the time, along with me to acknowledge the great time and effort these ladies give. They give up the time of their free time to look over these chapters and have been there in ways you cannot imagine when RL has gone to complete hell with me. They stepped up and took over so much to allow me the ability to write and edit. Without these ladies, this would be nowhere near as nice a site (Thanks 4PadFoot!) nor would the stories be edited to the degree they are! (Thanks Ladies, Alicia, Mags, Robin, Karen, Rissa, Sharon, Marnie, Ashley, Ellyn, Jena, Molly, Hattie and Nicole!) And special thanks to Rissa for catching any errors making sure I don’t spend all my time going back over my stories to make sure there are no Continuity Errors, and Sharon for making so many of the Banners here and on the Facebook site.
Facebook group is where I hang out. There is a link on the side if you wish to join. I’m on spotty internet, but I try!!!!
Enjoy the chapter, and the holidays. No throwing rotten fruit or eggs to me, Karen put a shield up, cannot get the inlaws house so messy.
Yep, and it has been up for awhile, to allow stalkers to the site to have first access. Then I announced it to the Facebook ladies. And now you have it.
Fanfiction, Fiction Pad and all the rest will only get the chapters after today. This will be the norm for all stories from here on out. As you guys know, Fanfiction gets edited chapters, but the rest, get the whole version.
I have bad and good news for you. There is one chapter left. And the sequel is started. But… I am no longer posting until I finish a story. So you will need to wait. I will try to get to it as soon as I can. I have the one I am working on, which is a E/S/G trying to fix the fuckups from TB. I have figured in making it two stories, the second one a kinda fixing of the books. Not exactly, since I never read the books, told not to since the last book would make or break it. Or even telling me when to stop reading. So once I am done, I will finish You’re the first book, then come back to edit this.
Then I HAVE to finish Aos Si. I will try to work on Edge next.
So give me time, and you will have plenty of stories, and once I am done writing them, you will not need to wait this long ass time again. Sorry, but I am trying!!
So enjoy this next to last chapter, and I will go back to writing All I Want.
First up for your enjoyment is the next chapter of ED! Many huge thanks to Meridian aka Karen for getting that done and adding pics since my internet sucks! No throwing tomatoes, there is not many chapters left, you guys will finish this story this year. And then wait until I write the next one.
Yes, that is my plan, to write them completely out before doing another one. I have one being written, I was going for the November thingie, but RL didn’t let up on me, and was worse. So now I am trying to work on it, finish it. It will be another E/S/G, not that it started out like that, but hey. I am trying to fix True Blood, so it is interesting. A lot of huh’s and WTF’s is going to be fixed. The story premise is unique, so I like to see it done and started to be posted for it.
Then You’re. This other story came about when I first got the news of my Mom’s cancer and how much more risk I was all of a sudden. I couldn’t concentrate on any story that I had at the time, and that November thingie had just begun. So yeah, I got encouraged by my Betas to write it, saying I need to get away from it all. I REALLY want to write You’re so, I am working towards that.
When I am done with You’re then comes the editing of the new story, so you can read that every Wednesday. Then I will finish Aos Si, then edit You’re. Seeing a pattern here? Yeah that is the pattern I am trying to stick to. I am finally in the right mood to write What If, so I am hopefully going to start that so I can finish it. The plan is to finish all the fics I have, since I know you guys are wanting your favorites. Shit I want them too!! I love getting back into the minds of the characters for them. So we will be working on that.
Again, there is a call out for a Beta for OUaT. There are tests involved, but Karen, the Queen of the Betas is in charge of that. Contact her through the email, or join the group and talk to her there. I have no say so in the Betas. I have lucked out so much in my group of them, but some instances with the original stories I am writing taught us a lesson. Be careful. So I will put call outs to the Betas, and if none of them pick it up, then we go outside to add to the ladies. There are many benefits. You get added to the chat, the group and are allowed to read the site of the stories which I store EVERYTHING On it. So if you are thinking, I want to be a Beta, and I love reading ahead and chatting with Wendy on the other stories, come be a part of us!
The Amazon partnership link is on the side. And I forgot to tell you guys, it costs you $0. It is simply paying me for directing the traffic from my site there. Nothing more, nothing less. I need to help with the costs to the website so that Hubs doesn’t have a coronary. Please, help me prevent a coronary for him.
Food Blog, yeah. Why are you hesitating in visiting? We are adding to it as we go. I made the biscuits and stew last night and am making the Monterrey Spaghetti for dinner tonight. Soo much yums happening and my in laws are thrilled. When I get the chance, I am getting the recipe from my mother in law for her scalloped potatoes. Since I have come, they make tons of it. I will also get the pistachio pudding for my hubs and the turkey/chicken burritos she makes from the leftover turkey and chicken. So I will be sending in those recipes, what are you going to contribute?
The email for the Betas is there for anything but reviews to me. Rissa, our awesome Continuity Beta is available to answer questions, as well as the rest of the Betas who wish to know if there is something they missed in the stories. Even if you have a suggestion for the site, our awesome Robin has access and will read it.
Many, many thanks to my readers for putting up with all my RL trials, I appreciate it. So many huge thanks to my Betas who stepped up and started to organize when I started to stress out, taking the website administration off my hands, getting the Betas ready and so on. then when RL crashed on me, they stepped up even more, making sure for you guys, the stories were getting out there while I grieved and then shoved it aside to take care of my Mom. This time here in AZ has been working to relax me, to grieve and to just have time to write which is soothing to me. It is also showing me I need to lose weight, but hey, who doesn’t? If I don’t get to it when my hubs comes back on Friday, he will be a mean coach and help push me to get in shape. I want a new swimsuit, and that aint going to happen in a month or two.
So enjoy your chapter, and I am going back to write so I can get all that done in the next month or so. Thanks again ladies, I couldn’t have done any of it without you and your encouragement. All of you, including the readers and betas!
Yep, Wednesday!!! And that means a new chapter of ED is ready for you guys!!!
Many thanks as always to Meridian for being my Beta and trying to keep off the stress on me. If you want an update on the battle for Brest cancer my mom is fighting, along with everything else going on, please follow me on Facebook. My group’s link is to the side, feel free to click and ask to become a member.
This is an information dump chapter, and there is a time jump. But we needed to move the story, and they deserve to have some private time. Well as private as me babbling it all this chapter. LMAO!
There was the interview of last month, Godric, and the interview for this month will be posted tomorrow. I am cleaning, so we will see if anything else gets done. I will be babysitting Friday. Yeah Me!!!
Next week, expect Meridian and the betas to post. the 13th is the big day, and while I have been told to stay home, since she will be out of it from Wednesday until Friday, I will be climbing the walls. So I really won’t care.
I have been working on You’re and the betas are loving the chapters I am getting out. I am also, since I am so freaking stressed over the information today going to be writing a one shot of Damon/Bella. Its not part of anything, but just needed to calm down and that is the easiest.
Also, please visit the Food Blog!!! I sent them a bunch of recipes, and I will finish a lot more this week. I want my dresser to be cleaned off. WAY too busy on it for me. I am also going to make that Chicken & Rice I promised tomorrow with step by step with pictures directions. And if I can get more cream cheese, I will make pumpkin Cheesecake bars. I just make them, so I will have to write down how to make that one. So join the blog to be notified when these hit the postings!
Final thing, the ladies that make up my freaking awesome betas are … well I used freaking awesome. So Use whatever you like, cause they have been there each step of the way for me. Please visit their sites. MissRon80 Has some great rants going on, Meridian has her own series up and going, TheWriteAshley has Thirsty, which I beg for more. Mags has a couple of E/S fics that have me reading and waiting on. Zabby Perno is a writer of awesome talent, she tackles Primeval, which I am scared of the science. Sitalia25 has a bunch of crossovers. They are a bunch of busy ladies that I highly recommend reading. I have, and I do not regret it at all. And I feel so humbled to know they volunteered to read my stuff to make it palatable!!!! Thanks ladies. If you wish to contact them, they have an email addy for them. I am not allowed to see it, but they will answer questions on the stories, update planning and any errors. They are trying to take stress off me, which I highly appreciate it, and each are an expert on their story that they Beta for me. Someone will get back to you. Or drop them a line in the Group, they hang out there too.
So enjoy the chapter, And I am going to write my one-shot for meridian to get her grubby fingers on. She REALLY wants it.
And what does this mean for you followers of this awesome blog that WordPress Whisperer has made for me? What does the pic up above mean??
Yep, It’s time for ED!! And there is a citrus sitting there waiting for you to read! And since I am two chapters away from finishing it, (In editing mode, the story has been done for awhile.) you should be haunting the site for updates…. Cause we are getting back on that Wednesday updating schedule. Slowly, yes, but surely. And Meridian gives good beta.
For all those that are asking about stories, yes. Nothing is given up. All stories WILL BE updated. You’re is the next on the list for me to update. And once I finish Aos Si, you will have me working on stories until I am gone on vacay. I want to make sure the betas have work to do if they wish to have it!
So, after this, I am going to be looking over Twilighted Tea Shoppe, so don’t be surprised to get another update today. Just remember, Ashley writes Thirsty, one of my favorite stories (Click on The WriteAshley over on the side to read it!) And I fully promote her to work on her stuff before mine. But there are plenty chapters of Tea Shoppe waiting to be editing. She also is switching the story to current tense. So she is doing a lot of work on Tea Shoppe, and on Twilighted Tea Shoppe. So give her a whirl.
As I have mentioned in the past and as the Facebook group knows, I am not doing good, but it ain’t me personally. I will not be home for the next Wednesday post, I’ll be sitting in a waiting room for my mom. Then having to learn what her options are. So it won’t be fun for me. And I have my own procedure to check for stuff on Saturday. I was supposed to be walking in the Alzheimer’s walk, but this is a little more immediate and they are allowing me on a Saturday.
So enjoy the chapters up. Don’t forget to check in around Saturday to try to find that elusive Gif that 4PadFoot leaves for us to find (And it ain’t easy on a iPhone let me tell you!) and I will be getting the monthly interview out as soon as I can. Life has hit my family with a painful reminder and we are all reeling from it.
It truly is amazing the stuff you can find on the internet. I searched Alexander Skarsgard leprechaun and the picture above is what popped up. I think it is fitting for today. Sorry I missed posting last week, but Daylight Savings in the USA screwed me up. Losing one hour completely wrecked my week. I…
Can someone please explain to me why I am seeing more snow in March than I did in the entire months of December and January???? I should be getting ready for spring, not worrying about shoveling 8 inches of snow. The only way snow in March is acceptable is if it this is part of…
Hello lovelies. I cannot guarantee I will be back to publishing weekly, but I will try. My dear beta, kleannhouse, is in high demand trying to juggle the stories of three writers. She is amazing and she makes me laugh with all of her comments on my stories. This one especially. I started this story…
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