Poll’s reopened!

Yep, we have a three-way tie for one of the places, and we have opened the polls back up for you to vote.

So get in here and vote!! The poll is on the post page on the sidebar.

The other places are not close, but your actions may affect them also!!!!

So help us out, and let’s get some votes in so I don’t have to put a deciding vote (like I ever do, but it sounds good right?)

I’m online for awhile, going off to write….


Last Chance!!!

Last chance to vote!!!!  Voting ends on 12/15!!!!!

Let’s get those votes and reviews in, let these wonderful authors know that you liked/loved their story!!

I would load the link, but I am unable to get the things to work while on this thing.  Sorry.


About to leave!!


I am excited.  I have about 15 minutes until the last rush to get those pesky last items to the car, and then Connor.

Who is sticking to me like white on rice.  No worries, Puppin, you are coming.

Please don’t forget to read and vote on the stories! It is closing this Tuesday.  Get the word out!!!

Click on the banner as always, and have a great holidays!

Check out the signature I made myself the other day….

#playingWithPhotoshop #MultilayerFun


*Kitty runs away before 4Padfoot catches me*

What the Heck Kitty?

What the Heck Kitty?


I am so sorry!!! Thursday was a wash for me… Hubby had me try a game, and I loved it (civilization 5).  But when everyone got home, the news that we are leaving early caused a bit of a ruckus.

Yes, we are leaving Texas for AZ this Friday instead of Monday.

What does this mean?

Time is short, and I have alot to do.  It didn’t help that this past weekend was a busy one with my mom.  I spent Saturday with her and the boys, as well as spending the rest of the day with my brother and them at their town’s snow day.  Which was funny as hell watching people play in something I saw everyday when I was little and played in.   It was also fun to think back on those days adn share them with my brother who can barely remember the days.

Yesterday was a visit to Grandma Kitty, as well as a pampering day for both of us after standing in lines in 50 degree weather for the boys to ride everything.  Yes, I got a pedi courtesy of Mamakitty, and gave myself a gift of a manicure.  It was so nice not to have to do my own nails!  And it got rid of some cramps from the day before.

However, the weekend ate into time I had planned to spend on other things.

So, today I am finishing the cards I was working on at 2:30 this morning.  (I am up only because of a kitten who could not understand Mommy needs to sleep more than 4 hours).  I will be getting the names on the banners, and work with someone to finish the contest in case something goes wrong on my end to put the badges on them.

The contest closes the polls on the 15th.  And you may want to try to vote for your favorites… might.

I will be also working on getting the chapter of Clocks ready for you guys, but that will be it.  I have way too much to do, and things are piling up.  So I will be working on all of that.  I will be online today, but if I don’t answer you, it is because I am busy doing something else, or hopefully getting my mifi delivered.  Stupid Murphy, we know he took it.

Damn, sitting here, I am thinking of more stuff to do, so I need to be off.  I wanted to let you guys know what is going on, and why I am being a bad bad kitty.

Now I am off to fight with the computers,  (yes computerS) try to do banners, (which I got one done before the computer needed to restart) and get these Christmas cards out.  Once I am out of stamps, I am done… sad thing, is I am hoping to get one out to all the betas!

See you guys later today, or at the latest tomorrow.

Enjoy the Christmas banner that the most awesome 4Padfoot made!

kittyinaz Signature

Mondays. Do they HAVE to suck?



I got up this morning, planning to start my massive washing of clothes since I removed the summer clothing from my closet.  The winter clothes are all stored all stored outside in the garage.  With raccoons and other critters here in Texas, the space saver and so on bags don’t work.  In fact, it seems as if they encourage the beasties.

So I went through, took a bunch of work pants and cleared even more room in my closet (while happily finding that I was too lazy to put up the nice dress sweater and so on!).  And I sorted the clothes to be ready to wash.

But when I went to wash my face, there was a trickle of hot water.  I heard the water running, so I got dressed, washed in the ice cold water.  Since I figured with my luck I will have to go outside, I needed the contacts.

I had helper Connor with me.  And lo and behold, he really helped!  Calling hubs, he walked me through turning the hot water off.  I did this and went inside, but I had noticed Connor kept running underneath the house then coming back to me and looking at me.  I went inside to grab a towel and looked under the house. Sure enough, in the smack middle of the house, a pipe is spraying water.


I have mentioned before we live in Houston, and the house I live in is a raised pier house.  It’s not the stilt-like houses, but its about 2 feet above ground.  Great most of the time for flooding, but not for anything else. I have a rug underneath my desk for a reason, since in the winter the cold comes right up.  The part of the house the office is in, was built in the 1920’s.

Thankfully, when the hot water heater broke, M had worked with the plumber and learned where to turn off the water.  So now, I am waterless, and trying to find someone to come out on Thanksgiving week.

Fun Times.


I am getting ready to start reading and making banners.  I will time everything to show up for Thanksgiving.  I may end up taking down the main page to make this happen, so no worries if it goes missing.

I will also be trying to get a chapter of Clocks up for you ladies as well.  Just a reminder, the ladies in the Facebook group will know before you guys.  I gotta reward them for being awesome!!!!  And those who haunt the site, might find a link or two early…..


So have a great week, and I will be dealing with no water.  You never know how much you use water until you don’t have it.

kittyinaz Signature