Interview for Killian is up!!!


Yeah I know.  We are running late, and it is all my fault.  I truly lost a week and thought that I had a week to get this up to find out on Friday I didn’t.  So I wrote it up on the 30th and sent it out.

I am in Arizona right now, and internet is spotty, unless I use my own, and even that is slow, but they charge by the gigabyte.  So I am holding that in reserve.  But maybe not for long since I really want to be ‘normal’.  I will be here until the 13th of January, so expect to see more posting from my Betas than me.  They may even copy and paste for me because this sucks…

Updates:  For those that fans of The Best is Yet to Come, I have the chapter back and am reading through it for my part.  We are looking for a beta for it, and once we have one, then they need to go through the story and edit.  Just to let you know, if you are interested, do NOT message me.  Send it to the Beta email address:  Karen is the one who appoints Betas, not me.  And there are tests.  Just warning you.  (I hate them, and I barely take them, only to find out I am not bad… But then I read my unedited stuff and cringe.)

Also, I bought the domain for Kittyinaz, so you can use the to get here now.  I also had to fork out quite a bit on other things, and discussing with Karen led to the Amazon Partnerships.  If you shop Amazon, click on the link here (on the side under the Amazon Partnership heading), or save it as your bookmark, and for the money you spend, I get a very small percentage of it.  This will go towards defraying the costs for me to keep up the site.  Don’t get me wrong, WordPress is free, but since so many of you come here, I have upgraded some of it.  I am finding I am needing to upgrade the memory not only here, but also in our Dropbox too.  Once I do that, I will load up the stories there and won’t experience the losing of a chapter like I did this last week.  No idea how, and it pissed me off.

I am also working away, since the internet is so bad here, I have more time to write, and not read.  I am also resting a lot to catch up on the lost sleep I had the last couple of weeks.  My back spazzed out so, I am glad to have this time.  My stress level was high, and I was putting aside my grief and everything to deal with what needed to be done, such as helping to take care of Mama Kitty and getting everything ready for this trip.

Mama Kitty update.  She is home, and enjoying it.  I set up the TV, though when Marty gets back, he may have to fix the Blu-ray player since it was buzzing and the colors were off.  But it is easy peasy for him, me it was not fun.  I like computers, but have me hook up a TV and all the stuff, with only having two HDMI’s inputs and needing three of them?  Ugh.

Connor is with me, and this has been interesting.  They have a doggy door and it is not getting through his head yet he can use the door and not be let out.   Hey the time is young.  He is learning that he can use it, since I won’t let him out but will stand outside.  So he will use it, then when I leave him out, he will come in.  He is getting used to the other people, dogs and everything.  But he is enjoying it, though Marty left today to go back to Houston, and he is looking for him…

So please click above for the Interview with Killian.  Sharon aka MissRon80 (click on her link under the betas area) will have her interview of him on her site, she is the co-author for The Best is Yet to Come.  Also, when we do Emma, she will be doing it, since she is Emma.  I write Killian, she writes Emma.  So please read it, and enjoy.  And be looking for when the next chapter will be posted.  I will try to write the next one here soon so I can get it out to her.

Don’t forget the foodblog, I gave Megan all my recipes from the family cookbook and she is adding it.  So all of my cookie, well most of them are given to her.  I think I didn’t include the ones from those checkout cookbooks.  Yes, I buy them, and use them.  I am not at home, so feel free to send her some recipes (  She runs the site, so go over and check it out.  Let her know what you are looking for, and she may have it already, or be able to find it.  Just try it!! There has been a lot of time given to that project, and you guys don’t want me wasting time right?

I think that is everything.  If you want input into this month’s coming interview, join the group.  It’s a little quiet, but when people get talking, my phone blows up and I get a huge grin on my face.  And don’t forget the Saturday Gif hunt, Robin has been posting on the group but she is changing up how to get the points for finding it.  It is getting nifty!!!

Enjoy and hopefully you will have some updates soon!


Godric of ITE’s Interview

October Chat

Yep it is that time!   I did Godric’s interview while I was making lasagna.  So I was a very busy bee yesterday on my day off.    Many thanks to Meridian for Betaing, to the WordPress Whisperer, for putting it all together, and to MissRon80 for the Kick Ass Banner for this month’s interview!

It was again fun, and as per the Queen of Betas, had reminded me, no editing, no nothing after I was done.  I handed it off to Rissa, and then went to bed.  My hubby has had a miserable couple of days.  He had been telling me it was all allergies and his asthma kicking in all at once.  I believed him and when he refused me making Homemade Chicken Noodle soup, I thought he was right.

Boy was he wrong, I went to bed once I was done making all the food. (And my fridge is PACKED with food from that one day, luckily they took food to work to share with others.  THANK GOD!!!!!!!!!!!) And this morning woke with my body feeling like a huge Charley’s horse, and my throat hurting so bad I can hardly believe it.  And the drainage!! OMG.  So needless to say, I am out for the count.  And my hubby is getting text messages telling him if he does NOT bring some damn Nyquil, I will be hurting him.

Per a review I got today, I feel I need to explain something.  My mom got diagnosed with breast cancer in what feels like months ago, but has only been a week and a half.  What is worse, is there is intensive family history all on my mom’s side of family, of my older female relatives dying from it that no one ever told me.  So I had been hit twice with information that is shocking.  My mom has cancer in both breasts, and is dead set on surviving this, and will do so.  I fully support her, as she is with me.  Yes, they have begun the testing to see if I may have it cause the form she has, does not show up on a mammogram or ultrasound, nor do you get lumps.  The only way was for a MRI, and they found it by accident.

As for writing, my Betas promptly removed both the sites (WordPress and Facebook) from my care, since my mom is meeting with a surgeon this week and I will be her primary care person while she is here.  This is meaning that until I leave on 13th of December to go to Tucson, I don’t know what times I have to write or anything.  With this understanding, I promptly finished editing ED since so many had asked for it.  Now I am to only write, not edit, anything for awhile.  I am highly stressed out, which is why the food blog is getting so much from me, since it seems when I am stressed, I bake/cook.  ALOT.

So for When I Pretend, or really any stories? Who knows.  I did not plan to have all this dumped on me, and while I know you are upset, it does nothing to upset me right now.  As stressed as I am, I am not the easy going person of norm.  So the plan is that NO story is ever abandoned.  EVER.  And I am only to write, not edit, what I feel like writing to help get the stress out.  If you wish to know more, you can contact the betas at their email, or see if you can catch me in our group.  But you can ask any of the ladies, I really am not into much but trying to find ways to be happy right now, since I am the one who needs to be happy for my mom, due to what’s happening in the house.

Shoot even for this post, I have Connor being a little snit and tearing into everything cause he wants me back in bed.  So enjoy the interview. And anything that is ready to be posted, will be done so by my Betas.


Niall’s Interview!


Yes, the interview is done!  Many thanks to our WordPress Whisperer and to Meridian for their help in it.  And many thanks of course to our continuity beta, MissRissa81.  They all helped to make this so much fun to do.  I just sat down, and interviewed, they made it all pretty.

So, you know the drill, click the dancing Niall to make it to the Monthly Interviews screen.

For those of you lost, this is a new monthly article that will be done on here.  It will eventually replace the Character Lists that I have on stories.  We have a list of standard questions, and then after the Facebook group votes on what story and who the character will be, then they can ask up to five questions.  The most ‘liked’ will be asked.  For more information, please refer to the Monthly Interviews.

So sit back, enjoy this interview, since I most definitely did!  It was easy, fun and I can’t wait for next month.  MissRon80 even has made me banners!!!!  I am so excited!
