As I mentioned to 4Padfoot earlier, I love Geico Commercials. *snicker*
So, this week has been interesting. From the 3 hour sleep I had yesterday due to this mischievous little adorable creature:
She decided that she wanted to see what happens when she sinks all the claws in her front paws into my thigh 3 hours after I fell asleep. Needless to say, I was awake. She got put into the office by herself for that stunt. By the way, you want to punish a cat? Put them in a room by themself. Even the SPCA suggests to do that if nothing else works. Yes, this one is pushing my limits, and I am reading to see what I can do to make it easier on all of us. Some works, some doesn’t and others I know better than them.
Again.. Fur Babies are just as bad as real babies. They just grow faster out of that stage, but to make up for it, they have teeth and/or claws. I am shocked I am not leaking blood like a pin cushion. I have been punctured enough for it.
So working is about impossible. Ask MamaKitty. She came in to work some on a program, and ended up leaving since Stormy decided that she was fresh blood.
What have I been doing? I am moving stories over to Better in Texas. The site is a little odd to get used to using, but let me tell you. The freaking support from the members is nothing to laugh at! They all jumped in to explain things when it took a bit to sink in. I will advise you to look into GeezerWench’s tutorials. They lead you step by step into working it.
Then the reviews and my stats! They pour out from that site to boost you up on your own sites. They bounce from site to site to read it, wheverever you post it. My Site, Fanfiction, TWCS, A03, and They haven’t moved to Fanfiction Affliction, but then I haven’t linked to there yet either.
The guy who made the site, BetterInTexas, his family runs the site, and let me tell you, they are very helpful! They have limited amount of Categories, but they added True Blood. I am going to suggest they make it True Blood/SVM since they do have that limited thing going on. There is no need to spend a category when they can lump them in. And even though the author is a Twilight writer (and it is a he!) I am already getting hits on my fic.
And for those that know how to link with buttons or words? OMG. They love you. I have had more comments when they realized it. GeezerWEnch figured out how to do when I was sleeping, and she is going back to add them to her stories and so forth. If you need a tip on how to do it, I will be happy to let anyone know! It is simple once you realize what is going on. It was catching on in my mind that took a bit.
For those that are banner makers? They have a section just for that, as well as Video makers. They do a monthly newsletter, and also keep up with everything going on in the sites that they know of. They promote the heck out of their authors, so if you are a member, they will let their members know that you are nominated for an award. They had one person nominated for the Energizer awards, and they keep track of it and let the members know if you placed.
I am off to move more stories over, and I highly recommend the site to you guys. It may be a little difficult to understand, but the support you will receive is amazing and well worth it!
I am also editing the last of Dying to Start Again, and will be working on what I can. THe muse is being a pain not wanting to work on the novel until the other stuff is done. For those that jumped right in and am helping in the database, thank you so much! It is one thing I can let go of, and I am off to work the last of the edits. Then maybe I can work on the novel…
Yes, I am still alive and working. You will have a Harry Potter chapter this week on Friday. Then will come the hard part. Trying to decide if I can leave Sacred to work on more chapters of Harry so you guys can have more…
Ok.. I have been missing online since Friday. That is because we have a new addition to the Kittyinaz family.
It is way too small to determine if it is male or female for sure. M made the executive motion to her it a she, since that is his guess what it is. I was going to name her Smokey, but Stormy has been coming off my tongue after spending a couple days with her.
She is adorable, and you should see her with Connor. His head is bigger than her. And he is Papa Connor. He is watching over her, as well as being shocked when she comes up and bites him. He looks so shocked that you guys would fall over laughing. And he is keeping a healthy distance from her paws. Now, when I say that, remember the size difference, and you will laugh at how funny it is and keeping a safe distance is lifting his head out of her range. At least he thinks so, she can jump!
The first couple of days of owning any pet is very important to the bonds that they make. I am spending as much time as possible with her, and you can tell the difference. On the first night, she spent time with both M and I. Since that night, she has come to sleep by or on me each night. Since she is no bigger than my palm, well you get the idea.
Even though this is far from my first rodeo, she managed to get me all worried by not drinking. I slowly gave her 2% milk, then 1% then water. My mom laughed and said she would have been fine, but over 24 hrs without water worried me! And then was kitty litter training. I tried the professionals instructions, but when I did my version of them, it worked. Boo-ya! Follow my own instincts!
So it has been a very tired time. I swear. Anyone who tries to tell me pets are not children. Well you never get as involved with them as I do. Cause getting up in the middle of the night, check. Worrying about them? check. Trying to remember when you last got a full night of sleep? Check. Playing and attacking you when you are trying to read, check. And double check. Even a triple check. She likes the taste of the iPad I think.
Ok. For the stuff you came about, (BTW, thanks for letting me blabber on the kitten!). New review was:
And yes, someone who knows her, tell her the banner is hers. As I normally do if the banner they have is not working to use as a link to their story. I need to do a few reviews. You guys rock in letting me know it is appreciated. I have alot of catching up to do.
For stories. This week will start me editing the other stuff, after I work on the novel. I am hoping to get a few things done, but no promises. Remember, new Kitten. Right now she is crying pitifully in the bedroom, as I give Connor and Murphy some time with mommy in the office. They are taking turns on being at my feet. Luckily they are curious more than anything right now.
I have two more chapters of Dying to Start to do, then Clocks. and then Best, before I start editing Sacred. No sex, at all, and I am close to chapter 30. This is slow moving, but I am trying to move it faster!
Hope to see you guys later with updates on chapters. All my plans were blown out by getting the kitten this past weekend, (She is 6 weeks old, but outside, so I was glad to have her!) so where I planned to work all weekend to be ready for her next weekend, well. Yeah.
Just to let you guys know, the week of June 21-28 will be me on vacation. My Mother in Law is coming into Houston for training. She is taking the whole week off to spend time with us, so I am not sure how much I will be online during that time. And of course, when I am on vacation, I tell my beta’s they are too.
C-ya guys later, I need to try to get things done before noon my time, so I can get the kitten out of the room, and in here so I can have some peace from her meowing. (Of course then I will have a kitten climbing up my leg.. but one thing at a time!)
Time to go read some kick ass stories that were submitted for last month’s contest!!!!
I will admit, as I read them, I was all afire with the banners. The only bad thing, I couldn’t find the pics I imagined for Where it Began. But I did what I could with it and am pretty sure I did a pretty good job. The most complicated is Witch of the Woods. That cabin being added was many layers…. But I finally Got it to look like it belonged there. Eric’s eyes in A Brush with Death are amazing. I went through a couple of colors until I got one that looked awesome.
Just remember, I normally use my characters on the banners since I have tons of pictures for them. However, I used Anna because so many of you think of her as Sookie. Unless I have a banner where Elisha is better, I will try to use Sookie for you guys. Other than that. Nope. AS it is, because of In The End do I have so many pics of Anna.
There is 1st place on this one. Since there are three, they are all competing for the same place.
I have no idea how the voting is set up. See…I am trying to get back into writing. I wrote 674 on my novel yesterday and that is abysmal for me! So I fell back on Sacred to get me writing, and while it took 4 hours, I did finally manage to get close to 2k words. This is not normal for me when I am writing. So I am going to get back into writing. I picked Sacred because the muse is still preening under 4Padfoot and Royal Ember’s comments.
I’m telling you. She reminds me each day more and more of a cat.
Many huge thanks to those ladies who stepped up to take a weight off my shoulders: Lizaannek, MissAliceUnsub and tj6james6. They have volunteered to help me with the database so I can concentrate on what I do best, write. Truly, a weight off my shoulders. If anyone else wishes to be included, well I do bribe with chapters that are not published as a thank you…
Now back to what I was saying, I wrote last night, and sent the chapters to Royal Ember and 4Padfoot. 4Padfoot is refusing to talk to me, going through Rissa to tell me the contest poll was ready. So… to get back into the good graces of my web admin and friend, I am off to write.
Which reminds me, please give a huge welcome to my newest team member, Royal Ember. She is my pre-reader. I never had someone who only pre-reads my fanfiction, but the benefits of being able to bounce ideas, to rage at someone and so forth as I write, is helping me out. Though she has pouted and done everything she can to change my mind on this fic on a couple points…
Just to remind you, The writing contest for this month is based on Fairy Tales!!!
Now, before Murphy comes back and loves on me, I am going off to update the other sites then I am going to work on that chapter.
Yep, new Challenge for this month. And as I hinted, (And the Kittyinaz’s Group on Facebook actually watched as the banner came together) this one is not the normal prompt.
Here is the banner:
We are doing Fairy Tales. At least I am putting it all under that heading. I know it is all Disney ones on the banner, but Annie Leibovitz’s Disney pictures series inspired me with the pic of Cinderella. I have been wanting to do this challenge since I saw the pic, but I kept putting it off. The response I received from the Angels Through the Fire series, made me think that I can offer this one up to you guys.
So what is the idea behind this? It can either be a fairy tale, or it can be based on one, or it could reference it. Yep. Wide open. My thoughts were True Blood cast in the Little Red Riding Hood. or have the Originals in the Beauty and the Beast. Vampire Diaries cast as Snow White. And just pretty any much story using Once Upon a Time qualifies as long as you don’t make it Real Life. I don’t care if you pull a Maleficent story out of this, making the bad guy understood or even good. It’s the idea I want to use. And you are open to any fandom I write in, or will be writing in. (For instance Charmed is ok, since it is written and in the beta’s hands)
To help you out, I did a search on Fairy Tales and found Wikipedia’s list. Now, this doesn’t include American Versions, but I do count them. I grew up with Johnny Appleseed, so you can use it as much as Goldilocks. If you have any questions, please ask Rissa (Charissa Horton in the group.)
The rules are as follows:
Must use prompt(s).
Use fandoms I write it. (It can be one from a story upcoming also. Just ask if you don’t know, you can ask Rissa if you don’t want me to know!)
No letting anyone knowing which story is yours. This alone will be grounds for immediate withdrawal of your entry. If you have questions, please ask Rissa, she is your contact for any contests.
If you submit, you can grab the Banner for Participating for the month. You will also receive a banner for the story you submit.
If explicit, you need to warn people in the title.
All entries must be received by by Midnight CST at the end of the last day of the month.
To submit, you can send it to the or to the Writing Contest email,
Just a reminder, this is open to ANYONE. It is completely Anonymous. Rissa is the one who receives the emails, she strips out anything that would tell me who is what, and forwards on the entries to me. I read them, make the banners and so forth, putting them in WordPress. 4Padfoot then goes in and makes the Poll, that she only can access. When the contest is finished, Rissa sends me the names of the authors. 4Padfoot sends me the results, and I am the one who puts who is who, and whom places.
No one knows who is what until the end, and even then, it is only me after the polls close. We do this to allow everyone an equal chance to enter the contest. Your stories will be judged by the readers as is, with no idea who wrote what. We have had brand new authors win over authors that are favorites. And I am proud to say, there are ladies who have entered and since then, gone on to start writing. You guys are the reason why I do this.
Good luck, and I look forward to not only reading these, but also to making the banners…Making this banner was a blast today!
The posts I have been reading the last couple of days have done their bit. I am coming back to address this crap that is going on.
First off, I know for American Android, it can be painful to get Guest reviews that are flames. Shoot they still hurt! But as much as I hate to admit it, our fandom has ebbs and flows. Right now it is low, except the trolls. This is a time of finals and graduations. Time for the freedom of the summer to be tantalizingly close, but with tons of hard work to get there. For me, if I was still working my old job, I would be up over my head doing State calls I believe. Since the last time I worked them, I managed to do them all by myself, (A job that would have a team of 10 working on them for weeks before hand)
However, the trolls do attack around this time of year. I don’t know if the awards stir them up or what. My advice and what I do? Delete them. If they can’t be brave enough to show their names, then they don’t count. If they are so bad, do as some of my authors have and tell people that if they do ANY guest reviews, you are deleting them. No matter what they say.
Also, American Android, I wish to say something. If you give up, they will only pat themselves on their backs and go on to another. If you hate the guest ones, leave Fanfiction. Tell them why and just leave it to have your own site. And disable them on your site. Take a break, then come back. Because really, you are punishing your readers when you leave like that. And as a fan, I would really like to see the conclusion of Down The Rabbit hole and Whispers. Especially when you left Whispers on such a cliffy!
Now. Moving on.
For Sephrenia, What the fucking hell people?!?!?!
I will tell you Sephrenia welcomed me to this fandom with open arms, and made me my first Buttons. I was so freaking honored!!! I still have them, but now that I do stuff for my own stories I use them. But still, the work she did for the banners… wow!!!!!! Look below!
Now, she has also made me a banner for a one shot I chip away at. I refuse for it to be anything more than a one shot, and work on it quietly. Only one person other than Sephrenia knew about it, and she made me the banner when I was not making them very well.
There it is.
Now lets address some of the complaints. As a banner maker myself, I made a crapload that were claimed, and then never used. It happens I figure. Since no one has mentioned they wish they could have had that one, or anything else, I leave it alone. Are you telling me that these people did it for the express reason to get my banners out of the circulation? If so, then I have a bunch more that needs to be adopted.
Everyone has different styles. Falling Stars taught me a bunch of stuff, but my banners are completely different. Bertie Bott and I started at the same time, shared tips and so forth, and there is no way you can ever imagine that we are the same banner makers. I use shadows alot. It gives my banners sense of depth, and I like it. I also use other tricks as I go, and mucho thanks to Falling Stars for one of her tricks that I use the heck out of!
Sephrenia was one of the first banner makers, that is dedicated to making banners. She still does them. She offers to help out the writers make something to show the readers what they are thinking. Her contests, well each of them I voted for the winners. So am I shocked that they won? No. hisviks was one of the authors I found when I read her contests.
Sephrenia is the opposite of me in many ways, in a staring in the mirror backwards. But I still remember her fondly as someone who gave me a helping hand in the fandom. I may not ask for banners anymore, since I make my own, but that is it. Yes, we have different styles, and I use and like something different. But what the hell people?
Are you going to attack me for being different? I write in many fandoms, and this is the first time I am seeing a fandom self destruct itself. Why?!?!?
If you hate reading the stories, then don’t. If you don’t like the banners, then don’t look at them. If you disagree, sign the heck in and let the author know!!! They don’t know you personally, so there is no risk of them getting in your face and starting a knock down fight!
Seriously. You guys who are doing this, frighten me. And as someone who told her mother when a fight started in Bed Bath and Beyond and she spoke up, the worst anyone can do is hurt me. I live in Texas people. You know, the state that carries weapons proudly in the gun racks of their vehicles.. If I attack someone, seriously, I let them know.
Now, I do bitch and moan to my closest friends. But it is my opinion, and like everyone else, I have them. But that is what they are. My opinion. Am I going to go be mean for the sake of being mean? No. I don’t read or look at things that I don’t like. I may poke some fun at them, but hell. It is private. Many people do it to me, (I know since I have read them. The Void as I call the internet, well, others are around and read things.)
But for all I do for being human, I am standing here saying this is bullshit.
American Android, I am sorry for any part of the crap going on. I said my pieces and hoped to let this die a quiet death. That you are being attacked, well it makes me upset. But I can’t do anything beside what I am doing now. I do hope you at least finish your fics. I would enjoy to see how the paradox in Whispers fixes. Really want to know that one more than anything else.
Sephrenia, I adore you, and hope that people stop. The fact you put yourself out there in something you love to do for others, is something others who attack probably don’t. Don’t let it get to you. You are talented, and most giving of your heart. Please don’t stop.
And for you guys out there reading this, I don’t expect it will change anyone’s minds. I hated to say anything because of all the crap that has gone on lately. Life has sucked to the point that I shake my head at myself. Was I hurt? Yes. Now? Nope. Finding out there are much more hurtful things in RL in people I face everyday is much worse. And like I said on Memorial Day, it isn’t worth the sacrifices of others to be petty as shit.
So here is the deal. The awards are being done solely by 4Padfoot. Send her an email if you have suggestions. Other than that, please stop stirring the pot. We get that it was fucked up. We get that you guys have opinions on what was going on. We appreciate you saying your bits. But if you keep stirring this up, innocent bystanders are going to get hurt. You have done your damage to us that worked on it. Beating a dead horse on posts is doing nothing more than stirring up resentment and opening wounds that were trying to heal. Please stop.
And before any of you get ideas on attacking people because of this post, please don’t. It isn’t going to do anything. It is slowly killing our fandom, and we are already dying. You are killing the authors who came to relax and give us the gifts of stories from their hearts. Like I said, if you don’t like something, stop reading. Stop looking. If it is helpful criticism, then please leave it. If it is nothing but flaming, then no. Why bother? I will tell you I delete anything like that. If I get the chance. My betas are awesome about looking over things and erasing them knowing my opinion on them.
Now. I am off to babysit a sick little boy that I adore, then to come home and deal with a puppy who is freaked out for some reason. And to deal with my Fucked up Life right now. Do NOT reply to spread this shit further. If you want to say something positive, please go to someone’s blog or story and tell them, I agree with Kittyinaz, and am showing you my support. Leaving them here isn’t going to help those who were broken like the plate above. Go out and do something that will help another.
It truly is amazing the stuff you can find on the internet. I searched Alexander Skarsgard leprechaun and the picture above is what popped up. I think it is fitting for today. Sorry I missed posting last week, but Daylight Savings in the USA screwed me up. Losing one hour completely wrecked my week. I…
Can someone please explain to me why I am seeing more snow in March than I did in the entire months of December and January???? I should be getting ready for spring, not worrying about shoveling 8 inches of snow. The only way snow in March is acceptable is if it this is part of…
Hello lovelies. I cannot guarantee I will be back to publishing weekly, but I will try. My dear beta, kleannhouse, is in high demand trying to juggle the stories of three writers. She is amazing and she makes me laugh with all of her comments on my stories. This one especially. I started this story…
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