It’s all I can say, but my ladies in the Beta group know what happened, and lets just say… O….M…..G!!!!!!!!
Needless to say, my mind was no where in the right place to write, or do anything for fiction. I may have killed everyone off and stuck my tongue out at the screen. Since none of the Void (my name for the internet from You’ve Got Mail) was responsible for the bad week, well I stayed far away.
Gyllene and a few others sent me the following good news, which did help me laugh in the middle of all of it. (If you click on the banner it will take you to the nominations separated out by the authors)
To all these wonderful ladies who take their time out of their busy schedules to listen to me, look over my stuff or being there when I feel that FML is the best way to describe my life right now. Thank you. I am honored to be nominated, and never, ever, EVER Expected to have my Mummy Crossover get any accolades. I did it because I dreamed it up, and it is aweing me that you guys think enough of it!
The writing contest is ending this weekend. Please feel free to send them in ahead of the time. If you need to look over the pic or the rules, well the pic is below, and you can click on it to get to the rules. I do have a plan for next month, and will be working with my betas this weekend to hammer out details. We will see the results of the contests, the turnout on both sides to determine how often to hold it. I like the monthly ones, but I will say that when the Area 5 Bloody Pen holds their contests, I will take a back seat.
For now, I will be looking over the Fanfiction stuff for this weekend. Friday-Sunday (Which I say Sunday, but often I am chased off the computer!) is Fanfiction time. So we will see what I get up to. I have a huge checklist for a new story, so I will be working on that tomorrow. I want to be artistic right now.
Have a great weekend if nothing else. I am off to work! And thanks again for all those spoke up and nominated me! Truly an honor. Thanks.
This week will be weird for me, since I am going to be switching over to the novel. M (aka Mr. Kittyinaz, but he hates to be Kitty anything, so he wanted to be known as M. I was going with PF, but he gave me the look for that one.) is thrilled to death I am going to work on my novel. He is giving everyone a stern eye to back off, and let me work on this. He has this idea it will allow him to retire. Not quite dear. But I will allow you the dream.
Before I get into anything else, I wish to say. THANK YOU!!!!!!
I am so freaking honored to have these two stories nominated, much less EVER expected to place in these contests!!! This encourages me to get back to what I love.. Writing. And thanks so much to 4Padfoot for all her hard work.
So what does this mean for you guys? It means my betas have chapters, I just didn’t finish up Dying to Start or any of the others, but I will work on them on the weekends. I wanted to finish things, but time was escaping and with everything going on, I needed to just work. I have my white board all cleaned off, ready for me to plot out ideas, the one note pages ready, and I will be going through to make up the bios for my characters and so forth. I am NOT leaving any fandoms.
What I do need is some help on the database. I was using my favorites on, and if someone would like to help out, I will be happy to let you know where I stopped. They are out there for anyone to see anyways. There is no fear about duplicates since, I have programs that make short work of them. Just frankly, I was doing all the work on the Fanfiction site, and while MissAliceUnsub was kind enough to help on the blogs, it is ALOT of work!!! And to be truthful, a month of working on it is to much. I have other things you guys like.
And to be absolutely truthful, the people who support me have submitted their information to me. (If you haven’t well… you can ask me for the sheet and I will send it to you.) But after this past week, I kinda feel like there is no reason for me to break my back and put off my readers who showed so much support for me. I do so much, and even my friends are asking why.
As it is, I am looking for some positive reinforcement for the Reviews & Interviews I do on the Non-Canon Awards. You guys have until the current crop is done. If I don’t hear anything, then I am going to be thinking about telling the ladies over there I won’t be doing it anymore. Here is the one I did for this week: Back and Forth
The things that will continue are the contests I host. They make me feel good when I can help someone get their leg up on the wonderful feeling of writing and others liking it. It truly is awesome, and I wish to continue to give that chance to the writers who are stumbling with writers block, or those that want to start. I support more than TB/SVM fandoms.
For those that were Pre-readers before on my Original Fiction, check with Rissa on Facebook and she will organize all that. You guys will see things being published as I finish things. You are more than welcome to look through the information I supply.
As many of the authors probably saw, I am working on my emails. I and down to 88 unread updates. And none of those are for more than one story. Yikes. I am also trying to be better and leaving reviews. I lost track of the reblogs, and decided to restart today. Sorry. My inbox is scaring me and my OCD is freaking out. Not a good combo.
So I have my tea, a Connor on my feet. A murphy sleeping, and who knows where Tucker is. I am also making plans for the ball of fur coming my way.
Here is the chapter for today. I know it should be Tin Man, but I am off by a day all week. Hope you enjoy…
For those that know me, I am a huge supporter of the armed forces.
Because of that, I will say my normal piece of that. As for everything going on in our fandom, well. Let us just say that I will think on all of that. Today is for remembering those that gave it all so that we can point fingers and have our opinions. And the right to say them. I was going to make this post about the armed forces and the outrage I feel on their behalf’s for a day set aside to honor them is often spent on forgetting them. But this year Facebook has really done it’s job supporting and reminding you guys.
Instead, I am going to try to put this in my thoughts of why I am done with it all. And why today, Memorial Day, is the day I realized how stupid I have been. I have not honored my fallen and veterans with this whole thing. I am sorry.
Truly, have you thought through the fact we have this freedom? This freedom to post online how hurt we are. What we think on it. How we Hate/Love/Don’t care about it? How we have the right to talk about our feelings behind anything but a closed door and in fear that someone might be listening?
M went to China, and he couldn’t really get on anything. Everything over there is restricted. Facebook, my site is somewhat banned even! After we found out how bad it is to get messages out, we were going to put up a page on my site and have us talk on there. And even that comes and goes intermittently. It seems I am revolutionary. So many thanks to any who read my site in China!!! I know there are some, (which is why we thought it was ok..) but now that I know what you guys go through, well thanks!
Anywho, that brings home what freedom that our veterans and those who fell in battle fought to give me the choice to be able to do. That I can do as I wish, and not worry that soldiers are going to come knocking on my doors. I can write what I want. Complain on what I want. Cuss the government out. Breathe in cleaner air. (seriously the smog reports are not joking!!!)
I have the write to feel and do what I love. All because some very brave souls fought to give me that right.
And I thank them.
You might not think it is a big deal, but we go back to my site is banned because of it being revolutionary. I have ideas. I have the strength to post my opinions. I have the audacity to use my site to promote you guys thinking of those who gave it all. And I am not scared to say any of it.
Then there was my Hubby, M. We were driving to go somewhere on Friday, and in Webster, they had the flags up for the holiday weekend. And he stared at them for a little bit and then said, “I salute and thank each person who served and especially to those who gave everything to give me the chance to be here today. I salute and give thanks to my Grandfather for his service. I salute and give thanks to Bob for his service. I salute and give thanks to (Kittyinaz’s) cousin for his continued service. I salute and give thanks to (kittyinaz’s) other cousin’s service. HooRah!”
I blinked, and just stared at him. While I know he really supports the armed services, this is the first time he has ever said that. But he meant every word. and told me, he has been thinking about it lately. Nothing like a trip to a country that is the opposite of ours to make you more thankful for what you have.
We have shit going on, but it nothing like sitting out in the desert reading something to make me forget about the lives I defended, the brothers in arms who may have not survived, and looking in another reality that does not involve what they are doing. I cringe at what those soldiers are probably thinking, and even our fans. I said my piece when I was hurt. I asked that no one comment. I just wanted people to think over why I am hurt. Not to do anything about it. Just understand.
I applaud anyone brave enough to put their opinion out there, since it is open for anyone to read. Everyone. For if you post it online, you might be surprised at all who is reading it. Some may never comment. Some may never do anything but read it, unable to do anything cause they are restricted and am very aware of the freedoms that we have to do it all. They are afraid to say great job because a knock may come int he middle of night for outsmarting the system to read something outside their country. Seriously. The things told to me make me thankful, but I forgot. I forgot about those freedoms that were given to me.
It made me think what these soldiers who are off fighting for my right to do this, are thinking. And I for one, am going to wash my hands of it all.
Take pot shots at me and my friends. Point fingers and continue to be petty. It is your right. My cousin fought for it. But me for one? I am going to let go of it all. I am going to go write my book and hope someone enjoys it. I am going to continue to hold my contests to help authors, both those who are currently, and those hidden and shy about coming out of themselves. I am going to do what I love, and remember that a contest we threw for applauding the fandom is not worth being so petty. Someone gave their life so I could do that, and I choose to honor and remember them by ignoring it.
What is your choice? To continue fighting over something so small in the grand scheme of things, or remembering that there is freedoms we have that are given on the blood and tears of family members who lost loved ones for that right?
Think on it…
And as long as one person appreciates this, or changes their thoughts, I will count myself lucky to have pointed it out to you.
2008 Memorial Day Poster #3. Created by Virginia Reyes of the Air Force News Agency. US Air Force photo by Tech. Sgt. Cecilio M. Ricardo Jr. Air Force Link does not provide printed posters but a PDF file of this poster is available for local printing. Requests can be made to Please specify the title and number.
This is the most reviews I have ever gotten on a chapter of Heavenly, and believe me, the muse is sitting up and taking notice. She is muttering to me about making a plan to work on the novel for Monday-Thursday and leaving the weekend to write on Fanfiction.
See what power you readers have? With your reviews you inspire the writers. The more you leave reviews, the more likely we are to turn our attention to the story. When you reread (and I am guilty of this too!!!) and leave reviews, especially on a story that has a sequel planned, you make me pay attention to the story and where my muse starts whispering, ‘maybe we should go back and look at that one.’
Likes on this site also send me emails. This is something I do, I hit like on the stories if I am caught up int he action going on. Or my iPad is being pain and not allowing me to leave a review. But the like buttons work no matter what.
So please, keep up with what you are doing!!! It is amazing and exciting to wake up, expecting that you may have got 4 reviews, and instead had more. There is one more chapter to be published, but maybe now I will go back and see if I can write a few more.
Plus, just a hint, if you really want me to work on a story, get your friends and you to do a bunch of reviews. You have to entice the muses people. They live on praises, and our praises only go so far.
Now, I know I reblogged it just a couple of minutes ago, but please, make your voices heard. 4Padfoot has opened the polls for 24 hours, and the previous one information is gone. So this is your chance. Tell your friends. There is one chance, and you have up to three time in each category to decide on. Lets not let this opportunity pass you or the rest of us by. I voted…did you?
So this weekend was not spent away from the computer. Yes, the Nominations closed on Friday night, then the ladies were super duper awesome in getting them finished when I was away for like an hour. An Hour!!!!!!!!
Then we opened up the Wild Card places, places that we would have had to decide who went where, and there were alot of them! Luckily, you guys stepped up and helped us sort that right out.
For those of you who helped by sending in your information, thanks!!! And to others that we are bugging today as we do our third and final checks? Thank you again. Yes, we are human, but we do try.
Of course, Murphy’s law struck me, and my computer decided that I needed a major scan and kicked me off the internet. Thanks…. We really need a sarcastic font don’t we?
Today’s issue on Non-Canon Awards is my interview of California Kat. You know the drill, Click the banner.
And as I was writing this, the nominations came out!! Thanks to all who nominated me, and/or voted me in! Look below for the ones I am up for!
Oh….My…. God!!!!! Van Gogh? Not one I ever expected to even be close to being in. And All I Want?!?!!? Thanks!!!! Edge made it, and it is new! I really didn’t expect that one at all for this year! Thanks!!! Especially for those that got me in as a wild card!!! Click below for the nominations for others.
No Lotr chapter today. Next week.
Remember what you guys are getting are the chapters that I have had written already and edited. My betas are instructed that their lives comes first, and my stories behind that. Behind everything else. They are awesome, and will let me know if they can’t beta anymore, but for the main part, they keep me updated on what is going on. For those wondering, here is where I am:
Revelations: All chapters sent to the beta.
Dying To Start Again: All but 2 chapters sent to the beta. Was working on this when I had to stop on the database, will pick it up when I am done.
Heavenly: All chapters to the beta.
Blood of Innocence: Found a chapter, will beta it when I am done with the database.
The Sun Holds the Moon: All chapters to beta.
Best is Yet to Come: I have the chapter and was working on it.
The Mummy (sequel): 2 chapters written, and the third started. For those that follow me on Facebook know I am fighting my computer for the Blu-ray player to work. Since I am watching a movie to get ideas, I need it.
You’re (sequel): Writing the ideas down, and I know what I want to do generally, just need some time to sit and write it, with the Muse willing.
Game of Life: All chapters to beta.
Tin Man: All chapters to beta.
I Never…Did: Will start going over it to fix some minor issues, then I will be writing it. After novel.
Learn to Live (sequel): Casting and thinking through the ideas the muse presented.
In The End: Every thing is out from what I have, will be first up to finish when I get done with the novel.
Picking Down Clocks: Will finish Editing when done with the database.
Edge: All chapters are out that are written. Will be working on this one when novel is done along with ITE.
Scars: Blocking it out in my journals.
When I Pretend: All chapters are out to you guys, I will be picking this back up when What If is done.
What If: All Chapters are out to the beta. Will be concentrating on finishing this one as soon as I can.
Cross The Line: Will be picking back up when the novel is done.
Never Changing: Will be finishing when novel is done.
Sacred: Finished chapter 18 last night, and am working when I need to get away from the database and the muse is screaming at me. This one is going to be large, but I am attempting to finish and no sequels…
That is all of them I think. I have been banned by MissAliceUnsub from the blogs for the database. I spent a full day on Meridian, and I got like 4 done. I suck… But give me FanFiction, and I get tons done in a day. So that is where I am concentrating, once done, I am moving to FictionPad and the rest. We will probably end up with over a 1,000. Seriously. MissAliceUnsub is freakign awesome, and she grabs all the stories for any author I have on my blog page.
So I am signing up as my Facebook is lighting up with the awesomeness of everyone finding out they were nominated.
Thanks again, I feel so honored to be nominated!!!
Unfortunately, I don’t have enough on my desk to look like I am working. I hate moving to a paperless environment. It is cleaner, but hell, there is nothing to look like I am working on things! (shh on the whole I am working at home, and this is my ‘job’!)
First up, the review over at Non-Canon Awards is Dying Heart. Please go read, and then read the story. I am hoping that if enough people feed her muse, that she can get back to this wonderful piece of art!
As always click on the banner. Next week will be California Kat.
I am writing up a bunch of reviews right now for that site, and when I finished the first one, WordPress decided that I really didn’t mean to write that. And since I did the main part between autosaves, well I basically have to start over.
Then after that I will be working on the Lotr Post for today.
I still have the database to work on, and to be truthful, it is beyond boring to work on. But… I will say miss 4Padfoot has a great idea on it. She is working on it in secret with little teasers to me. With what she is doing, the Crossover site is on pause, but then it was anyways until I get the database done.
This last week saw me put on my old Database maker hat, and it was a little dusty.. OK a lot dusty. But I managed to wrest it in partial shape, and I made a form, that will allow me to add authors and so forth so much easier. Which helps, since adding authors is not as easy as it should be, but to be truthful, the end results are beautiful. I have one form and can do everything with it. *sighs*. I know only another techy person would be like this.
So here is where we are. I need the sites, and I need to finish adding all of Fanfiction to the database. Well not ALL of it, but the rest of the 658 favorites. I will admit, this will take awhile for me to come back and go through my follows to see who all belongs to the favorites after this. If I didn’t have Sacred to turn to, I would be a gibbering idiot. Wait… I already am. dang.
Authors, I cannot help but ask again for your help. Seriously. I am getting burned out, but I want to finish this up, so when I turn to writing again, I will be caught up, and your stories will get lovings. Seriously. And we all want me back to writing right? I will say I am looking forward to getting the last of the edits out of the way and just writing what I feel like for a long period of time…….
It truly is amazing the stuff you can find on the internet. I searched Alexander Skarsgard leprechaun and the picture above is what popped up. I think it is fitting for today. Sorry I missed posting last week, but Daylight Savings in the USA screwed me up. Losing one hour completely wrecked my week. I…
Can someone please explain to me why I am seeing more snow in March than I did in the entire months of December and January???? I should be getting ready for spring, not worrying about shoveling 8 inches of snow. The only way snow in March is acceptable is if it this is part of…
Hello lovelies. I cannot guarantee I will be back to publishing weekly, but I will try. My dear beta, kleannhouse, is in high demand trying to juggle the stories of three writers. She is amazing and she makes me laugh with all of her comments on my stories. This one especially. I started this story…
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