It’s the last day of the month…

It’s the last day of the month…


And we have had a doozy of a month!  (I thought the gif appropriate considering where I and many of the ladies I know will be watching tomorrow.)

I finished and published some new stories.  You guys are now in the possession of the only chapters of Edge I had, and you started the Sun Holds the Moon.  There are new chapters for Tin Man, and there are two more stories off to the beta, Game of Life and Dying to Start.

I started on the database.  I currently have 496 stories in there.  They are from Inuyasha, Alice, Alice in Wonderland, Once Upon a Time.  AS well as the one I needed for the YWBAs, SVM/TB. And one lonely Twilight since one of my SVM/TB authors wrote it, and I put it in while I had it up. Last night I finished inputting all the Fanfiction stories from my favorites into the database.  Thanks to some awesome authors who sent me their stories, we stand at 342 stories in my database. Yes.  342 stories, and I only got up through the e’s on the blogs.  I am about to go tripping through the blogs I love next week to start inputting them.

As I mentioned before, if an author would like to be included or help out, from any fandom, contact me, and I will send you the spreadsheet.  Otherwise, this is a lot of work, and since I am done with the easy one, (fanfiction) I have to go to each site, and go to your last chapter and see the date.  That way if the story is complete, I can put the date in there.  The date will come in handy for contests.  For now, the crossovers and the YWBA’s will be the ones hit, but a lot of people seem to like to see how long ago something has been completed, or how long a current WIP has not been updated before they read.   I don’t blame them, I like to know that too.

So if an author wishes to help, I will post all the stories you send me that you wrote.  As a thank you.  a huge thank you!! And for those of you in the SVM/TB world, I am noting who I have reviewed and not, so I can add that to the site.  And to help me decide who needs to be reviewed next.  Remember this is the same information that can be found on Fanfiction searching for a new story.  In fact less, since I won’t do reviews and all that jazz.

I also did start a new fic, that I write on my times off.  4Padfoot was awesome and made a video prologue for it.  Go check it out.  It is freaking awesome.  I am up to Chapter 7, and when I reach 10, I will be ready to edit and send off what I have to the beta.  10 seems a good number to let the muse flow and let me get the idea of what is going on…

Then there is this coming month.

The Non-Canon Awards will have some new authors soon.  We have one more story for Mavrosal, and then I need to write a bunch of reviews for stories.  I did find some one shots I didn’t read somehow on some of these stites, so I will be off to add them to the site.  As well as the two big stories I have read (and reading) for me to review.

The Crossover site will be taking off once I am done with all these entries into the database.  No sense in repeating myself, when I will be copying and placing these into the site from the same source.  I also want to let the stories that I reviewed have a badge of some type.  Maybe to have a little picture of the story?  We will see.  But with my interest being wrapped up in finishing this database, you better plan on me using it as much as possible to base some stuff out of!

2015 1

Then there is the Writing Challenge for this month.  The pic above will take you to the page with the rules and a better view of the pic.  I had posted this as a share on my personal wall, and some of the ladies who are friends of mine commented that I need to use it for the writing contest.  They were telling me all the ideas they got off it, so, I better see some stories!  I can see many ideas myself.. Like a Supernatural (which cause I write Cross the Line and it has Supernatural it is allowed, see how this works?), The Vampire Diaries, the Originals, TB/SVM and so many more.   So have fun with the ideas.

I am planning to be done with the database this month (Hopefully by the end of the week next week, but it all depends on how long it takes for the individual sites), so I will be working on the last of the edits then I will be working on the original fiction.  For those of you who were Beta Readers, contact Rissa.  You guys will see the posts for the readers to know when I am posting.  These are raw works.  No editing.  Me writing, then posting for them to see.  Once I am done, I will be hopefully continuing on to the next book.  I will then go back and edit the books after the ladies get their comments in.  Then comes the worse part for me, to send it out to my betas and get their input on what needs to be changed.  After everyone agrees, that I have no spelling mistakes and so forth, I will start the process of trying to get someone to pick it up.

During this time, after the raw part is done, I will be back to finish the stories In The End and Edge.  I want to also start on the other works but those two I will finish up.  So you will get parts of other stories while I work on those ones.

I also want to work on Fanfiction Affliction to get my stories over there.  If you haven’t visited it, I strongly encourage you!  There is freedom of posting, and it’s always good to have alternatives.  For those who were in Crossover haven, I will be sending out a post soon to you ladies.

Now will all this be done next month?  No.

YouWantBlood Facebook Cover 1

The You Want Blood Awards will be starting tomorrow, and once the nominations are in, we will be working to verify they fall inside the rules, as well as getting everything else ready.   It really is more work that you guys will ever imagine.  Shoot it was more than we thought it would be when we started!  But it is so awesome to feel when we list the nominations and from there the feelings are even better.  People are excited and so forth.

So that is my game plans.  Hopefully it will all work out.  I honestly can’t wait until I am done with the database stuff so I can move on to the part that I love, and you guys love.  I have Dying to finish editing, Clocks,best and Some Sacred Place in Time to edit before I am back writing.  So close…..

Enjoy your day, and for those in my group, you have until 9pm CST to get any banners in for the Banner Contest for the Group.   Next month maybe we do a rehash of the banners that haven’t won and let you guys vote on them?  I will talk with you on that!

Signature for TB SVM Writers2


I had some private messages asking for clarification, so let me explain what the database is.

I do rec pages here on my site. (they are under Other Goodies). Have since I started this site.  Since then, they consistently have been on my top tens since then.  One is always there.  Often True Blood and Twilight, but hey, they have the most stories and is a big part of what I write.

To make it easier to describe, here is a screenshot of what they look like now:


Yes, they were copied originally from my favorites on Luckily however I did it, (and I do think I copied directly from one to the other!) the links came with it.  Over time, some people moved, and we updated the links to them.

We go through and check the links, but it is harder than you think to update these.

FanFiction does not have a real organization for you to find the latest stories you added.  They do it by update, or other choices.  So we were going one by one, on my favorites, to try to figure out what to add.  Add to that I am infamous for going back through a fandom and finding old completed stories to add as favorites, well you can see the problem.  It was literally line by line check.  Not something that was a good idea.  Not with everyone wanting story updates and so forth.

After last year’s You Want Blood Awards, I made a database that I slowly been adding fandoms to it.  I have not really added anything, but a few websites and some blogs I know have written things in Dr. Who and so forth.  I was testing it for the big ones.  I ran it by the impossible to ever replace 4Padfoot, and she cheered since it comes out in a spreadsheet version.

Here is a brief look at the information I am collecting (in the database itself). It is shortened so I can fill in the blanks as I go without having to move the screen around:


There are additional fields, but they are for other sites, such as Dokuga and so on.  There is a place for me to mark if I reviewed the story yet, as well as a place for notes.  I am not caring about reviews, since I don’t care about them when I read a story, nor about the views.  This is pure, this is what I like, and recommend to others to read.  To be truthful, the views and review numbers change all the time and there is no way I want to try to keep up with that.  And some are spread over different sites and so forth.

I use the descriptions I find, and that box after the link is for 4Padfoot and I, in case the story disappears from the internet, we can click that check mark off and remove it from the lists.  Completion dates and so forth is for the You Want Blood Awards and for me later when I do the Crossovers.  It is also to let someone know if a series is still active.

I am not posting full stories (I use up enough of my own free space without adding more!!!!) and am only wanting to share the stories I love with others.

For the Crossover site I am doing, this database will also hold the stories on it.  No more information, no less.  Well, they get pictures if they ask nicely.

If you have any more questions, please feel free to ask me.

Signature for TB SVM Writers2

New Review on Non-Canon Awards

New Review on Non-Canon Awards

Today started my run on one of the stories that encouraged In The End.


Mavrosal.  Who made me the first ever banner I ever had for a story.  I love that banner so much!!!

So go check out the review, while I work and see if I can get a chapter of a new story out to you today…..  AS always, click on the banner to be taken to the review.  And if you stop by her site, please leave her a review so she will know who sent you!

Signature for TB SVM Writers2

Interviews and Reviews!

Interviews and Reviews!


Yep it is Monday and I am on the computer.  I had a interview on Friday that posted and today the sequel to Getaway is up for you to read!!!

Here is the interview:


And here is the review:

La Vie En Rose

As always, click on the banners to be taken to the pages. And don’t forget to tell her where you came from!

Reblog Spring 6

Just a reminder, that the Kittyinaz Reblog pages is exactly that, a place for me to share with you guys what I am following in the WordPress world.  You can sign up to get one email at the end of the day.  Just go to your blogs, and hit edit, then scroll down to reblog, and instead of instantly, click on the daily instead.  It is a good way to find out what I am reading.  Though I am hoping that in two days when I switch over to the database, you guys will have that updated.

Also, I added banners to the Adopt a Banner page:

And yes.  2 days until I switch from editing to the database.  I am planning to use it to help me out during the You Want Blood Awards.  So I want the TB/SVM up to date as soon as possible.  So to make sure I have time (Since this past week was a perfect example why waiting to the last minute is bad) I am going to work on it starting then, and then when I finish, I should be back to working on the little I have left to edit…

I am stuck on the biggest chapter ever written by me on FanFiction.  It is a chapter for Revelations, and over 15K closer to16K words.  It is a pivotal chapter, as well as the most asked for chapter for that story.  After this I think I have 2 or 3 chapters left for that one.

Last week nothing got done, there had been a family emergency that turned out to be a God blessing.  Everything turned out better than it should have been, but it had been a stressful week that I am only now coming down from.  But I am back to working now!!!

One of my betas, Ms Potter, just picked up Game of Life to be done.  She is reading it now to get an idea, then will be working on it to beta.

KHoltz is doing an fabulous job with Tin Man, she is way ahead of where I am right now.  I have a lot to post!

My other betas have done an awesome job as well.  There is a Harry Potter chapter I need to publish, as well as the LoTR to start publishing.  I admit, I have gotten behind with everything going on, but this is good news to you guys, since this means I have chapters to begin posting while I am doing the database.  I will be taking time to move my stories over to the FanFiction Affliction site also.  Technical side of everything.  Using that other side of the brain instead of the one I use now to create things.

And hopefully I will be done, so I can finish the novels, and then get back to the part you guys want, (as well as me!) writing all these stories!

So I am off to work on that chapter, and I am hoping that I will get done with Revelations completely before the15th.  And keep an eye on things, since I will be posting things more often while I am working on the database with all the copying and pasting I will be doing….Oh joy!

Signature for TB SVM Writers2

Fanatic Fanfics Awards

Fanatic Fanfics Awards


They have a poll that is out until the 19th of April for what fanfics fandoms will be included.  Plus for you to give your feedback on additional ones to be added.  They are saying the top three will be added.  So let your voice be heard, since if a fandom from last year is not voted on, it will not be included!

The link is in the banner as always.

Signature for TB SVM Writers2

Conclusions I came to…

This past weekend, I spent a lot of time thinking about things.

I talked with two very good friends of mine, listened to what they had to say, and thought about it some more.

Then last night I talked over the issues with my husband.  My best friend, the man I have been dating for 20+ years, and married to for 14 almost 15 years. And his comments were eye opening.

We went through the concerns I had, suggestions I had from my friends, and his thoughts on it.

And can I say the man knows me better than even I knew?

First, he told me he could tell I have been unhappy, and slipping into almost depression.  But he also knows if I didn’t ask him, I would not listen as well to what he had to say.  Plus like he said, we wouldn’t know what works and doesn’t unless I try it.  Second, he told me how I really am, the person he has known all these years, is not the one I present to everyone else.

I admit, with his thoughts on it, I am an introvert.  From an extrovert family.  I have very little knowledge of interactions with others beyond a certain part.  I have been taught that I need to interact with people, and like any human being, I want friends.  The problem?  I don’t know what to do with them, besides what I have been told and taught.  I got spoiled for a couple of years, the friends we have in Tucson accept me completely, my little hang-ups and my in ability to understand some social norms that everyone else just knows.

I rather stay away from people, and life has taught me they are cruel.

The mistake I made, was that while I have no issue standing up for myself, (and Mr. Kittyinaz said an introvert does NOT mean that I don’t have a spine) I thought an introvert wouldn’t be like me. I will stand up for myself and tell people what I want.  Instead it just means I rather be by myself, and not in crowds, I rather deal with people in emails, in writing than on a phone or in social media, not person to person.  Which is odd, because when I worked and needed to tell someone something, I rather do it in person.  Mr. Kittyinaz laughed, and he told me it was so I could see their reaction. For me to be able to stop talking when I think they are not listening.  A learned behavior.  But when left to myself, I rather deal with people in a step away from being present.  Talking on the phone is a particular torture, I have to respond in real time, and cannot see what their bodies and facial expressions are saying.

I am not afraid of confrontation, to the point, that if I see something that bothers me personally I will step up.

But he explained to me what my problem was.  My mom explained it best per Mr. Kittyinaz, when I offered a solution to someone’s problem.  I shocked them and my mom laughed and told them I never realized there was a box to think in.

This is pretty profound, and it describes me exactly.  Hubby pointed out that because I don’t know what the box is, I don’t react or think like others.  I don’t know what is allowed or not, what is acceptable except from learned behavior.  And with me not really being around people until I was in 5th grade, when I was tossed from a school that made no big deal about people being different than others and part of a class of 12, then tossed into a private catholic school in another state and knowing nothing, it messed me up even more.  I learned certain social norms, but I was an outcast.  I was punished for being beat up, and learned that people in responsible positions, positions of authority are not to be believed perfect.  And to fight for myself, since no one else would.

My brother is an extrovert to the nth degree.  My aunts and cousins are all extroverts, and they don’t understand me.  I learned to keep my head down, and say nothing, since my thinking was so far different than theirs, they could not understand it.  It was only until later, when I was being applauded for being different and applying those different thoughts to solutions that no one thought of, that it was seen as something different.  And absence does make the heart fonder on both ends.

So what does this all mean?

It means that there are changes coming, but for the most part, you guys benefit.

My home life is making me depressed.   We looked into maybe medication, beyond the light one I am taking already.  But the bad side to the medications, is while it will dull the unhappiness I feel, it will also dull the happy times.  No thank you.  I often feel like I float through life without major emotions, and I don’t need it to be encouraged.

So my husband told me, when I was happiest, was when I was escaping my reality.  In the past, when I worked, I worked obscene hours.  To escape being home.  I wouldn’t care if I got paid for it, since I got rewarded with not dealing with all the crap around me.  I didn’t have the fact I am different being implied that it was bad. I do this almost automatically and he nixed me volunteering and such until we tried things his way.  Why?  Because I would spend all my free time in doing that, and not as happy as I am usually writing.

When I got sick, was when home and work started blending.  To top it off was when I was sick, there was something wrong physically, and I had no idea what to do.

Then I found fanfiction, and started to write.  Mr. Kittyinaz told me he wanted to cheer with how happy I was. It was the reason he encouraged me to keep on, and when I tried to do new things, he kept on encouraging me, along with our family and friends in Arizona.  And when I came up with the idea of writing a book, he was happier.  He thought that this was what I needed.  I escaped my reality, and was around people who encouraged me to do this.  He told me he thought I was an awesome writer, but he pointed out in the last year, I haven’t had a dinner conversation with him about new ideas.  Not one.  When before I told him everything in the past few years.

And he noticed things were getting worse.  But knowing me, he just waited.

He liked me being around, but was getting more worried with the amount of time I was spending and being around the family, getting depressed.  He didn’t know what was going on, but he listened when I ranted and raved about things going wrong.

He waited.

Then last night when I told him what was going on, he told me what he saw wrong in what I was doing.  I was leaving my escape behind, because that was the solution I was given. I was working too hard.  He shrugged and said to others, it may seem so.  And to a point, they are right.

Then he told me what he has observed about me.  If I don’t think I did enough, I am hard on myself.  I hate being lazy, and while I love reading and just vegging, I am hard on myself when there is stuff for me to be doing.  I loose respect in myself.   Which starts a cycle that the only way to break it is to do what I want. Work.

He pointed out that this past weekend was one that I was happy about, and I played games on my computer.  By myself.

When I told him I was thinking about cutting back the writing contests, he asked me how I feel when I am hosting them.  What stressed me out, and what didn’t.  And then told me to set down some rules.  Like banners are made by me with my characters used.  If after the contest, the people wish to have them changed, they can ask.  Also to give myself (and 4Padfoot!) extra time to go through the entries, read them and then make the banners.  I like to give until the 15th for the voting part, he said to relax and make it not hard on myself and give me 5-7 days to get the entries out.  As long as the contest ends at the same time, it is no different to anyone.  The same on the opposite day.  Let me have the time to add the names of the authors and what place they are.   But he told the other side of it, was that I was happy seeing the reviews and helping other out.  Me being happy was the main point, I just need to eliminate the parts that made it harder.  I can do that.

The other part, was that right now, it really sucks editing.  But I was trying something new, and seeing if it would be better to write it all out and then edit.  I am able to say no.  It sucks.  So he came up with a way that was a middle line.  Work on the stories as they flow, then go back and edit when I am hitting a spot where I am getting to where I would switch stories.  That way when I came back to the story, it was a clean slate.  I just write on it.  This will head back to the older way of doing stuff, but as he pointed out, I often write a bunch of chapters at once.  It may make posting erratic, but he recommended for everyone, to keep to schedule I had come up with.  If I skip a week, there was no chapter.  It appeals to my inner OCD.

Again, his point was that I need to do things that made me happy.

But he did agree that I worked too hard, and his middle ground was that the weekends are his.  Not mine, but his.  He will be planning things to do, since he too needs to get out.  Instead of always taking grandma shopping on Fridays, to maybe go visit the zoo and other things.  We have a fence, and we need to go out with the dogs to watch them from running under the house and free.  We also throw the ball and play with them.  To keep that up.  And even when he has nothing to do, then I can play games.

To keep going to the gym.

To go through my Facebook and eliminate people who are not close to me.  I will be posting something as me, for people to reply to for me to keep them.  Otherwise I am deleting them.  Family I have to keep… but everyone else should be cause they want to be friends with me.  To know me.  If you want stuff about FanFiction, like my Kittyinaz Page or join my group.

To stop trying so hard with people I think are friends to be other than myself.  To explain to them how I am truly, and leave it to them to decide if they want to remain friends.  To stop giving into others, trying to make them happy so they will remain friends to me.  He pointed out that it adds to the stress.  If people want me to be less stressed, then they need to accept me as I am.

To say the conversation with him last night was an eye opening experience is to compare Eric to Bill.   No comparison.

He hit the nail so many times it was kinda scary, but it made me feel better.  The one person who I am married to actually really gets me.  He told the real reasons he wants me to write, is because it makes me happy.  Life is too short to spend it being miserable.  I get to sit here do what I love with my dog at my feet.  I get to make pretty things, and had an eye opening experience with a photographer I met this weekend and when they looked over my site and what I do with Photoshop.  I thought I was still a baby and didn’t do anything that awesome.  Their response had me reeling.  A complete stranger telling me that she has been in classes for years, and not able to even know half of what I do is possible.   Take a clear day picture and add weather?  What a concept.. (not to me, but according to her, she never thought about it that way…)

My husband had a lot to say on that.  I am hard on myself.  I have had to live up to impossible expectations, on things that were complete opposites of what I am for so long, that I accept that I will fail.  I was told that accepting praise for something that I find easy is very wrong.  I should always work for praise.

Yeah, he had ALOT to say about that one.  But he did tell me that if nothing else, this time with me around my family, taught him a lot of why I am the way I am.  Why it took me years to open up to him and his family.  And then seeing the growth from me being accepted for being myself.  How everyone comments in both good and bad ways how I am different, I stand up for myself a lot now.  And he reminded me that I need to regain that assurance.

It sounds so contradictory to myself, but as he pointed out specific events, I realized that was what I have been doing.  Backing down to keep people I like around, scared of putting myself forward.  Which is opposite of what I am.  But I took some hard knocks recently, and started second guessing myself again.  And as they kept coming, he pointed out the more time I stepped away from my escape, the worse I felt and got.

I guess it was revenge for all those times I said I was right, and really was.  He had to get one huge shot in.  But he told me he would be good for awhile, as long as I listened.


So, I wanted to write this, to let you guys know what is going on.

I am going to be writing but I am still planning to finish the database stopping everything to work on it on the 15th.  Then I will finish up any editing, and then work on my novel.  Now that I know the real reason, I am going to prove him right in believing in me, and doing what he can to deal with me.  I love the man.  But sometimes I think he needs to talk more and less teasing.  It was something he promises to work on, as long as I remind him as he will be reminding me to keep up on this stuff.

I will be missing Fridays – Sundays.  Sometimes Monday, depending on what happened on the weekends if I need time to rest from spending time in crowds.

I will try to apply the same rules I do to betas to myself, but to respect myself as well.  This is my escape, and I need it to function without being depressed.  Take control of my life, and see who wants to be a part of it now.

And mostly, try to make less drama.

He also pointed out that my two friends were very right when they said I need to learn to say no.  Not only on here, but also in my private life.  He understands the issues there, and will be helping me.  Agreeing to just keep people liking me is very stressful on it’s own.

I will be hosting the You Want Blood awards after my novel is done, for Crossovers.  If anyone wants to help, let me know.  I am planning on no one helping, and know that the first time is a doozy.  The crossovers have to have a Vampire fic as one of the crossovers officially.  And while I know Twilight very well, as well as the TB/SVM ones, I am not familiar with the TVD, Vampire academy and so on as well.  While they don’t have to be about the vampires themselves, unless the category said it did, I figure we should honor the whole You Want Blood name.

Mr. Kittyinaz approves this as he said I was extremely excited with this idea.  There are not enough awards for crossovers.  Not them by themselves.  There is the Non-Canon Awards, and I think mine.  Other than that, they often get grouped in with the other contests.

So the lesson I learned?  Listen to the hubs, and stop thinking I am normal.  Everyone is unique, I understand that for everyone else, I just need to apply that to myself.  Just be patient while I unlearn some bad habits.

Sounds so easy to tell to others, but to actually do it?  Not so easy.  Forgive me when I mess up.

Signature for TB SVM Writers2