It’s Monday, and my review for this week is for MySecretOFanFiction’s Getaway.
Please go visit the page, and read my review, and then head over to this wonderful angst free smut filled fanfiction. It’s a long one, but I promise you, you will love it…. Next week will be the Sequel which was much shorter, and during this week will be the interview with the author.
As always, click on the banner to be taken to my review.
Ok… This month some of my ladies who are either dear friends or betas, (And even both) are hosting writing contests. In order to support them, and to give myself some time for the You Want Blood Awards (Which is starting up on May 1st for Nominations!) I am not hosting the Kittyinaz Writing Contest this month.
I had an awesome picture picked out, but we will just postpone it for next month. Instead. I highly recommend entering in one of the following contests instead:
There is Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Superhero Fest:
Welcome to a brand new contest hosted by your friendly neighborhood author!
You may be surprised to find out but – I LOVE COMIC BOOKS! *gasp!* It’s shocking, I know, and I’m sure it’s caught everyone off guard. But it’s true. I learned to read on comic books; I read them to this day. I love the partnership between art and words and the way so many make them flow seamlessly together to tell really kick ass stories.
Currently, pop-culture is going through what I like to think of as the Age of Comics. It is now cool to like comics. You see them everywhere – cartoons, TV shows, movies… EVERYWHERE and to a comic book nerd like me, it’s heaven. Sadly though, one place I don’t see them as much is in fanfiction. There are authors that write them, of course, but it’s a fandom I would love to see grow and expand. Comic universes are so rich – so ripe for writing – that I decided to hold a fun contest to hopefully inspire new authors to attempt writing in these fun, untapped worlds. Join the dark side – we have Tony Stark! 😉
So I give to you all: Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Superhero Fest!
Please click the banner for the rule that she has implemented and for more information!
The other contest is hosted by American Android.
Welcome to the first and maybe only contest held here at AmericanAndroid fic. The theme for this contest will be Historical Fiction. Please read below for more information and thank you for coming!
Contest Admins:
Please direct any questions to the following people The Queen of Delicious (Leah on FB)
AmericanAndroid (Alicia on FB)
Contest Rules:
1. One entry per person
2. Entry must be within the SVM/TB fandom and contain at least one character from the show/book who is a primary character in your story. (Crossovers are permitted)
3. Entry must be a historical fiction in nature, a period piece which takes place in the past. (Example: Ancient Rome, Early America, Roaring 20s, European Renaissance, Medieval, etc.) Time travel from the present is permitted.
4. Entrants must remain anonymous until voting is concluded and are not permitted to tell anyone which entry is theirs.
5. All entries must be received by midnight central time on April 30th in word doc format.
6. Email your entry to and include your pen name, rating, and title.
7. If you enter you are welcome to put the contest banner on your website and link it back to this page.
There will be a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winner. The winners will receive a custom banner for their story and an award graphic to put on their website. Winners will be announced about a week after voting ends. Voting will be conducted via a daily wordpress poll.
Please click on the banner above for any additional rules or questions.
We received one entry for the last month contest, and as soon as I can, I will be getting that story up and the banner for them.
As I mentioned above, the You Want Blood Awards are gearing up for those of us who do the contest. Please feel free to visit the site to start getting your ideas in order for the nominations opening May 1, 2015!
Don’t forget the new FanFiction site, FanFiction Affliction. I need to get to work on that again. I have too many stories to move over!
I am off to do a bunch of work, and hopefully have some time to write this holiday weekend. I really need the writing time. My muse is starting to hit me up with stories…
Yep, I hate to say it, but this is the last of the chapters for the All I Want story. I know the title of the next one will be All This Time. But…..IHaven’tStartedIt.
Yeah. I didn’t expect the editing to take this long!!!! No more just editing after this. I need to write not just take story after story and edit. It is killing me. So I was told to take a week off, and then this week I am writing the Mummy/Twilight story. I wrote 2 chapters in one night. And as soon as I can get back to it, I will be writing the rest. And yes… there is a thread started on it in Facebook. They get the second chapter tonight.
Plus this coming months will be busy, I will be stopping in April one way or the other, to get ready for the You Want Blood Awards. I HAVE to finish the database. No and, ifs or buts. So we will be stopping, and then I will continue after that. And the Mummy story will be put to the end of that mess coming up.
The review that came out today was for Magsmacdonald (the beta of mine!!!!) for her Make a Wish story. Go check it out!!! The banner above will take you to the review. Keep an eye out on the Non Cannon Awards, the Crossover section will be coming and hopefully a TB/SVM section!
And no forgetting the new site, click on the banner above. People are loading up stories!!!
Not much to say today, because I want to get to the writing part. You know. That part I actually love doing. lol.
But I am still on my vacation thingie. I was supposed to go to Shreveport next weekend, but then we cancelled it. But I was told that we will go to Arizona, and spend a load of time there. Like a huge chunk of close to a month and more. But he wanted me to relax and I will mention why later on.
Last time I was gone, I wrote a little story called All I Want. I finished ED, and You’re while I was there also. I got a ton of work done, and enjoyed myself fully. And none of it felt like work.
So what am I doing now? I am working on the sequel of the Mummy/Twilight. I decided the call the series Path of the Stars. And the second one is You Get Lighter, One chapter down, and the next is ready to be done, but the muse won’t shut up yet for this chapter. I am thinking it will be soon. They are about to go to dinner…
The first tease is in the Facebook group. And I am aiming to edit what I have when I am done with the other stuff. Remember, for me these are short. 10-12 chapters. Each. And I am writing when I want, otherwise I am dealing with everything around, and working when I feel like it. I am hoping I will be all rested and get the rest of the stuff done here shortly. Taking three days to edit one chapter, that all I had to do is approve or not the changes the beta wanted.. well my hubs said I was burning out. I hate editing and it really is work for me. Writing is not work… It’s fun. I finished one chapter today and will be finishing the second and probably get 1-2 chapters a day out until I am done…
The other big thing, is that 4Padfoot and I have discussed many a time about Crossover Haven. I had mentioned that I couldn’t load the stuff for some reason, and some of our writers cannot manage doing stuff I can. (I had an awesome teacher!) We talked when she found the theme when we were looking for themes for this site. Then she showed me an idea she had… And then I am surprised when Gyllene and 4Padfoot launched their new site. It was not just for crossovers, but for all fanfiction.
It is called FanFiction Affliction. And it rocks. They just launched it, so they are adding things as they are being told about it. I already loaded up All I Want to there, and Carolized. I was loading ED, but we ran into a snag, and until it was fixed, there was no reason to continue until it was figured out. I will be loading 2 stories, as well as a one shot each day until I am caught up.
For those wondering, it is the theme that TWCS and Twilighted, Granger Enchanted and so many others run on. 4Padfoot was an admin to Twilighted, so she is familiar with the program. As well as knowing a lot of the people behind the scenes at some of these other sites… There is no approval process, you sign up, you then get taken to the sign in screen for the screen name and password you entered, and then you go to work. That is it. I am excited for this, and as you know, I love anything that allows our freedom in writing.
They promise no deletions without notifications. Which I know we all are tired of. They do the age verification for you, so all you do is load up the stuff. Follow the very easy rules, and done. Seriously. This is just so easy!!
They have a group in Facebook for any issues and for those that do not see your fandom in there, let them know, and they will add it!!!
So I will see you later. I will try to work on the last banner for the AIW. yep you heard me. One last banner. and the story is done. I will be using the shield that MistressJessica1028 gave me to use.
Why am I saying this? I just found out reading something that I had only read a part of in the past, and left.
Because while I am all for people being themselves, and actively say something against other people trying to make choices about others bodies, I just didn’t care to read about it. It did nothing for me, and wasn’t my cup of tea. Nothing against the pairing or anything like that. But then there are fandoms I don’t read, and there are pairings I don’t read at all (Bill/Sookie? Ewww!!!!!)
My choice.
The way I always thought about it, was it was like getting your hair done. It’s your hair. You have the right to do with it what you like. Shoot even now I can see the looks on family faces as I color and cut my hair. But I’m the one who has to live with it. Has to look at it everyday. If I can’t be true to myself, then how could I look in the mirror?
Sadly, while so many people would agree on this, those same people would think they have a right to tell me what to do with my body.
Let me ask you, if a woman couldn’t have kids, did that mean they can’t get married? If a man is impotent, or was injured, could that mean he wasn’t a man? If a person was burned to the point you couldn’t tell what color his skin was, much less any other defining feature, a lesser being?
Let’s put in more stark ideas. If someone was saving another human being, animal, or really anything, is that person any less of a person?
But all you people with your claims that a lesbian or gay couple shouldn’t get married because it corrupts the idea of marriage are deciding for these people that their bodies, minds, souls are yours to judge. That you are the master of them. That you own them.
My personal belief system says there is someone else to do the judging, and that other person in my belief is my God. And he ain’t on earth. Joe Blow on the street, sitting in the coffee shop across from you, in the train, working with you, working ON you, or saving your life, has a different opinion.
Does that make them less of a human?
People this is not hard. I’m sorry to say even the bible was told by humans. Shoot, right now, the original words would make no sense to us. Seriously, do go try to read the Dead Scrolls, or the original books. If experts still debate on the meanings of the originals. And even then, It was told by humans, and I hate to say it, but I cannot write what the muse tells me without putting it in my own words. Especially when she gives me a picture, and I have to struggle for the words to tell you what I see. How was it that these people who had no idea how God thought, could interpret his thoughts without putting their own twist on it?
But this is not a debate on meanings and such. I came about these conclusions after being encouraged by my Bio Dad, to read and go through all the versions of the bible. It was eye opening, and I learned a lot from it. One is that how I believe in him is no different than someone believing in another God. Did all those people, who never even heard of God going to hell just because they didn’t even have a chance of knowing about it? No. My God is not that way. And if he is, I truly would rather believe in something else. He is supposed to be better than all the human bigotry and so forth. He is NOT human. But this is my belief. I do not shove it down your throat, shoot I don’t even tell you the exactness of what I believe. And some of it will throw you for a serious loop. But that is my opinion. That I read and came to separate from another telling me.
Educate yourselves. Don’t be sheep. Don’t accept what I am telling as the gospel. Don’t accept that the person in Government is better than you. I only wanted to be president in 8th grade. Never again later. What says that the smartest people are running for offices? What makes you think that they can make your decisions for you? Think about it. If they came out and told you, sitting next to a black person is a crime. Would you just accept it? Or even more basic, that you sitting next to the other sex is wrong?
Children understand the truth much easier and sadly, they are so much better than we are. They don’t care who they play with in the sandbox. The most you get is they will run away from another saying they have cooties. And we laugh. But isn’t what labels we put on people just grown up versions of cooties?
Harry Potter. Death eaters. Voldemort. We are familiar with this story. The Death Eaters are bad cause they are killing Muggles and those not pure blooded in the minds of these people. They are hated and the sheep of the Wizarding world just hid away. We cheer that the good guys win, because it was wrong.
So how are we, prosecuting those that are not the same, because they believe in something different, were born different, or even dared to have different opinions, any different?
How is refusing to serve gays and lesbians any different than refusing to serve someone based on their color?
Do we really need to go back in time, and have to live through the atrocities of the Holocaust, the race wars? Did we not learn anything??
Do we need another 9/11 attack to wake us up and shove the truths into our faces?
I would like to say no.
For myself, growing, educating myself, and changing. I do say no.
What do you say?
How will you explain the deaths of others, for your choices to your children? To any child period. Look into their eyes and when they ask why, you tell them it is because we didn’t learn the lessons over and over and over again that there is no difference in a human being from another. That all Man was created equal.
Think about it for yourself, and not as a sheep, not as a Death Eater, Nazi, racist. Or whatever label it takes for you to wake up and realize you are no better than they.
Yes, it really took me about 4 hours to make this banner. Four hours. Part of it was searching for a pic of Alex that I could use, then looking for a equally matching Allan. Then I spent the rest of the time searching for what turned out to be a lion and wolf for the sides. Sookie was finished in like 15 minutes. (I did some weird stuff) And I lost the file once. yeah. Not happy about that one. (more…)
It truly is amazing the stuff you can find on the internet. I searched Alexander Skarsgard leprechaun and the picture above is what popped up. I think it is fitting for today. Sorry I missed posting last week, but Daylight Savings in the USA screwed me up. Losing one hour completely wrecked my week. I…
Can someone please explain to me why I am seeing more snow in March than I did in the entire months of December and January???? I should be getting ready for spring, not worrying about shoveling 8 inches of snow. The only way snow in March is acceptable is if it this is part of…
Hello lovelies. I cannot guarantee I will be back to publishing weekly, but I will try. My dear beta, kleannhouse, is in high demand trying to juggle the stories of three writers. She is amazing and she makes me laugh with all of her comments on my stories. This one especially. I started this story…
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