In Progress Stories
Current Story Chapters
Stories that are Coming Soon!!!

Welcome to the site! has come a long way from when I started back in 2012. Back then, Faeregina and I were the only two working on the site, and we were moving all the stories over from Fanfiction, and starting a little known story called In The End.
Now you guys know me, and I am about to start work on my original fiction. We have come a long way since the beginning, and Mr. Kittyinaz sitting at my desk in our room, trying to figure out how to do links for the Next and Back buttons.
Now I have 4Padfoot who is magical at this stuff, and even better, she helps me learn it, so I am not lax on it either.
From starting out in Alice, 2009 to now being in more fandoms than I know what to do with, between the straight up fanfiction, then to the crossovers. It has been a ride!
In addition, there are the monthly writing contests that are anonymous completely. For entering the contests, you get a banner made for the story, no matter how it places. Once the contest is ended, and the different judges hand in the ballots, and another hands me the list of who did what, we present the winners. I am proud to say that there are writers who have started out in this contest, and have become names in our little world.
Now we are about to start on some new ones. There are a bunch of new fanfiction coming, as well as me embarking on my own journey in the Original Fiction.
None of this would be possible without my outstanding Beta team. They are the ones who listen to me, and they volunteer to help out with stories.
Then there is the team behind the site, 4Padfoot, and her minion, Gyllene Fanfiction. Between these wonderful ladies there is usually someone around to help me.
I look forward to seeing you in our future endeavors, and please, don’t be shy in letting us know what you like, and don’t like. We never know unless you tell us!
Alice 2009
Jupiter Ascending
Once Upon A Time
Tin Man
True Blood
Harry Potter/Twilight
LOTR / Twilight
The Mummy/Twilight
True Blood/Twilight
The Vampire Diaries/Twilight
Check out the videos that 4padfoot made for me!!
Good Day!
So, I haven't given you guys an update on me for a while. So I told myself to do so when I get up.... My Ankles and Heels are healing up. I still have pain, but nerves do that, as well as the growth of the pad on your heels. I have also found out that the meds I...
Update on Me
Hello Everyone! I wish this were a post to say, Hey!! I have a new chapter/story post. Unfortunately, it is not. I ended up in the Hospital on 02/05/24, due to a possible bone Infection. After a week there, I am now home after having surgery to clean out the...
No Chapter
I just wanted to drop by and let those of you wondering what the hell is going on know that I am getting ready to do the second Surgery as of Monday Morning. The first had a complication in that my Achilles tendon ruptured when the Dr opened up my ankle. So that has...

Queen of the Betas, Beta for Every Dark Night Turns Into Day, The Shortcut Home, I Never...Did

Bertie Bott
Crown Princess, Beta for Such A Heavenly View, Wisdom, Justice, and Love, and When I Pretend

Beta for Picking Down Clocks

Beta for Crossing the Fine Line

Beta for Points of Authority, In The End, and Alice and Hatter

Beta for Put Your Feet Up to the Edge and Our Road is Long
Beta for The Sun Hold the Moon and Breathe the name of your Saviour

Beta for Picking Down Clocks, Light Up the Path, Black Velvet, I Still Love You, and The Best is Yet to Come

Beta for All I Want, Revelations of A Hatter and an Alice

Miss Potter
Beta for Dying to Start Again

Royal Ember
Pre-Reader for Some Sacred Place in Time, Put Your Feet to the Edge

Beta for Never Changing Who I Am, Some Sacred Place in Time, Tired Wings are Falling, Dying to Start Again, Picture Perfect, and What If

Zabby Perno
Beta for Blood Of Innocence Burning in the Sky