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More Revelations!

More Revelations!

I know, you wanted more Clocks, but I don't have a lot of those chapters.  I do however have lots of Revelations.  So I am dribbling out the Clocks chapters between them. And for those that have never heard or read this story, let me tell you about Revelations.  It...

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Yes, I finally finished the timelining! And it took forever, so all I have to do is write down some of these ideas so I can follow them as soon as I get to.  Saturday probably.  And yes, this does mean that In The End will be finished.  It's about time don't you...

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The Results Are In!!!

The Results Are In!!!

The winner of the April Writing Contest: Congratulations are in order!!! If you can't tell, LightK sent in some pics of what she was imagining, and the rest I add in.  this was a fun banner to make, and interestingly, it was not the one who kept crashing on me. Not to...

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If you are having issues with leaving comments, please let us know.  The email that we check for issues with the site is   WE are trying to see what the problem is, but we are not having issues so it is hard for us to see. Thanks!...

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Time to Take a Break!

Time to Take a Break!

Yep, it is that chapter of Clocks.  Late, but then... One - There is a movie playing in the middle.  It was supposed to be a gif, but nobody would use it (WordPress and FB gave me issues).  Then it played too fast.  I adjusted timing.  It is still fast.  All I can...

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