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I am still here!
Happy Fourth of July to the Americans. For the rest of you, Happy Saturday!!! And I am working on banners. But.... (yeah there would be one wouldn't there?) I have been fighting migraines and when I don't have those, I have headaches for the last three days. And the...
Five hours left! (Midnight CST!!!!!)
Until the entries need to be in. Last count was now 7. With that many, there will be 4 places to win! I can't wait to read them!!!! Also don't forget to grab the participation banner for yourselves!!!!
New Chapter of What If!
You kinda remember this story right? It was one of the first ones posted to this site, and then I ended up not writing more on it. Until last year. I was trying to finish it, but I ended up having a hard time with one of the characters. After a long fight with...
Sorry about yesterday!
Really. I have no idea what I had, but yeah. Glad it is gone. I am drinking some gingerbread tea today to make sure my tummy is fine. Personally I think it was something I ate, which the length of it is a huge indicator of that being so. Who knows. Not me, or I...
Last day…kinda
Ok, I'm awful. I've been sick all day, and forgot to do this earlier. So, to make up for it, you have until midnight tomorrow to get your entries in. Hopefully I will be feeling better, and will start working on the banners tomorrow. to recap, I took a sick day...