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Thank God it’s FRIDAY!!!
I am here with another chapter for Harry Potter. I know.. no cheering needed. We want to stretch out these last chapters.... Now here is the thing, I never though that all this would take as long as it has. Not in a million years. I expected to be close to...
Tuesday!!! You know what that means!
Tin Man Chapter!!! And I will let you know, this is so very NSFW!!! Yes, this is the moment you guys have been waiting for. Sorry it too so long. But hell, things happen, and we all know this. I updated you guys on what was going on, and was very pleasantly...
Monday Excitement
So this weekend was not spent away from the computer. Yes, the Nominations closed on Friday night, then the ladies were super duper awesome in getting them finished when I was away for like an hour. An Hour!!!!!!!! Then we opened up the Wild Card places, places that...
So everyone got the nominations are closing tomorrow right for the You Want Blood Awards, right? (if not, click on the banner above to be taken to the site to nominate. Put in I don't read this in any spot you don't have a nomination.) And everyone is aware that we...
Tuesday = Tin Man
Never really thought about it. The betas pick which days they want for their stories to be published. The only exceptions is Wednesday, which is Meridian's day. And posting day. And also happens to be the start of my posting weeks... hmmm... So.. How are you guys?...