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So.  Today I am working on the database (And grumbling since I had to manually correct 130 entries for authors on what fandom they are in) and Miss Meridian, her royal highness, popped up on my Facebook.  Seems she had a few questions. I thought we were just...

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So in one day, I busted out Revelations and that is off to the beta. And I finished the first chapter of Edge and that is off to the beta, with the chapter ready to be published once she waives her magic scepter over it.  And.. I finished the other one that I did...

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Interviews and Reviews!

Interviews and Reviews!

Yep it is Monday and I am on the computer.  I had a interview on Friday that posted and today the sequel to Getaway is up for you to read!!! Here is the interview: And here is the review: As always, click on the banners to be taken to the pages. And don't forget to...

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Fanatic Fanfics Awards

Fanatic Fanfics Awards

They have a poll that is out until the 19th of April for what fanfics fandoms will be included.  Plus for you to give your feedback on additional ones to be added.  They are saying the top three will be added.  So let your voice be heard, since if a fandom from last...

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Conclusions I came to…

This past weekend, I spent a lot of time thinking about things. I talked with two very good friends of mine, listened to what they had to say, and thought about it some more. Then last night I talked over the issues with my husband.  My best friend, the man I have...

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