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Christmas Stories
I just got done with the banners for the contest, and I am going back to bed. The poll will close on midnight December 31st, 2014, CST. Please read these awesome entries, and leave notes for the authors. They won't be able to reply until after the contest, but they...
Christmas Stories!
Yes, I know I am running late. I had an episode with WalMart that made a five minute trip into a 5 hour trip. I was even humming Gilligan's Island to myself while in the checkout line for an hour. MamaKittyinaz was laughing at me. Lesson learned: never go shopping...
Get your Entries in by Midnight!
Tonight is the VERY last night we will accept entries into the Writing contest tonight. I am running a day behind with the baking stuff, so I will be finished tonight. And I will be making the banners. So please have the entries in. One of the emails to send them...
Just a general update for you guys
This is exactly what I said it was. I am working with an artist for a banner for the Kill Bill Contest... Looney Tooney was the name of the story and it is AWESOME!!! Click on the name if you want to read it, I will debut the banner as soon as we are done with it....
It’s Monday!
Yeah it's me. I'm not dead yet... And why is it I always imagine the above scene when that is said.. and if you have NO idea what movie that is from. I'm sorry to say, you have no life. Seriously. Ok. Enough with them. ::Giggling madly:: Today!!! I have important...