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Yes. It is Wednesday….
And what does this mean? Well besides the old chapters being updated on the other sites... And that this is the start of the new Posting Week for me. New Chapters start for me, for the other betas to know about. Why Wednesdays? Why not? Actually it has to do with...
What do we got here?
Kittyinaz.. are you really posting already?!?!!? Why, yes. Yes, I am!! And not just one chapter to a story, but 2 again! Ok. So one of them is on this site, and the other is on the Anthem of Angels site, but hey it is still two updates right? So here is the first...
Just a reminder!
This not being able to reblog may need me to revist some things, I may make a blog or use one of the others to reblog the posts. Let me know what site you would like me to reblog, or to make a site to reblog the stories on. Anywho, Bertie wanted me to remind everyone...
Yet again this hits us. What is going through people's head to make them take the work of others and claim it for yourself? That is like someone coming in after Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence and say they wrote it. Someone else claiming the Mona...
First post of the new Site!
YEAH!!!!! We have moved!! Completely. If you find this on Facebook, but didn't get an email, you need to sign on and subscribe. The place to sign on is right under the banners on the front page. You enter your email, and you will receive a are you sure email. So...