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No, your eyes DON’T deceive you!
go off to read!!! its a great chapter... I will have an update for you guys soon. I am working on stuff, but I can tell you to make up for no IND chapter this week, I finished the chapters that have been written, and sent them off for being updated for next week. And...
One Lovely Blog Award
Thanks to the lovely Gyllene and VictoryInTrouble for nominating me. Here are the rules for this award: You must thank the person who nominated you and include a link to their blog. You must list the rules. You must add 7 facts about yourself. You must nominate 15...
First Multi-chapter Story of Anthem of Angels!
YES!!! I am happy to announce the first chapter of my multi-chapter story Cross the Line is up and ready for you to read!!!! Click on the banner to go to the front page of the Universe. Description: One day Gabriel is pulled to do what he thinks is mischief in...
What?!?!?! I updated on time?!?!?!?!?! HOLY SHIT! This update is brought to you by Meridian. Who worked her ass off to get this ready for you guys when I gave it to her late, after my jam packed weekend! And.. This is an update on sooo many things!!! So we will...
It’s True… it’s another update… and a thank you.
I adding this so you guys get a chance to read this!! I am so behind in sharing fics!! So sorry!