October’s Contest is Open!

October’s Contest is Open!

October 2016 1

Yep, it is open!!!  The poll closes at midnight on the 10th.  I received only two entries, but holy cow!  It would take me awhile to tell you which is my favorite!!!

So please, Read, Review and Vote on your favorite!

And please don’t forget, we are accepting entries for the Annual Kittyinaz’s Christmas Challenge!!! Click the banner below to be taken to the page for more information.






Yep, I am finally motivated to get my ass into gear and get things done. For those that don’t know there is a group on Facebook that has the passwords for the Brotherhood series.  Click on the link to be taken there, and be patient.  I will have to vette you guys against the list of pre-readers we have to allow you on the Group.

For one thing, I have been changing my sleeping pattern into a more normal one.  No idea how this will last, but this last week, I needed to be awake at so-called normal times.  Today was the first day I could sleep in, and I ended up still waking up at 8:30.  I am not looking a gift horse in the mouth, especially since this is now the best time to work, since the house is nice and cool, along with everyone gone.  I can spend time with family (Connor enforced!) and still get things done.

I am also moving into a more complicated part of the story.  I am bringing in parts of Our Road is Long into the story.  I realized while I was writing, that there is no way that Lady would ignore what was going on in their own backyard.  So we will see more of those two stories starting to blend.  Our Road is going to take longer to catch up, but it will all end up working in the long run.

I also was having issues with headaches.  No idea what was causing them, but they were getting bad.  But I got my hair done yesterday and the lightness is enough to have me breathing sighs of relief.  I may have baby fine hair, but I have tons of it.  I was also always pulling it back to have it out of my face.  Now it is nice and fixed, it is out of my way and I feel so much better.

I plan to do the banners this weekend while completing some other errands.  Robin, who truly is an amazing woman, is working on Character pages.  She worked on the original Tea Shoppe cast and has them completed.  I love her idea, so I am working on some more for her to load up.  I don’t think we will touch the Marvel ones except for making one for Bella.

That is what is going on with my life.  I hope yours is going great!!


Just a reminder, the Christmas contest is now live.  The contest for October (which has some seriously great stories!) will be live after this weekend for your voting.


Also, the holiday season is coming up, and I wanted to remind you guys of the Amazon Link.  While your donations help Robin with the costs of the site (and me!!!) The Amazon link pays for the Domain name, photoshop, storage for the pictures and stories on a server that I don’t have to worry about mine crashing.  It also pays for Grammarly and other things that allow me to work.  (like a new mouse when mine crapped out on me.) I don’t work, instead, I do this, so your help is greatly appreciated. In a time that my hubby is cutting the cost so that we can buy our first house, it is awesome to tell him that my readers support us where I can keep my tools I use for the site.  It costs nothing to you, just use the link to connect to Amazon, and I get credit for what you buy.  I also get credit if you click on something, even if you don’t buy it.  But the amount of clicks can up the percentage I get.  It never gets about 10%, unless they are doing specials.  I am adding ads later for those specials for November.

As long as the Kittyinaz-20 is in the address when you click on Amazon, you will be giving me credit.  I thank you guys for all you do for the site.  Our Thank you page for the donations got messed up and none of the user names came through.  I don’t feel easy to list all the people who donated without their screen names.  So I am gathering thank you cards and will be sending them out to the ones who donated.  I first have to buy stamps.  oops.

 I do know we are still short of the amount needed to pay the monthly dues for the security, and I will try to give you guys the amount we are missing.  Now I have an hour to write, and I am going to see if I can get more out on Aos Si…

Autumn Signature

Tea Time!

Tea Time!


Yes, you heard correctly, it is time for some Tea Shoppe!

I have an update to both the Twilighted and the original.  I know, I know.  I’m behind on updating, but I had what was trying to be a migraine after I posted on Tuesday.  I should be having one soon, since we are getting a cold front pushing through, and I am extremely sensitive to barometric pressure changes.

Plus, tomorrow is grandma day and is supposed to be BEAUTIFUL.  I love cold fronts, they wipe away the humidity and give us cooler weather.  It looks like we will have both Friday and Saturday of pretty weather, so who knows what will happen those days.

For what has been going on, not much.  Right now I am surrounded by pets, especially a Connor who is thrilled with Mom being up and in the office.  I am going to try to write or edit something.  We will see, since I am also trying to work around the possibility of a storm.  I even threw my sheets and stuff in the wash early so I can hopefully get them done ahead of time.

So if I don’t talk to you before Sunday, have a great weekend.

And in case you might have forgotten these are all the chapters updated so far this week:


Tired Wings are Falling


Some Sacred Place in Time


Tea Shoppe


Twilighted Tea Shoppe

If one of the pics are missing (stupid database), please click on the words for the pic.  It will still take you to the chapter. Enjoy!




Here is the post I promised yesterday!

Yep, that is right, we have a chapter of Sacred ready for you to go, even through technology has been fighting me every step of the way.

Seriously, I am literally pulling my hair at my outlook (the office version) since it will not connect me with my email, that is hosted by Microsoft.  But it will hold the Gmail account on it.   This all changed on 10/12/2016 so I am blaming the massive updates I got to Windows 10 AND Office 365.

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Yes, I am confused also.

Our wonderful, awesome Robin has tried to wave her magic wand on my computer, but nothing has occurred besides it is very afraid of messing up again.  So we are telling on it.  so there.

I have received two entries so far for the October contest, I am just waiting to see if any more come in.  And I am glad I am only hosting and making banners.  Cause I really don’t know who I would vote for.  They are both awesome.

As for me, I am slowly working on stuff.  I have another chapter of Tired Wings up on my screen, and knowing I need to sit down to work on the OF.  I may end up doing something like timing posts and so on.  It does take me actually longer to edit and post a chapter than it does for me to write it.

I am going back to Sundays off.  I cannot be on the computer in this office all week.  I may get other days ‘off’ but most of the time, I am stressing, thinking about getting back on it, so even if I am not online, or in the office, I am thinking about it.  Sundays I can relax, catch up on reading, and most importantly, not burn out.

Cause I am getting close.  I need to take some time off, but haven’t come up with a good enough reason for myself.  But I will be structuring other things to make sure I have some breaks from writing or editing, to allow myself to relax more.  The weather is finally cooling off that we actually reach the 70’s at night!  LOL… This Friday is going to be awesome since we will be at 74!  Love cold fronts!!!  Soon I can open windows and let fresh air cool the house off instead of the AC.  YEAH!!!!

I am also planning to pick up my photoshop lessons.  Set an alarm and so on.  This way I can work on it, as well as other things.  I am basically easing into life away from the computer, and hopefully, it will make productivity the same as when I am in AZ.  Since when I am there, I can be out running around and somehow write massively.

So I am off to relax for a little bit, Hopefully, find something to eat so I can get some energy to come back and work.  Enjoy the chapter!


Tomorrow will be the post

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Sorry!  But I was working on the chapter of Sacred, (yes that is the chapter!) and suddenly heard ‘Til the Last Shot is Fired.

That song made a bunch of ideas cascade in my head.  So I wrote them all as a one shot.  It’s a mashup of fandoms, and probably won’t have anything to do with it after this, cause it made me cry.  I found out more than I wanted about the battles mentioned in the song, as well as about a certain character, (which didn’t match up to the movie version so I used that one, cause it was in my head).

It’s up in the Kittyinaz’s Group, for any who are a member of that group.  It’s under Files, and you can read it in all it’s unedited glory.  Just have a tissue around.  I don’t know if it will affect anyone else, but with the scenes in my head, yeah… it made me cry.

Tomorrow I will work on your chapter, or tonight if I can get in a better mood.  For now, I am going off to curl up, pop me a bag of popcorn, and finish reading the story I am on.  And then go to InLoveWithEric’s Dead From Head to Tales.  Thanks to a lady in my Group who asked if anyone knew it, and it is a favorite of mine.

But I need some happy vibes.

The chapter of Sacred is done, needs to have pics and a banner inserted with links to other chapters (and a mysterious gif I can’t find of Eric taking off with Sookie!).  Once they are done, I will publish it for your reading pleasure.

Have a good night/great day!

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The Results Are In!

The Results Are In!

I got the results and here they are!

Congrats to Jenna Tee for winning the Challenge!  And huge congratulations to all who were awesome and submitted to the contest.  For all those that entered, If you post on your own sites, and/or extend the entries, please let me know.  And if you post on FanFiction.net, let me know and I can work with you on making a banner for that site.

As of right now, there are no entries received for the October Contest, but if you email me, I will be happy to discuss extensions if needed  If I receive nothing by the 22nd, I will declare the contest closed.  If you end up being the only one entering, I will still make the banner for you.

Now for the Annual Christmas Challenge!!!


Once upon a time, Carols were just another form of story-telling.  An example of this would be the famous A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens.  And if you think of most of our Christmas carols, they tell stories.  So this year, I am going to open the contest to be inspired by Christmas stories, no matter if they are carols, actual stories or so on.  ANYTHING inspired by one of those will be accepted.  It can be one or more stories combined to enter.  You have until Thanksgiving to send entries, and I will give a leeway of until Saturday after Thanksgiving to have entries in, since I will spending Thanksgiving cooking, and Friday shopping and/or decorating.  (I say shopping but it will be watching people be stupid.  I can’t help it, it makes me crack up each and every year).  But I will have the entries up by the 1st of December for voting unless someone contacts me for an extension.

Click on the banner for the Christmas Carol Contest, (oops should say challenge!) to get more information, as well as the Participation banner.

Good luck to everyone, and I look forward to stretching my banner making skills!!!!  (and my computer, since Natsgirl banner last year was awesome, and it wouldn’t export out because of the size, but I even had it snowing in her snowglobe!)

I will be doing an email later on other stuff, once I am caught up on things!

And again, congratulations to everyone who entered in the August contest!

Autumn Signature

Hello… this thing working?

Hello… this thing working?


So I have a present for you guys.  Technology removed another present, but the super beta known otherwise as tj6james6 is working to redo all the corrections and notes that she had already done for a chapter.  Stupid Technology.  First, it made me lose days in redoing all my settings and drivers with the new update, then I have lost Outlook 2016 connecting at all to my email.  Now a chapter has somehow lost all of it’s comments, fixes and so on.  And that had been after a huge snafu with Drive deciding not to sync with anyone.

Now it is telling me I need room on my computer.  Wonder why?  (iTunes!!!!  I’m telling you I load so much music it ain’t funny!  This will be the second time I filled a computer with music…)

With all the hiccups we have been having (and I am still blaming Windows for 99.99999% of it since all the issues have arrived after the update!) I am happy to present the next chapter of Tired Wings.


Now this story is completely written, and I even know what I want to do for the couples in the new ones, but I am thinking I need to wait at least for Ragnorak.  Just to tell you what is going on.  There is no cliff-hanger in this one, it ends decisively. I just know my couples and I wanna write them!!!!

I even wrote a chapter last night to Sacred.  I have been stuck moving on Part II with it, but Heathens by twenty one pilots was stuck in my head all day, and I found it perfect for the catch-up chapter.

I have been editing Tired to get it off my plate, up to chapter 7 which I just need to run through again to make sure, since I really didn’t change much in it last night.  (I have been averaging doubling the chapters the previous days.) So I want to go over it to see if it really is ready to send to the beta.

Outlaws and Angels 2b

While you are here, why don’t you stop by the Writing Challenge?  It will be ending in less than 25 hours, my time.  That is ALSO the ending for submissions for the October Challenge also.  If you need an extension, let us know.

And… When it is over… I will be announcing the start of the Christmas Challenge.  I do this each year, and figure if something ever happens, that I will hold this one every year from now on.  I will be bringing back the Fairy Tales contest as well next year, since alot of people enjoyed it.

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So…Go grab a drink, make yourself comfy, (For the colder temperature, get yourself a tea or hot chocolate.  Unless you have alot to still do or just starting your day then grab your wake-up beverage of choice.) Settle in and read a chapter of Tired Wings are Falling, then mosey over to the challenge to read (and leave a review for the authors to be able to reply to in 25 hours or less depending when you read this!) the awesome stories that I have made available to you.

Then if you are interested, I will tell you the Christmas Challenge IS on the site ready to be looked over if you know where to look for it…





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There are two days for the current contest ending… so get your votes in!!!

October 2016 1

And then the Other Worlds contest is ending here at the same time, so authors, get your contest entries in!!!!

You Want Blood Awards

You Want Blood Awards


As you most undoubtedly know, the final rounds of the You Want Blood Awards are live.

And I made it to the finals rounds in the following categories:

Hybrid Award for Picking Down Clocks as well as Put Your Feet Up To The Edge

Favorite Author (which I am completely thrilled and squealing about more than you can imagine!!!!)

Van Gogh Award.

So.. please go vote for your favorites.  There is only one vote per entry, so make them count!!!!!

And good luck to all the awesome stories and authors that made it through to this point!!!

As for me, I am going to work on editing, I have been very sick and working to get better.  I need to write, but heck, I can’t sit for very long, but dang am I bored to death of reading stories.  LOL!

And I watched an interesting Brain Teaser that talked about shadows.  And realized how I can type, listen and so forth.  Interesting lessons learned today!

The banner will take you to the ballet form.

Outlaws and Angels 2b

And don’t forget we have some awesome stories as well here to read.  As well as seeing some of my talents at banner making for the Outlaws and Angels contest.



It Has Taken a Bit Longer…

Outlaws and Angels 2b

But I have finally gotten time to make the banners and host the contest.

And while the site is not moved, nothing will be happening until after this contest is over.

But for this contest, I will say the Banners are all different.  And mixed up.

Let me explain.

The Turning Point was something different completely but was scrapped when a mistake made the banner more awesome than I could imagine.  And even then, I played with it for awhile, trying to change the color of the border, but it wouldn’t work.  But I am seriously in love with this banner.

Next, I tried to work on Worth Fighting For.  I had this idea of a wolf running being the main image, but nothing worked.  I seriously worked on it for hours, and finally gave up.  I went on to Charming Outlaw’s Angel, after asking the author a question.  To only find out the image I had been working on all this time was perfect for this story with tweaks.

Then two nights ago, I woke with an idea for the banner for the last one and had it done in a half an hour.  I will tell you that it has a lot of the story points hidden in there.

Now, The wonderful, amazing, completely awesome 4Padfoot, who does the poll, not only did that but also made it where the contest is live as of now.  We truly had some awesome entries, and I hope I have done them justice with the banners I made them.

The contest is on until the 15th, (which is the due date for the other contest entries) and I will announce the name as soon as I can.

After this one and the Other Worlds contest, the last one will be for the Annual Christmas contest.  Once I get the inspiration for the banner, I will make it and let you guys loose on it.  The entries will be due before the 1st of December, just what day I will be cutting them off will be what I need to decide.  For I will be home this year, and decorating the house is my thing for the day after Thanksgiving, and sometimes takes a weekend.

What can I say?  I love Christmas!!!!

Enjoy the stories, the banner on the top will take you to the main page of the contest.  And make sure you vote and leave comments, which the authors can reply to once the contest is over at midnight on the 15th of October.

Autumn Signature