In this is the first hints of the other stories. I introduced these two characters. If you read Our Road is Long or Every Dark Night you may find these faces familiar:
Funny enough, they are both stars of their own books. Nash is actually who I started writing, before I realized that it was jumping into the universe both feet forward, and lost to my readers. So I made Aos Si to be first. And Armando played a part in ED as well as stars in the story Our Road is Long….
And I will tell those that know the password, look for the owl. It is the portal to the stories. Not that will help anyone else, since they are all password protected. But you can click on the banner for Aos Si to be taken to the chapter.
So you guys have noticed I am not online the last week nor have I really posted anything…
The reason is one, I was sick all week. Different stuff but basically lots of headaches and my stomach.
The other reason was that the site is being moved over. They are having issues with it, seems they get about 65% of the way done then something happens. I checked with Robin to make sure this would be ok, so today I will be trying to post a bunch of updates. I hate doing this since it throws off my stats, and I can’t easily tell what stories you guys are enjoying the most. So please at least like the story if not comment so I can get a feel on what is going on?
The bad thing is that I cannot be sure when I will be able to update until the move is done. I for one, am excited to see how the move will affect some of our backend things, but I suspect that it will be the same. WordPress needs a better database for pictures. That is my biggest complaint I have is the pictures. I went back and reread some of my stories (tin man and OUaT) and they were missing pics. Some were grayed out boxes, others were just missing, but I know I made the banners at least for the top of the pages.
So I will be working on this for as long as I can before I veg out. I don’t want to push myself too much since today is the first time I felt kinda normal. Not 100% but at least not wanting to stay in bed and be bored reading… I exhausted a new fandom already.
It might take me a bit of time for each update to make banners, but I promise to have some up today. Sorry to flood your inboxes, but I think you guys deserve them.
But seriously! I got the following nods for nominations!!
First off, a huge freaking thanks to Robin aka 4padfoot. She got to working on this and busted her butt trying to get everything verified… I was amazed to hear how much time and work she poured into this contest.
Picking Down Clocks: Hybrid
Put Your Feet up to the Edge: Hybrid
Some Sacred Place in Time: Bill for Best Villian and The Best of the Best (seriously?!?!?!?!? I guess I should edit some more chapters for you guys!!!)
Then there is the one for me, as best artist! Then there is the surprise of surprise, EricIzMine Award nomination!!! That someone would think that highly for me is awesome! Wow!!!!
I’m truly awed everyone, you turned a crappy three day weekend to one that is much better. Thanks so much!!!!
Now go support my awesome web admin and your favorite authors by going vote for the people you like. Or at least go through the nomination list to read the nominations. Cause they are awesome, and we did such an awesome job of pulling some authors that you may not know out for you to look over… Click the gif below!
As for me, I don’t know when she will have a chance, but I am not posting anything this weekend for you to read. Depending when the site is up, I’ll try to post something then. I am still waiting on some entries. I told you guys I would take extensions, and so we have a week to wait on some entries. I am patient, but only if you ask!
Now, I have a chapter in front of me to edit, so I am getting to work…
Yes, we are still planning to redo the site, but I spent all day first doing my nominations, then working on moving everything to the sites. I started having technical difficulties, but I will have A03 & Fanfiction Affliction updated tomorrow hopefully. I’m finishing up the Better In Texas one right now… I needed to watch the Slide show to make sure I have all the updates.
They will be updated weekly, so I can make the banners without stressing myself out like I was just doing.
Yeah, I am filling out my form, and I am finding it not so easy to find the listings for people to know. Here are some helps:
My own post on who and what qualifies:
And here are some other Authors who have compiled lists for us:
Another source for me to look through:
Hope this helps you guys. I know I needed the reminder on Fanfics completed. But for the Wip’s, maybe some of the authors on the completed list or the directory can help?
Good luck to everyone. And if you have done a post or have a place to tell what fics are qualified, let me know and I will publish it as well.
This is it, folks. You have 9 hours to get those entries in unless you have talked to me about an extension. And you still even have time to contact me about them! And don’t forget to pick up your Participation Banner!!! It’s in the page, that is linked to the above banner.
Also… Once those entries are in, you have limited time on the site…
See we are doing what I suggested before… We are moving hosts. We had Blue Host but got insider information, so our wonderful Robin aka 4Padfoot went out and has snagged us a shiny new host. I am going to make sure all the other sites are updated to not make it where you have any interruptions in reading. I am on: Better In Texas, FictionPad, A03, TWCS, Fanfiction Affliction and Fanfiction (but not really). My name is the same on every site.
What does this mean? This means Thursday night, the site will go down as we move the site over to the new host. I say we, but it is really Robin who will be doing it. I will assist her in any way I can, but there is not much on my end. I am the writer, banner making sometimes and someone who is working her way through how to do things on the site. Heck, I am happy how to figure out how to add things to the site, though Robin has to go behind me and make sure everything is ok.
She is awesome!
I admit, time slipped through my hands, so the next thing I am doing after hitting publish is going to put in my nominations! Are you going to join me?
Also, there is the new contest. I am excited about this, the possibilities are endless. A crossover is your only restriction. And then I gave you some hints courtesy of BuzzFeed. I would love to drop on that post, and tell the lady who compiled all that, there are some answers to her requests!
I just did this interview over at the Non-Canon Awards!!!
About me – I have stated that for now I am only editing chapters for fanfiction, (I have 30+ on Sacred alone!) and until I am done, I will be doing on that as I work on writing the Original Fiction. I have only months left to get that done. If I don’t then Fanfiction will be dropped to push through the dream of working through writing. So please, no demanding comments that I have to finish stuff. I want to finish stuff, I really do. The muse goes where it wants, and do you really want lackluster chapters? Written for the purpose of only giving you chapters and no meat in it? Why?
For those that ask about When I Pretend… All I can tell you, is that Every Dark Night has made it hard for me to continue with the plans for What If. I am having to shit that story cause I can no longer write Alice the way I saw her when I first wrote her. Also, I wrote that one in the midst of losing my job, sick and barely able to leave the house. To say I was depressed to one of the furthest reaches I have gotten is not far off the mark. I have struggled with it, and am bringing it out of the darkness it resided in. I have more to write on it, just haven’t got there yet.
However, When I Pretend is going to be worse on Alice and Edward if not the rest of the Cullens. I cannot write and finish What If if I work on that one too much. That is not fair to that story. I had warned people from the beginning that I wrote When I Pretend to some requests of fans, even though I had not written much beyond the first couple of chapters. It was in the section for pending stories and never meant to be more than that.
Now, the people who follow me here and talk to me through here, have not been as pushy as others in the other sites. But there are a few who do it here as well. All I have to say is that telling me to write on a story or else is not the way to get me to work on it. If anything it makes me mad and I could work on it, but never release a chapter, cause why should I? To have you get hateful when I go to others?
So let me go where I want. I will ALWAYS finish stories. Never giving up on any of them. I am going to work on reposting Tea Shoppe for Twilight and Alice fandoms here when I get a breather. I have no beta for it, but I have people asking for it. While I can add it to the Universe I am building, I figure why do that when you guys want it so much? I never thought the story would be liked as much as it ahs been. Shocker to me.
I am off to post some chapters to the other sites, then go back to working on my original Fiction. I have a chapter of In The End and Our Road is Long out to betas. They have real lives as well, so give us all a break. I know there are stories out there you want, but some of them are waiting for real life issues, and I rather give my betas all the support through their real life issues than demand chapters from them.
First off, don’t forget you need to have your entries in by the 31st, midnight. That is on Wednesday, CST! If you need an extension (since I did when I entered one in the past) just contact me.
Second, as normal, I have gotten the next contest ready. This will be the last ‘normal’ contest, the next one will be the annual holiday version, done like I did last year to give you guys reading material for the holidays.
This is mostly a crossover challenge, made possible by the wonderful people over at BuzzFeed. But this is NOT limited to the ones listed. These are to fire up the synapses for the muses. I would love to see ANY crossover. Marvel Cinematic Universe and True Blood? Awesome!!!!! (there is that Nordic influence there ya know?) Twilight and You’ve Got Mail*? Go for it!! I didn’t finish mine, but someone else could do it!! Anything your mind can come up is possible. Replace the characters of one universe with another? Go for it!! You want to redo the Gods and Generals* with others? Go right ahead!!!
Here is a link to the Buzzfeed article that inspired this whole thing:
I just wanted to give something that might interest you guys…
These will be due by the 15th of October. Midnight CST and all that jazz. There is a Participation banner on the main page for it. And yes, I had some fun making the banner.
And just a hint of what is coming this year for Christmas? Think of the past…. Hey… I couldn’t give it away too early!
*You’ve Got Mail is my favorite movie, and Gods and Generals is one of the ones my hubby likes. (Civil War)
Ok, for those that are not part of the Kittyinaz Facebook Group, you had no idea what was going on. All of a sudden I just disappeared.
Sorry about that. I wasn’t sick, but I was. If that makes sense. I had body aches, chills and sometimes just wanted to crawl into a dark place and hibernate. Headaches and so on. It sucked. I thought it was me needing a break, instead, I ended up wishing I could work.
I had plenty of time for finally watching some shows I have been meaning to watch.
First off, was Shanarra Chronicles.
For those that read the books, it starts off close but quickly goes sideways. I loved it. But then, I love post-apocalyptic stories. I blame Robert Adams and his Horseclans for my first interest, then the Dragonriders of Pern. I love reading of the future, and what made the world lose the technology it had. (By the way, Islands in Time by S.M. Stirling is another favorite of mine!)
That took one night. (yes I watched the whole season in one night.)
Then I went and M in the room with me, started Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. M didn’t think he would like it, but we fell in love with it, and especially for me, with SkyeWard. I totally ship these two!!! However, for those that have watched the show, you know why I am upset. Not telling the rest of you, since it is a huge spoiler. But holey cow, batman. I normally like Joss Whedon!!! And we are only up to the next to last episode of Season 2…
So I have gone off to read Fanfiction, and am flabbergasted on the results of my hunt. Though, you know that prompt of finding the name of your soulmate on you, or the first words they say to you on your body? Yeah, this is a HUGE fandom behind the idea. And I am excited. For one lady went through and did a bunch of one shots, and allowed people to take that chapter and turn them into stories. Awesome….
The results of this is that I may take the Beast out of Tired Wings, and replace with Simmons. Cause she would be the better choice. But I may not. I do have an idea of a story though… And it ties into the universe I am kinda starting to build around Tired Wings. And another fiction I wrote.
But not until I am done with the original fiction, or done posting the first one, since I am completely done writing it, just need to edit it.
For today, I have an old one:
Yes, I really have an update for this story. I warned everyone that this one takes forever to write and beta for it. We are trying to be careful with the fiction since it is one of the more demanding fandoms, and well, I want to do justice to it.
So we double, triple check the data. I need to write on it, I have only one more chapter banked. But I have a clearer idea due to the beta (who really rocks!!!!!!!!) and I will be able to work on this once I have some more chapters edited. Right now, I am busy getting better, as well as making sure you have updates.
Reminder, the contest for Outlaws and Angels is ending on Wednesday midnight, CST. I am looking forward to reading what you guys came up with.
I hope that I can feel better tomorrow to work, but I am getting tired now, and need to relax. Enjoy the chapter!!!
SO while I was writing that other post, I was also writing the story.
See, my Internet is taking forever to load pages and so on. So I was typing up the chapter while waiting. And I finished it.
Ah well. Robin will be happy to have her man in an action packed chapter.
For me, I am done with Original fiction for the week. But I am working on some other things, as well as hoping my headache will go away. It’s in that irritating spot of not quite there enough to take something, or even know what I need to take (sinus, headache headache, or what). So while I wait for it to decide to either go away, or form completely, I am going to get those dang cards done. For once I am done, I am done.
See ya tomorrow or sometime this weekend.
And the chapter? PM me, or good luck finding it! IT is on the site….
Though, I have to warn you, this chapter starts a sad cycle, but necessary to the story. No wish is ever granted like this one had, without pain involved. If you mess with timelines, there are going to be consequences.
And this chapter is beginning those consequences.
However, this is me. I can’t go too long being sad. I have a plan, and for why this had to happen the way it did.
I give huge prompts to my beta for this. She worked on it, and I gave her a heads up that I will be forwarding a new chapter of Edge towards her probably tomorrow.
Yes, Tomorrow is the start of the Fanfiction weekend. Before that happens, I am finishing up a chapter of Aos Si. It’s an actiony scene and major. It starts them off towards the story and bringing in the universe they are involved in now in more detail.
Which I will say, I am thrilled to be getting to the meat of this. I may go back and write more on their last school year, but it is not that important to the story. I hit on the high spots, and now we are getting ready for the battle coming.
So enjoy this chapter of Our Road is Long, while I write my little heart away and then write you another post for today on that chapter update.
I’m getting excited.
So reminders, The contest.
You are now reminded.
You Want Blood Awards.
Go send in your nominations. If the stories you wanted nominated are not, it’s your fault. This is your time to shine, to suggest the stories for the categories!
And I know there are more reminders, but seriously, I can’t remember them right now. Maybe later tonight?
It truly is amazing the stuff you can find on the internet. I searched Alexander Skarsgard leprechaun and the picture above is what popped up. I think it is fitting for today. Sorry I missed posting last week, but Daylight Savings in the USA screwed me up. Losing one hour completely wrecked my week. I…
Can someone please explain to me why I am seeing more snow in March than I did in the entire months of December and January???? I should be getting ready for spring, not worrying about shoveling 8 inches of snow. The only way snow in March is acceptable is if it this is part of…
Hello lovelies. I cannot guarantee I will be back to publishing weekly, but I will try. My dear beta, kleannhouse, is in high demand trying to juggle the stories of three writers. She is amazing and she makes me laugh with all of her comments on my stories. This one especially. I started this story…
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