Yes, you read that right. The first chapter of this week is done.
Though, it is a short one, so it is no big deal. But I needed it to finish up High school for them. But now their free time is over, Mordred is on the move. Too bad for them.
I will probably expand on it more later, but for right now, I am just trying to get ideas on ‘paper’.
I have also sent in another chapter of Our Road is Long. Once the beta is done with it, I will let you guys know, so the general public can get to the stories.
Don’t forget the You Want Blood Awards and submitting your nominations!!!
Also there is my contest, Outlaws and Angels to submit for as well.
Bertie Bott sent out a request for any of us who are continuing the stories that they submitted for her Superhero Contest, please let her know so she can supply links to the stories.
We are still looking for donations for the site. We have enough for renewing the site, but not to pay the security. We are also are leaving the donation button up for you to use.
All in all, I think you guys probably like what is going on, you are getting more updates as Natsgirl pointed out. I never thought about it that way, but I am getting rid of all the stories that have prewritten chapters done. Of course it doesn’t help when I go off to read the rest of the story coughEdgecough. But as long as I can get work done, it will be good.
Right now, we have been rained on. For some reason, my allergies are trying to overrun me, making it hard to sleep, since I keep sneezing like crazy. Stormy has been jumping and looking at me like I am crazy, since I normally don’t sneeze like this. Luckily no flooding around here, but then, even when everyone is being flooded, we live in a pier beamed house, that is a good foot or so off the ground. So we are not so worried.
I am off to work on clearing my inbox of writers that I follow, so I can get them on my site and on Robin’s. Have you submitted your site to me at The banner needs to be 888×499. If you want to know if I already done your site, look on my Blogs I love, and see if your ‘card’ is the standard size. More of the entries at the beginning are of the cards, since I was working alphabetically from my list. If you want to submit a banner, or your site for my listing, please send it to the email. If you want to replace your ‘card’, please send to the same email.
I’m off, I need to link up everything in this post, then I need to try to get rid of the headache I have from my sinuses. Which unfortunately means I am too tired to work, but not tired enough to get my mind to just shut up. And food might be good.
Thanks!! (banner on top is your link to the story, after this post, you guys will need to contact us to find the secret way into the Original stories that are not being published)
I think I am only going to work in the evening, since I get a ton of work done!
Last night, I really couldn’t sleep, and ended up finishing the chapter for In The End for the beta, and sent it to her after running it through Grammarly. Yes, everything goes through it, even when I laugh at how it hates Mates, (wanting me to turn it into friends) it also strongly dislikes anyone growling. (growing anyone?) and multiple other things it just does not like, and I have to tell it to ignore.
I’m currently working on Edge, if I can keep my mind on task. I might leave, and when it is quiet in the house, work on it. We will see, I have been having massive problems getting to sleep, last night it was after 7 am this morning when I fell asleep finally.
I am going to try to do two posts a weekend. TRY is the operative word. No more than one chapter per week per story though. I need something, so if I do run out of stuff, I can write something and maybe have something to post.
I will say not this chapter of Edge, but the next one has me shocked I wrote it, and laughing my head off. It is an example of what happens when I am not pushed to write for a story, these little bits of humor makes it in the story.
Right now I am jamming to “Get Back” by the Beatles. I love my hometown of Tucson, Arizona is mentioned in it. And that I can sing it word for word on tune.. lol. And I have to say I love my freaking list of songs. I can have a brand new song next to a classic. I have been also playing Pokemon Go. I have no idea what the heck I am doing, nor do I care. I think they are cute, though I am really done with the many rattata’s that seem to be in my area. But I love that I caught the most powerful Pokemon so far in my hallway. <snickers!> So far the Kadabra is the one that made everyone laugh as it batted away my balls with his spoon. I want to know who makes up these things.
I got it because Connor and I are going to start walking when it gets cooler. It was 115 as a heat index, and right now is the coolest it has been at 9 pm in weeks at 88 heat index. I hate humidity, and since we are under a flash flood watch tonight, it seems it will not be getting much better. But I figured it would be interesting to walk not just a normal little square, but to go exploring. This way we both get all happy, and we get exercise. And I get to catch cute little things.
So… reminders!!!
You want blood awards, I did a post that lays out all my stories that are eligible. PLEASE make sure you nominate!!! When she tried this in April, there were not many nominations and she pulled it. Please go in, and nominate!!!!
I’m going to be still working on the banners and so on for the blogs. If you have not been updated (banner the same size as the others) on my Blogs I Love Page, I have not done you yet. If you have not posted and are not on the list at ALL, you need to contact me. The banners are being made as close to your headers on your Home pages. Or if I feel like making one, but this is so rare, the work in trying to reproduce the headers is not really all that easy. I have way too many fonts. If you want to make your own, the size is 888×499. It just needs to have your name on it. For the other place being used, your ‘card’ will be the first thing they see in the listing. Or as a slider. So make it unique! Please send it to
And of course there is the Writing Contest. Tomorrow will be the halfway mark… I am looking forward to the submissions. And me making the banners. I need to start up my lessons again. But when do I have the time anymore? Ah well.
Here is the ‘card’ for tonight:
She is a writer of many talents, and she loves to Twilight Crossovers. Her favorite? TVD and/or The Originals with Bella. And her stories are so unique!!! And then there was the year of one shots last year. Check out her if you are looking for some awesome stories to read!
And here is the chapter:
Finally, I wish to thank all of you who are donating to the site. It relieves Robin and I’s minds. Why does school time and everything seem to hit all at once.
Now I am going to watch Murphy run around the house like a crazy dog. Seriously, he runs in here, looks at me and if I look back, he takes off runnign and jumping through the house. I think someone is feeling his Wheaties. And who fed him?!?!? Robin?!?!?!?
Yeah, I was not kidding when I said I would work on Weekends on Fanfiction. But I may or may not do another update.
It takes me like 2 hours to work on updating the site. I make the banners, add pics, and then do all the linking. Luckily when I need a second away when something is frustrating me or if I wanna know if my idea looks alright, my ladies online help out.
Every other week (which this is one of them) I have Grandma day, that means I end up spending the day with her. the last two times, (including yesterday) I end up not sleeping the night before. Yesterday I crashed at 6:30 pm, and only woke up about 10:30 for a brief break and crashed again until 1:30 this afternoon. Evidently I needed the sleep. (more…)
So here I am, with the first chapter being published on Aos Si, since I last wrote on it.
I never expected to be able to jump kinda right back in. I say kinda, since I spent days researching what I had written before, writing up stats and worrying about other things.
Worrying seems to be the new default for hubby and I. But, we will get through this and I am doing my side of our agreement.
For those that may have forgotten, or have joined since then, Only pre-readers who review chapters are accepted. The reason is for to get feedback on the chapters. They are REALLY rough. These pre-readers get to see how stories are before I go back and add everything. I literally write these out, come out here and save the chapter. This is what I normally do with chapters when I am in the writing mode. I write out my ideas and the movie in my head. I try to add what I can but there is a limit.
I can tell you how rough they are, when I went back to read the chapters published already. Oops… There are alot of oops… Words missing, wrong words used and so on. I normally catch these when I am editing, or even my betas have had to come back and ask, Huh? It’s why I use beta’s. Not only they make the grammar part pretty, they are another set of eyes that can see what I am missing.
But each of the pre-readers HAVE to leave a review about the chapter. If they do not, we do have to tell them that we are no longer allowing them to read it. Pre-reading is to help me when I go back and edit these things, (which only the betas will see at that point) I can see what is going on, and what they are thinking. If it is the direction I want it to go, then I am all for leaving in things. If it is not described enough and makes them go ‘huh?’ and not where I plan the huh’s to be, I know to make sure I clarify my point.
So without much ado, I will link the newest chapter to the car below. (which is Jason’s) The banner above will take you to the first chapter.
If you are a pre-reader, and don’t know the password, well you can contact us, and once we verify you were a pre-reader, the passwords will be handed out. But be aware, Rissa is sleeping. (No waking her up!) and I am working on some stuff. It may take awhile.
Well to my huge surprise, my beta for it did it while I was sleeping!
Huge credos to:
Also, I want to make this as close to doing real publishing, so from here on out, the only pictures you will be getting will be the chapter banners. And those are only for the reason that they will stand out on the side posts so I can see how they are performing. Yes, I do look at those and see what is currently holding your interest. Those and reviews tell me the most. Well the likes do it as well, so if you don’t want to leave a review (but they really do feed the muse!) Hit the like button.
It lets me know you liked it, even if you don’t have the time to review or are too shy to. I wish that Fanfiction had those, I think a lot of people would leave the likes behind.
As for the other story, I spent yesterday going through and doing the physical stats of the main characters. This story has what I call the Pack in it. All in all, the pack has about 24-25 characters in it. Yes, it is huge, but there is a reason, this is the introduction to my world, and the Pack will have some characters featured in the future stories. Plus I have 6 characters who are major in my universe that I needed to get their stats done. Now I am going through to add in the little details.
You know, what are they good at, what their job is going to be in the Pack, little details that can come interesting later down the road. Basically a reference card, but allowing us all to remember details easily. 4Padfoot is trying to figure out a way to do Character Pages that allow you to put your mouse over them to get the details. Since the theme we use is made to be used with tablets, whatever we pick will work with that as well.
So here is the chapter, you can click the banner at the top of the page to be taken to the Cover page and read the prologue also.
Please let me know what you think, since I am working on my original story and feedback will help me with that as well.
So here is the good news, I was thinking last night, I want to work on the original stories. Which is great for those that are authorized to read the original stories, but for those of you that are here for the fanfiction, not so much.
Until I remembered there is one OF that I released to you guys…
Remember this story?
Yeah that one. I reworked the names on the 1st chapter, and I need to get it out to my beta after one last lookie through. So there will be something for you to read. And it is Original Fiction, but I will tell you this one shows what happened to Nora from ED.
And I got the new chapter of Tired Wings are Falling back, so I will be working on that on Saturday. As well as working on some other chapters for editing.
Now for the ‘on my knees begging’.
Last year Robin and I needed to ask for donations for the site. We needed it for the site itself ($200) and for the security that needed to be done since hackers love my site. ($30 a month). You guys came through and we took the money and paid not only the amounts needed, but also got additional things that made the site run faster and so on.
Now we need to ask again. Both Robin and I are tapped out for money when it comes to the site. We pay for additional things for the site when the money ran out, and I found out that Robin paid for the security herself for the last few months without letting me know. But RL interfered with it’s pesky self and hit us both at the same time with some huge ouchies.
So I hate to ask, but we need to, to keep the site up. The security as you can see is our biggest part of the budget. But we can’t skimp on that. And yes, some of the other stuff was implemented before we had to maintain that much for security. However, it keeps the site free from viruses and hackers.
The site being mine, allows more freedom for a lot of stuff, including the contests. Since it is ours, we can run what we want, and not worry if it may conflict with anything WordPress deems OK. It may not seem alot, but the freedom of being allowed to do whatever we want on the site allows a lot of creative freedom. IT also allows us to sidestep a lot of issues that WordPress has coughCommentscough. Since 4Padfoot aka Robin can write the code to allow us to activate them all the time.
Plus part of what we pay for is that help when you guys notified us that no one could leave comments. That had all the help desks busy with it, but Robin stayed on top of it and we got it fixed.
So please help us out. I will do the same as last time, and if you don’t want your name published online as a public thanks, please let us know. Or your screen name so that we can publish that. Because we appreciate it very much and want others to know how awesome you people are. And we will leave the donation button all the time on the sidebars on the posts and pages.
Now I am off to get that chapter above done, and then work on Aos Si. It’s time I used this writing thing and see if I can make something out of it. I hope I can.
I’m going to list the stories so you can know what will be eligible. April 15, 2015, to August 1, 2016
First off All The stories that are eligible:
Completed 9/25/15
First Posting – 04/02/16
(x-over) – 6/4/16
(x-over) – 4/12/16
Now, the ladies who make me look good, so they get1st entry under the categories.
Eagle Eye – Best Beta
Category nominated by authors for the stories they help with, must provide story title
Christine: Crossing The Fine Line
Juliet709 – Put Your Feet up to The Edge
MistressJEssica1028 – Picking Down Clocks
tj6james6 – Some Sacred Place in Time
The Hybrid Award – Best Crossover
Category for all crossover stories with other fandoms
Picking Down Clocks (x-over) – 6/4/16
Put Your Feet Up To The Edge (x-over) – 4/12/16
I am not saying anything, you have the stories above that qualify for the following awards:
Mr. January Award- Best Lemon
Category for best love/sex scene
The Greatest Love Story – Favorite Story
Category for best story of the year
Rollercoaster Award – Best Angst/Drama/Cliffhangers
Category for those stories that are able to leave you gasping for breath
The Viking Award – Best Eric
Category for the Best Eric in a story
The Saucy Award – Best Sookie
Category for the Best Sookie
The Flying Monkey Award – Best Villain
Category for the best villain, must provide name
Sacred so far has:
Crossing the Fine Line:
Who the Hell Are You Award – Best OC
Category for the best Original Character, must provide name
The following is a list of characters that would qualify for Cross The Line. Some Sacred Place in Time doesn’t really have any for you guys…yet….. I put them in a slideshow cause there are many… I also have a character page here.
Pins and Needles Award – W.I.P. story you wait anxiously for updates on
Category for WIP stories only and last update must have been in the dates provided
These are all the WIP Stories as well as the last update.
08/04/16 (most recent but the one that qualifies: 04/01/16)
Best of the Best Award – All Time Favorite Story
Category for the best story of all time. This is the only category with NO time limit. Yes . . . Any story can be nominated for this award.
EricIsMine Award – Favorite Author
Category for your favorite author
Van Gogh Award – Best Artist
Category for artists who make banners, gifs, videos to visually enhance stories ( I make most if not all of mine own now. There are others, markedly Gyllene that makes some of mine like What if, and Picking Down Clocks!) And I made sure, but all my videos are made my 4Padfoot, and she told me she isn’t allowed to be nominated. But I wanted to mention her!
I think that should give you a good head start. Yes, all banners link back to the story cover page. I am off to work on other things, liek updating other sites and Robin’s project.
This is the last chapter that was published in the contest.
I updated the Characters with the next chapter’s people, to tease you all. Well Most of them, I think there is another character I need to do, but still. They are updated. Also, if you click on the banners on the character page, they will take you to the respective Wikis for them. I used them heavily to make sure I mostly stayed inside the Marvel Cinematic Universe. For those that do not read the comics, Marvel includes Deadpool and the X-Men. I dip into this fact some, but no worries that you need to know more about them since I am using them for a reason.
Other than that, I will be checking out some things, then relax. I loaded up a bunch of pics for you guys to feast your eyes on. Tomorrow, or tonight if I cannot sleep, will have me working on updating other sites (and this one kinda). Enjoy!
Enjoy. I know it took a little while, but trying to find the pics I wanted was not as easy as you think!
Just a reminder, I sent in the first three chapters of this story in to the contest. So this is still publishing the same stuff. The last chapter is with the beta, so it will be ready once she is ready for me to have. And I only work on Fanfiction on weekends from now on… so be patient!
And I didn’t win. That is better than ok since I enjoyed the heck out of reading the stories. If you didn’t read them, I highly recommend reading them!!! The ones that won fully deserved their win!
Now here is the good news, my entry was the first three chapters of the story.
Yes, I said first three.
There are 14 total chapters, and as 4Padfoot and I work on loading them, I will let you know when each is published. I am editing the rest, well was until yesterday I gave in and read it in full.
What can I say? I like it!
So, knowing that we will be talking alot today, I will give you the first chapter as we are working on getting them prettied up.
And full props to my beta:
She doesn’t know the Marvel Cinematic universe and was willing to beta a story. We have lots of discussions of who is who, and my OneNote is full of bios of the players for her. She also entered the contest and has her story up on her site!
I hope you guys enjoy this as much as I did writing it. And yes, there will be more. But I need to see how the Marvel universe is going… I’m thinking the next part will be a Thor/HP crossover… maybe…
It truly is amazing the stuff you can find on the internet. I searched Alexander Skarsgard leprechaun and the picture above is what popped up. I think it is fitting for today. Sorry I missed posting last week, but Daylight Savings in the USA screwed me up. Losing one hour completely wrecked my week. I…
Can someone please explain to me why I am seeing more snow in March than I did in the entire months of December and January???? I should be getting ready for spring, not worrying about shoveling 8 inches of snow. The only way snow in March is acceptable is if it this is part of…
Hello lovelies. I cannot guarantee I will be back to publishing weekly, but I will try. My dear beta, kleannhouse, is in high demand trying to juggle the stories of three writers. She is amazing and she makes me laugh with all of her comments on my stories. This one especially. I started this story…
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