Are You Ready?

Cause I am finally getting this out for you!

Yes, I had other chapters I could have done, but I wanted another chapter of Sacred done for you guys since I need to edit so many of them.  There was alot of back and forth’s.  One time of me erasing all of tj6james6 hard work for a couple of words change.  Yeah, I try to forget that one.

But, I have it done, banners done and so forth.

You can run off to read…. But…


Have you voted yet in Bertie Bott’s contest today?  If not, click the link, and vote.  I participated and am excited to let you know which one is mine hopefully this weekend.  If allowed.  I think.  LOL.

Outlaws and Angels 2b

And have you worked on your submission for the writing contest for this month?  Outlaws and Angels.  There is no minimum, no maximum.  You can do a poem, a haiku or a story.  Just put your pen to paper, fingers to the keyboard, crayon on the wall (only if it is your house.)  Whatever it takes! (and don’t forget to pick up your participation banner if you did submit!)

Also, if you are a blogger, have you sent me a link, banner and so forth?  I will be working on some of those tonight.  I am not only doing it for Robin’s site, but for my own site, so if you want your blog advertised for free on my site, do it now.  Later on, I don’t know if I will be doing blogs once it is running, so I won’t have the chance I do now. Above are some of the banners done for the site…

I am currently working on doing some chapters, but I will admit Sacred took alot of that time when I could be editing to get ready for you guys, but I hope you like it!

3 Sacred 2 1



Not Dead

Not Dead


Nor have I forgotten you guys.

I am working on the newest chapter of Sacred for your reading pleasure.  It’s going back and forth between tj6james6 and I.  She has good points from the last work through I had, so I am going to go back and work those in.  I’m also working on another chapter of a story I cannot tell you about.  This week, as long as RL doesn’t come into play like it did last night, is spent getting more chapters ready for the betas so when I go into the OF writing mode, I don’t have to worry about chapters for you guys right away.

Also, for those not in my Facebook Group, I sent out a call to bloggers.  If you have a Blog, and can do banners, or have someone doing banners for you, I need a banner in the size 888×499.  If you have one, please send it to me at the  Along with your blogs address.

I will advise you guys to update your Abouts.  I am using them.  The reason?  Let’s say I am updating my Blogs I love as well as someone we all love is doing a rec story and blog site.  My rec’s got to be too huge for us to update on this site.  Seriously, a couple hundred on alone.  I will admit I am spending much more time making the banners for it than anything else, so if you want me to make one, know I am going to try to reproduce the one on your blog.  I just don’t have time to spend on making them to order.

So if you are in my Blogs I Love page, you will be done.  If you update and I follow you, you will be done.  The ones that I have finished so far have been updated, I have a couple new banners to put in that I received today.  Any others, well you can always send the details to me in the above email addy.  I would give you guys the personal one, but frankly, I have enough junk that would be sent by grabbing the email from here.


Also, Bertie’s Contest is ending Friday, and to quote her:

Currently we have a tie for second place and 1st and 3rd have narrow leads. Another close one as predicted, so make sure you vote for your favorites today! Voting is allowed once a day, so if you’re torn between multiple stories feel free to stagger your votes accordingly! – Bertie Bott

So please don’t forget to vote!!! And as the banner to her page shows, I Participated!

And of course, there is my own contest…..

Outlaws and Angels 2b

I am off to work on chapters, banners and so on.  See ya soon!

Autumn Signature


Good and Bad News

For those that follow me on Facebook may have noticed I have been quiet for more than a week.  It has not been just here that I have been quiet.

Let’s say RL has crashed in on me and M.  It was enough to drive us both to being extremely stressed, as well as having to make some choices.

First the bad news, (so I can end this on a positive note!).

I am going to need to turn my attention to my Original Fiction as my major focus.  No longer can Fanfiction be the main focus.  Even with this change in focus, I may have to do a part time job so that we can deal with the financial side of things.  Luckily, if I can get books published, it may make up the difference and my hubby (M) is all for that instead.

Since as we witnessed personally, I really cannot take stress at all anymore.

Now the change is a really good one, but it just means things will be drastically scaled back.  The contests are going to be continued, mostly as I come up with an idea.  It may take me longer to do banners, but I will do what I can.  Also, I have ALOT of chapters written that need to be edited, including In The End.

I also have a couple more things up my sleeves.

I need to push Fanfiction to weekends (Friday-Sundays) and concentrate on the other stuff.   For those that are allowed to read the original fiction, this means you guys will be getting updates.

Just please be patient.   I really cannot take much more stress from people being nasty about the whole thing.  If it gets too bad, I may pull everything.  Cause it has been bad (not on this site, you guys are freaking awesome!!!  As well as the people on BIT And Fanfiction Affliction!!!) on other sites.

I write and update when the muse gives me information.  I have tried to make her do the sequel to All I Want, and while I know exactly where I want to go, the first few chapters are fighting me.  Then there is Damon not talking to me for the You’re sequel.  Again, I know where we are going with that one.  For the rest, I am trying.  There is only one me, and with my health taking such a huge nosedive in the last few days, we are finding I am not as sturdy as we hoped.

But as I mentioned, there is a lot of good things coming for you guys.  For one, I have my entry in the Bertie Bott’s Contest.  It is live, and I recommend you to go read them!!!  There was one that M read and laughed at.   I read all fifteen of them, (yes, 15!!) and I can tell you it is hard to pick one to vote.  Luckily we can vote once a day.

There are chapters beta’d and ready to go, just without banners or little things.  Hopefully, this drama that is in my life is over, and we can get to the changes and settle into a new pattern.  Since so many things are changing, I need to find a new set of patterns to settle into.  For one, the puppies and cats will be happy.  They are all sprawled out in the office.  Happily.

I just wanted to let you guys know what is going on.  I am hoping to be online doing many things today, some of it relevant to the above stuff.  And no, I am not wanting comments and pity and so forth.  Frankly, I can’t take it.  But I wanted to let you, my readers, know what is going on.  This way you know I am giving you what I can, and when I can find the free time to write new stuff for Fanfiction there will be more.

Here is a breakdown of stories and chapters.  Banners are connected to main pages.  Published is exactly that.  Pending means pending to publish for you guys.  Drafts are what I have written but not edited.

Alice 2009

Revelations 1

Published – 13 Chapters.  Pending – Up to 21.  Drafts  – 0 Planned – In my head but yeah.


Blood 1

Published – 3 .  Pending – 0  Drafts – 1 1/2 Planned – In head

Jupiter Ascending

Jupiter Perihelion 1

 Published – 0 Pending – 0 Drafts – 0 Outline done

Once Upon a Time (co-authored)

Best 1 Kittyinaz

Published – 7 Pending – 1 (sent to co-author) Drafts – 3 Planned – In Head

Tin Man

Tin Man 2

Published – 12 Pending – 3 Drafts – 1 Planned – Kinda in head

True Blood

In The End 1

Published – 27 Pending – 0 Drafts – 3 Planned – and Outlined

Never Changing 1

Published – 0 Pending – 0 Drafts – 2 (this is going to expand) Planned – Yes

Sacred 1a

Published – 2 Pending – 0 Drafts – 34 Planned – yes


Published – 17 Pending – 0 Drafts – 1 Planned – In My Head


Twilighted Tea Shoppe

Yeah, I am going to bring this back.  I have enough to write on Original Fiction to try to move this around.  And yes, this means Tea Shop is coming back as well.

What If 1

Published – 20 Pending – 0 Drafts – 1 Planned – Kinda

When I Pretend 1

Published – 5 Pending – 0 Drafts – 0 Planned – In Head

Wisdom 1

Published – 6 Pending – 0 Drafts – 0 Planned – In Head


Dying 1

Published – 1 Pending – 5? (Beta’s working) Drafts – 0 Planned – Outlined Completely

Twilight/Harry Potter

Heavenly 1b

Published – 12 Pending – 0 Drafts – 3 Planned – In Head.. by Muse.

Twilight/Lord of the Rings

Sun 1

Published – 5 Pending – 1 Drafts – 1 Planned –  Working on with Beta

Twilight/The Mummy

Light 1

PART II  Published – 0 Pending – 0 Drafts – 3 Planned – Need new direction…


Breathe 1

Published – 0 Pending – 0 Drafts – 8 Planned – WIP


Will Of Fire 1

No link….   Published – 0 Pending – 0 Drafts – 2 Planned – WIP

Twilight/True Blood

Edge 1

Published – 4 Pending – 0 Drafts – 4 Planned – In Head

Picking Down Clocks 1

Published – 10 Pending – 2 Drafts – 0 Planned – In Head

Twilight/Vampire Diaries

Game of Life 1

Published – 0 Pending – 4 Drafts – 0 Planned – Muse Controlled

There is the whole list.

Right now, we are working on the issue that started on this, so I am signing off to work on something that is none stress related.

Just be patient….


Autumn Signature

It’s Official!


I have sent in my entry.  I am in this contest, which is why I have been MIA.

Yes, I finally put my toe in to see how the Comic Book World will like my imagination in it.  I am excited, as well as loved every moment of writing this piece!

So… If you wanted to enter, you have until Midnight tomorrow (7/25) PST.  Click on the banner to be taken to the rules, which only asks for an entry to be 800 words!!!  So anyone can enter since that is about a page of writing.  Just make sure you check all the rules to make sure you follow them.

I am so looking forward to reading the entries!  I know they will be Fantastic!

Autumn Signature

And the Results Are In!

And the Results Are In!


I know you guys are waiting on this, so without much more ado, I would like to congratulate:

1st place goes to WorldTravelGirl who wrote Reinkarnasjonen!

Reinkarnasjonen WordTravelGirl 1

2nd Place goes to LightK for Sands of Time!

Sands of Time LightK 1

This one was a close one for the 2nd place.  I congratulate everyone on submitting an entry.  I loved the stories and was thrilled to be able to apply some of the new techniques I learned through my classroom in a book.

I really need to finish that!!

That is it for this contest.  But I wanted to remind you that Bertie Bott’s Contest submissions are owed on Monday at Midnight PST.


Then after that one, there is the new one for here!

Outlaws and Angels 2b

I am off to work on the end of my submission for Bertie’s Contest.

Congratulations to all who worked and submitted stories, you are more than free to grab your banners, reply to your comments and post where you want.  If you only post on Fanfiction, contact me and I will make the banner for your story there.

cinematics signature

A test… in a way

A test… in a way

I figure what better way to see if all my connections to Facebook, tumblr, twitter and Google were all working again by making a post on the next contest.

Yes, this is late, but you will find out later what is going on.

For now….

Outlaws and Angels 2b

This is the next contest.  The banner is also a link to the page for the rules.

Basically, this contest is to be inspired by either the name or the pictures.  And I warn you, I did have fun hiding things in the banner.  Not everything is what you see at first glance….

I hope to get some entries in this one.  And yes, there is a Participation Banner, it is in the page listed.

The contest entries are to be in no later than August 31st, 2016.  That should give everyone time to finish up their entries into the Bertie Bott’s Superhero Contest!


Desert-Gif signature

And the Results Are In!

Two More Days to Vote!

Participation-Banner-for-063016-2-1024x576Seriously people, give some serious love to those who are brave souls and submitted stories.  That first story or submitting one to a contest is hard!  I know!  I am working on a contest piece, and it ain’t easy to do!

So click on the banner above, and go give some love to these brave souls who sent their work in and vote!

Also, not to brag, but there are some new techniques I used for the banners, so go enjoy the work I put out for these amazing individuals.  I hope they like them, and look forward to seeing in a few days what they have for us….

I will admit, that the next contest is set to kick off here shortly. I made the banner, and I may say it is also one of my favorites.  I will give you a teaser of the new banner.  And, don’t take the first impressions as the ones I had in mind.  There are all types of hints in it that you may see only when it is larger.

Outlaws and Angels 2b

Though, the banner is hidden in a conversation I had with someone in my group…..


So vote, and on the 15th, I will be publishing the new contest.  Since I am working on an entry for the Bertie’s Botts Every Flavour Superhero Fest, I am pushing those due dates to the end of August.  It should give you time to have fun with her contest.  (for more information, please click on her banner, it will take you to the contest page!)

See ya later!!! (I’m in a writing haze, so I am not thinking of anything but getting this thing out.  Once it is done, I will back to our normal schedule of me working to get you new chapters each week.  Sorry, but I want to finish this!!!!)

cinematics signature

And the Results Are In!



I had trouble with a banner, then I realized Simple is not always wrong.  The picture appeared and the banner was made to it.

I had a lot of fun with this contest.  I loved the entries, as well as enjoyed playing with ideas in my head for the banners.  The lessons I started helped a lot, and I am eager to back to them for more ideas on how I can keep improving my banner making.  Centuries of Mirrors is one that used a lot of new techniques to me to show the different ‘Mirrors’.


So I am going to do what I said before, I am entering Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Superhero Fest.  I am doing a superhero fic!!!!!  I highly encourage you to enter she is an excellent writer and the entries into her contest are always interesting!!!  I often find new people to read as well as new stories to entertain.  I just hope my story entertains others and it fits the criteria!

The next writing contest for me with be ready on the fifteenth.  I will give you a sneak peak, it is called Angels and Outlaws.  I found the saying on IMDB for one of their lists, and the idea will not leave me alone.

I am working on ITE steadily.  It is much harder to sit down and make myself work on one story, and my muse is being extremely mean and introducing new stories.  I am being good, writing them out in journals (which by the way, I love the new Volants by Moleskine!  They allow you to tear out pages.  Before they were all bound together, but now they perforated then and it makes things much easier!).

I will be going back to work, encouraging you to read, comment and vote on the stories.  The authors CANNOT reply until the contest ends on the 15th, but after midnight CST, the authors will be free to answer back.

Enjoy, and next week I will have another chapter to send you.  This week has slayed me, and I rather not cheat you guys.  Who knows, I am getting where I feel I can just maybe release a chapter of ITE…..  Maybe.

kittyinazowl31 Signature

When They Come For Me…

When They Come For Me…

I will be in bed wishing that I was better.

Seriously, this stuff gotta end, but there is not much hope of that.

The good news?  The title is the name of the new Revelations chapter.  Not is the song that it came from one of my favorites, it also made imagery come alive, making this chapter one of my favorites.

Now the bad news?  One, the pics I originally had for this are as lost as the bathroom one for Teashop.  I looked, but nada.  I can’t even remember how I found them, but they were of a balcony looking over the city, but you really didn’t see any city details.  And it was a railing as if made out of wood, but stone.  Think Rivendell for the interior of the Kingdom of Knights.  Then add in some nice stonework to support everything, and you have it.

The other bad news is the insomnia, being sick and so on is hitting me and has been hitting hard.  Part of it is the heat.  According to the people who do the warranty, our AC is fine.  To us?  80+ degrees in the house is too hot.  But because it is under the 20 degrees under the heat index, it is fine.  Yeah… No.  Along with this is the fact I feel like crap, so I don’t want to get out of bed most days.  The other is that I want to kill animals since they decide that 8 am (after I go to bed a 5am) is a great time to come meowing, or commence barking under the house.  Right underneath my bedroom in fact.

But I did learn some stuff and found out new features on my Photoshop to help with pics.  I am nowhere done, but I am working on it.

I did come up with a new idea for the writing challenge.  Thank you IMDB for a name of a set of photos.  It made it all work.

I received the files, and there are some really awesome stories.  I will be working on them tonight, hopefully if my body agrees.

Though, I have found out I suck at first person shooter games.  My hubby can tell you how I killed 5 people to his 25.  In fact, I personally killed him 1 time. After the second time, he shot up my backup.  Seems I cannot control the aiming thing very well.

Ok not at all.

I’ll stick to my RPG games thanks.

So here is the chapter, hope you enjoy it.  I am going to try to eat, and see if I can take a nap or something so I can work tonight.




Dying to Start Again

Dying to Start Again

Dying to Start Again

For those that know what means, yes, it is here!

Dying 1

Description: The Source of Evil finally finds someone who accepts him as he is, and he will do everything to protect her.

I have had sooo many people ask for this story.  It has been with the betas and I am getting the chapters back.  Slowly.  There are reasons behind this, but I can say that it will be worth it in the end.  Remember how I said I don’t like tossing my betas in the deep end?  Yeah, circumstances had it happening, but now we got it fixed. We have someone who is being a mentor and saved my ass.  Thanks t6james6 and Miss Potter for your work on the chapter.

So this story is the first one I ever completely plotted out the idea.  This means it is easier for me to pick up and write anytime.  There are 5 chapters written out and waiting for the betas to look over.  Due to the fact I am still posting the Chapters of Revelations and Clocks (1 left until I need to write more…I think.) And I am still working on ITE, be kind.  We are still doing one post a week.

There are other stories I had ready for betas, and there are reasons why things are still in the holding pen.  RL sucks for all of us, and can hit us all.

Good news?  1 completed chapter for ITE, yet another one in the works and getting close to being finished.  Unfortunately, there will be another chapter of the current arc I am doing.  It is lighthearted fun that our trio needed after the drama and angst from the other ones.  It is also helping me get back into writing these three. I won’t be releasing chapters until I am ahead.  Remember, I write basically a rough draft, then go back and edit it to add in the details.  Then it goes off to the betas.

Participation Banner for 063016 2

We had some latecomers to the contest saying they will be turning in their pieces Sunday.  I receive all the pieces at one time, so there is no way I can figure out who is who.  Once I get them all, I will work on getting them ready for you to read and vote, comment and etc.

Meanwhile, M bought me a present a few weeks ago on Photoshop.  It is a book on classes for Photoshop.  It has 14 chapters and is obviously self-paced. Since I have it, as well as a WordPress Bible to look over, I am going to work on the lessons, then fit in writing and making banners around it.  I already found a technique that will help me in the future.  It is outdated (he tried, but he has no idea what is current on Photoshop.) but it is the most updated until the Creative Cloud came out to replace the old PS.  I figured that two chapters a day (or more) will be helpful.  Some chapters will not do a lot of good, (editing film and so on, but who knows) but some of it I am eager to get my hands on.

So this week will be dedicated to getting through it, as I work on everything else.  It will be one less thing sitting on my desk to do.  Which will make me a happy little Kittyinaz.

I also only have two more movies to watch through my Marvel marathon.  I have watched everything but Dark World and Guardians of the Galaxy.   Maybe Iron Man 3.  I have to check on that one.  I have been watching it all on the 3D being amazed by the picture.  And falling in love with Loki all over again.  My favorite three so far?  Hawkeye, Loki, and Bucky.  Stark is another one, but nowhere close to the others. Will I be writing on the Avengers?  Maybe.  After I catch up on other things.

Ok Reminders:

Non-Canon Awards Review of the week:

TA clean Red Header flair

I am still reading it.  I am in the parts where I put it down and read something else to come back to it.  But heck, I still come back to it!  The fact that the story is turning towards Sookie more makes me thrilled for however long it goes on.

We are still working on the site.  Just face it as I have, it’s always going to be ongoing.  But 4Padfoot is freaking awesome.  She improves it all the time.  And it leaves me time to do what I like to do.  Write and work on PS.  I never can say thank you to her, as well as MissRissa81.  These two ladies do more than you can ever imagine behind the scenes.

For those of you wondering, Stormy is back to normal, running through the house, bouncing off walls and so on.  And then acting normal when I am around.  WE had some laughs with her and her cone, but all in all, we are done with that episode in her life.  Connor and Murphy are happy to be allowed back in the bedroom and they got their baths today.  Exhausted but thrilled Connor.  Murphy is just putting up with it since I pay attention to him more when he is clean.

Facebook Group.Falling Stars Owl Banner 3

They got this Sunday night when I released it in between lessons.  Just saying.

I am off to work on my lesson now.  Or go to bed halfway through it.  We will see. It is late.
