Here is the contest that I spoke about in the Kittyinaz’s Facebook group.
The Soulmate Prompt Challenge.
For those that follow me personally, know I share a lot of stuff on Facebook. Seriously, tons of stuff. One of the things I love is the Best of Tumblr. One of my first betas that I still follow turned me on it, and I share so much of it.
Lately, some of the ladies that have friended me have commented that the ones about soulmates would work for a writing contest. Many of them were inspired by the prompt, and after talking about it, I decided that I would make it into the next contest.
Except, that it has come very late due to all the issues I have had.
Now, I have changed one of the rules, but I have also explained WHY I enacted this rule to begin with. I am talking about it being fandoms that I write in. The reason I did this one is so that the people who take that chance and write, will have readers that are geared towards reading their fics.
However, I figured I would put the WHY and then relax that rule. If you want to write in another fandom, then please do! I want this to encourage the muses to get their chosen to put fingers to keyboards and share their amazing talents. Would I have entered something like this when I started? Heck yeah!!!
I am entered with others, in a way no one would know which piece was mine. They would read and comment on them without knowing if I was a well-known author or if this is my first work. The fact that ANYONE can enter would make me nervous, but at the same time, as I read the reviews, well it would be hard to not say who I was.
It is also why I am adamant on the rules being followed. If I ever find someone letting others know WHICH story they entered, I will pull the story. Now letting others know you ENTERED? Heck yeah!!! Get it out there!!! See how many try to guess which is yours!!! For knowing others and their writing styles, I still guess wrong. And I am the one making the banners!!!
Yes, I have no idea who is who when I do the banners, in fact, no one BUT Rissa knows who is who. (And if you can make it easier on her, make sure your story itself doesn’t have your name in it!!!) She strips out anything that would give it away to me. That way when I am done, I can ask her who is who. And even then, (unless I am going on vacation or extenuating circumstances come up) I don’t find out until AFTER the contest is finished.
4Padfoot gives me who wins and at the same time, Rissa gives me who wrote what.
So, you are probably thinking that I am not giving you a lot of time to do this right? How about until the 15th of JUNE? That is right, I am giving until the middle of next month to write this. And I am giving myself time to get the banners done. I am aiming to have the stories up at the beginning of the month, or earlier if I finish the banners in time. I will be doing this from now on, giving until the 15th of the next month to get the stories in.
This will mean if you are close to finishing, pop over to Rissa, and let her know. If you ask, we will discuss and it will be likely you are given an extension, as long as you finish before I post them. You still have to give me time for the banner, or it will basic and no one deserves that.
So here are the prompts:
Musical Prompt:
Clock Prompt:
Photo Prompt:
Swapping Bodies Prompt:
The main banner up top takes you to the writing contest page that also has the Tumblr post that the prompts are based upon. It also explains the rules more, that the prompts are not needed to be used word for word. They are just there to stir the muses. Please let us know which one(s) inspired your story in your emails.
I look forward to reading them all (a definite perk of all of this!!) and seeing what you inspire me to come up with as a banner.
For those that were looking for a chapter, well, you might get one, for a certain story that you all love. We will see what time I will have and how I feel.
Yep, you read it right. I have finally gotten with everyone to get this together.
This is mostly (99.9%) my fail. Real life jumped in and smacked me around, threw me down some stairs, and stood up at the top of them laughing at me.
I have had everything to losing over 1k of my pictures (all the background pics people. Seriously panicked), my computer kept shutting down as I made the last banner. No less than 10 times. Then I couldn’t get back on the computer. After all that, I was so sick I couldn’t even talk. To finally have a guest for a week. Since I am the one who is home, I was asked to take her around.
We even had wires crossed when I was trying to finish up, and just this was bad on my part.
But finally, I am done.
I have given a week for voting. Please read and comment on these stories. These authors took a chance to write, and I was thrilled to read them both. I got to remake a banner so many times, I thinkI can make it in my sleep now.
Also, for those wondering, I have a contest I am working on, and I am going to give myself some time to relax after this last one, then time to make the banners. No more quick turn-arounds for me to feel as if I failed everyone.
This is one of the ‘fun’ ones.
So off to read the stories, comment to encourage the writers to not give up (And again, I am SOOOO sorry!). Then VOTE!!!!
One, that I really have to thank whoever it is nominating my stories and banners for the BIT awards. Holy Cow!!!!!!!!
Two, that I AM working on In The End. I am currently time lining it as well as True Blood for Season 1 & 2. Seems I like rewriting them. Wonder why?
I am planning to not only finish it, but work on a bunch of stories that need to be finished. The ones that are up for consideration are:
This is NOT a Promise that these will be worked on, or finished. But I want some of these older ones gone to make room in my head for others. And yes, all the banners are links to their stories. I will be continuing to publish on Mondays (or Tuesdays if it happens) and I will be pushing to publish on other sites about that time also.
For now, I am getting my ducks in a row, as well as asking for help on translations. German is taken care of. Now for the rest….
One, that Mother Nature loves laughing at me. Last week we had a cousin we had never met come here to spend a week with us. It was fun, and so was she. Monday we went to Galveston, rode the ferry (and I sprayed a crapload of sunscreen on me!!! so no burns this time!) as well as went to lunch to one of the island local restaurants. The food was awesome. Then we went to walk down the Strand, which is where the Wall Street of the Southwest was in the old days. The architecture and history are amazing, as well as walking into the local shops. The Temp was 89 with 70% humidity. The next day we went to Nasa. Had a blast but after so long (and 87 freaking steps to mission control that almost broke me!!!) in the heat, we were ready to leave. the temp was about the same, with just more humidity. Wednesday was supposed to be rain. Lots of rain. It was a thunderstorm in the morning and that was it. lol! So that night we went bowling, her request. During that time, she mentioned she loved the zoo, so guess where we went Thursday? And it was worse. Heat indexes in the 90’s. Friday was spent visiting and at the Barnes and Nobles. And dinner with Bar-be-que.
Today? 69 freaking degrees at 1pm.
Two is that as much as I wanted to work, it did me a lot of good to have the time away. Though I vastly prefer the last week to the week spent in bed sicker than a dog. I was eager to get up, finish the banners for the contest, to think up a new one (which once I make it I will showcase it. It is one I have to think of how I want to do it!)I got that all done with and we are waiting only on the master website admin to get home to work on her part.
Three, I have a plan of action that may make you happy or upset. I am going to only publish what I have back from the betas. There is plenty out there, the next chapters of Clocks, The Charmed story and so many more.
Meanwhile, I want to sit down and try to finish some older stories. In The End, Revelations, and a good try to I Never…Did. I want to get them out of my line up and free the areas on my blackboard for some other stories.
I also have a bunch of books for classes on Photoshop and WordPress, that I want to look over.
And my books, I want to work on them without feeling guilty that I am not working on an update for you guys.
So I am going to take the updates and do them once a week until I run out. I am going to go through and work on finishing the other stories so that they are gone. Depending on how things go, I may get back to What If and so on. But I need them done so that I can feel free to work on whatever I like. Lately, I have been working on things for you guys and not paying attention to the need to write. With my new iPAd, I have been going back and reading stories, upset that there are no more chapters for me to read, and I WROTE THE DANG THINGS!
Now, for some news….
Thanks again to everyone who uses the link to Amazon. You just helped pay for a month of Google and Photoshop. My hubby, M, is thrilled that you did this and it isn’t coming out of this pocket.
For those that don’t know, the Amazon link doesn’t cost you anything, you just use it to access the site, and then if you buy anything, I get anywhere from 1-6% of your final cost for referring you to their site. This goes for the things I use for writing, Grammarly, Photoshop, and Google Drive to keep all my documents and pictures safe. Also on the side if you read a story or hit posts on the top menu, there is a donation button. This goes directly to the site admin to use to pay for the security (aka virus protection as well as hacker prevention), the site itself, and any enhancements that she can find to speed up the site and allow more to use it with their tablets and so on. When I was hacked, and 4Padfoot was telling me what was needed to fix it, Mamakitty came up with the idea of the donation button. And within a day or so, the response helped us with that cost.
None of the amounts get used for anything but those items. Photoshop and Google drive cost me about $20 a month. The Grammarly was $140 for a year. I get around $10 – 20 a month, with an increase around the holidays. Most of the time, we end up paying for something out of pocket, since the $20 a month is very recent that it was more than a month in a row.
Banner contest in Kittyinaz’s Facebook Group!!!
I am ending the entries for this tonight, (or aka when I wake up in the morning). The rules:
Banners are 801×250.
All need to have the words: Kittyinaz’s Group and the on them.
They need to be one of the following:
Story banners with the story name on it,
Character Banner with a quote,
Pairing with the story name,
or an Owl.
And for this month only!!! – Civil War idea and/or May the Force Be With You with stories I use already. I am sooo looking forward to this one.
And last but not least, the chapter for this week:
Ok, I am not at the annoying computer that hates me. First it erases my scenery folder that contains thousands of backgrounds that I use to start banners.
I got that back.
Then after I finished one banner for an entry to the writing contest, and halfway through the next one the thing froze.
I know why, too much stuff being download from all the files that had been erased being reinstalled.
Now, no internet.
And then it has the nerve of telling me that it can’t do anything that I was asked by since it cannot connect to the Internet.
Really, you don’t say?!?!?!?!
So I am on the iPad, and no idea what the link to the newest Edge chapter is, but it is updated on the top sliding banner.
As always, the ladies had it, Monday?
And since nothing is working for me, and we have a cousin I never met coming in, I am spending time trying to get a room ready for them, as well as dealing with the demolition of the house next door (that the freaking trucks are louder than the actual demolition). They are only half done, but we had bad storms today. So they took away the full bins and I have no idea if they brought new ones.
To be blunt, I’m miserable. So I’m going to rob ably not on much in the next two to three weeks.
So enjoy the chapter, and if I get another chapter from the betas, I’ll release it.
Since I didn’t get a post out for you to read on… I will unearth this story that is a multi-chapter story for TB. Most of you missed the post about it, since I posted it in it’s entirety instead of posting one a week. Which I may not do again since it makes it harder for you guys to find them then.
Description: A rock is thrown from the far past. A future with a child is given up, a death is not as it seems. Everything is going to change. Or else the end of all is going to come. Gift for Natsgrl1. E/S
This story was written for the Fanfic Exchange by Queen of Area 5. Who was wonderful with giving me the extra time to finish it. I wrote 27 chapters, edited and sent them to her after my beta, Christine jumped in and did the impossible. It went over the 30 days, partly cause I couldn’t come up with an idea no matter how much I tried.
Then I saw a picture of Cam, and the whole story fell into my head with him replacing the actor who played Warlow. It has aspects of Doctor Who in it, (for those that love the 10th doctor, you might recognize the parts) But if you don’t know, I cover it enough not to leave you hanging. Just a little extra something, something for you. Also, those who read the Deathstalker series by Simon R. Green, there is a hint in there about the books. I think I even stole a little bit from the Inheritance Sage by David Webber.
What can I say, it became a story that I could engage in my mindscape and not worry about anything. And before anyone gets upset, there are hints of religion in it, but I treat it a lot like Supernatural treats religion. It’s a story device; it says nothing on what I believe in. But it helps tie this story altogether in a neat little bow.
It has action, other worlds, fairies, demons, vampires, other creatures. I pull from all over, there is an Inuyokai from Inuyasha, Assassins from Assasins Creed, Ents from LotR, Nightmares from the Piers Anthony Xanth series, Dragons (A kind like the Dragons of Pern), Phoenix, Gods and Goddesses, Centaurs, Griffon, Kitsune, Unicorns, Pegasus, I even borrowed Jarvis from Iron Man.
So have fun reading it, click on the banner above to be taken to the beginning. I will recommend you reading it here, only because it is rich with pics here. It is rated M, and I hope you enjoy it.
Now I am off to work on making sure my stories are on the other sites, and to see about getting things done without stressing about trying to get enough time to do it all. Cause cleaning and linking, and checking stories lists on other sites are not easy to do when all you are thinking is that you need to be in photoshop. I have an order… and it was messing with the feng shui of my mindscape. *snickering*
Enjoy the story, if I get enough interest in it, maybe I will do sequels, one shots and so on on it.
Sorry everyone, Saturday I learned a valuable lesson. It is called, do not take a probiotic pill AFTER you eat. It hurts. Alot. (Just remember, I have a sensitive tummy, so it can not affect others the same way.)
Sunday was spent with the family, and Monday I was feeling bad.
Just to be clear, no one knows what is wrong with my stomach. The pain I suffer from is there, you can watch my body register the pain, but to find out what is causing it? No one knows. And it may sound stupid to realize it, but my depression ebbs and flows due to the pain. Imagine that.
I was up for a short amount of time finishing moving over ED to Better in Texas. And went down after I finished it. I also have RL coming in mucking things about. WE have a house beside us that has been damaged by Ike, and the owners abandoned it. It’s not only an eyesore, But it has caught on fire and the a hail storm broke the water lines that I had to find to turn off manually. It’s a house with a detached garage with an apartment over it. And the garage is where all this damage has been. Now the garage in the last week has shifted from leaning towards my house, and then the other house. 4 times, someone has pictures of it doing so. So they are knocking it down next week.
During all this, there is a trailer behind us M and I were remodeling but Ike broke the bottom support into two pieces. Due to it being cause of Ike, the county let us know there is still unclaimed money from federal for Ike, and if you qualify, they will pay to demolish any structures on your land. We qualified and with the demolishing of the house next to us, they came for the bidding process at 8 this morning. Also to inform me basically, no sleep for me next week. Yeah…….
The trailer will be about a month to get rid of it. Yeah!!!!
Also, M got me my month and a half early anniversary gift. I finally got the iPad. a Mini. I think he got tired of me complaining that I couldn’t get rid of all the emails since I didn’t want to read them on the computer. I spent yesterday setting up the thing, since according to it, my upgraded IOS, was too old for using on the new stuff. I ended up banging my head against Tucker, (Who thought I was head butting him, so he would purr at me for doing it) I finally got the thing working.
And I was thrilled to be able to play games, I lost my dream notes that I had on the old iPad, but at least I have it updating to the cloud now, where my old one refused to. (must have been one of those too old things…) And Now I have the pen synced to it, so I can go back to waking up, writing those details down, and then go back to sleep. Cause there are some awesome dreams coming about!!! I have had a Tom Hiddles one, a Winchester one and two Damon ones.
So tonight, I am still exhausted from 3 hours of sleep today. I went online to check things, and tomorrow I will try to get the challenges up, (which I read on my new iPad and wow!!!) as well as the banners for the Edge chapter I have ready.
Sorry everyone. But to those out there that message me, thank you. Often you ladies are the ones who get me out of bed. You know who you are, and you are freaking awesome!
P.S. – WE think we have everything fixed. But if you find a link not working, please tell us. Often we work on the backend of the site, and don’t mess with the front except to look at a page and see if it posted right. 4Padfoot went through and fixed the last links I found….
I’ve been telling people for awhile to go watch the video for Sacred for over a month. The reason for this… is that last yesterday I published the first written chapter of this story. And as usual, I leaked it to the Facebook Group.
Why? Because they go the extra little to be a member, and also since they are the one cheering me on when I am down, I like to give them thanks. Seriously, right now the ladies have been trying to figure gifs for me to separate into seasons of True Blood for Alex. (out of a couple hundred we are down to four. Yes… FOUR!) Which that started out because of Chapter 1 of Sacred. I was looking for specific gifs, and found it too hard to find what I am looking for since I had all the gifs for Alex jumbled together.
And for those that know me… That is a huge no-no! I’ve been sorting pics into more folders as time has gone by. Alex’s regular pics are separated now into headshots, upper body and full body. Leighton Meester is the same. Allan Hyde will be next since his are starting to bug me also. Also Damon’s are pretty big files also. And for me, if I can’t place my hands on something quickly, it is time to organize.
I do so much organizing in fact when my mom wants her office to be organized she asks me to come in. I come in while she is working, observing how her current office works, and then last weekend M and I went up with her and redid her office. Again. Yes, I did in fact, did that last year, but circumstances change as they often do, and it caused a need for her to face her door now. Which of course disrupts her entire workplace so she wanted another one just as efficient as the past one. Luckily, this time ,we just had to reorganize it, not the outer offices. Which would have been a lost cause. And she purposely doesn’t allow me into her bosses office, who is an engineer. In other words, he has LAYERS of paper hazardly scattered over every surface including the floor. OMG. My hands twitch at the mess.
At least, before I came in she stayed late to file in her office before I moved a single thing.
Because of the need to organize, you may notice some changes to the main page. I cleaned up the current chapter banners to make them match. I also moved some stories around on the bottom, to allow for the missing one, as well as adding all the new banners. 4Padfoot is more than awesome at all this, but sometimes, RL just gets in the way and we forget that something needs to be updated. Oops. So I sat down and went through it all, added new betas, updated what betas are doing what now. I left the older betas there since they did help me out when I needed it, and hey free advertising for them!
Now we don’t see anything wrong with the Main Page, but feel free to tell us if you notice something wrong. Since 4Padfoot is working on the site this weekend. And let us know about the Goodies page. We already know links are broken there, but please tell us what you see so we can make sure nothing is missed. Anything at all you notice on the site that is not working, needs updated and so on. We try, but hey life happens.
Also, if you haven’t noticed this past week I have become very active online. I had been tired, trying to spend time with the family, and then trying to sleep normally. I was feeling drained. The I bought some probiotics that have other stuff in them, as well as talking to M about how I can’t do what I have been doing since I feel worn out.
The result?
I now sleep when he leaves for work until 1-2pm in the afternoon, which is right around 8 hours. I get alot of work done during those times, there is no one awake here, and even the pets are sleeping mostly. Also in conjunction to all of this, I am taking the pills. Talk about energy boost!! They make it where you get energy from what you eat from digesting your food better. I also make sure I eat three times a day, and rarely snack anymore.
Now the pills I am taking are expensive, and are a specific brand and they don’t work for everyone. However, I was slumping towards becoming as sick as I was when I was working. I figured since all the side effects are what I am suffering now, what could it hurt? For me, this works awesomely. It could have a negative side effect on my anti-depressants, but the boost of energy makes me a happy person often. So it works out for me.
How does this affect you guys? This past week, I worked on Sacred Chapter (finished) LOTR chapter (sent to beta and the chapter is set up all ready to go) and Edge Chapter (sent to the beta and returned, I just need to make banners for it.) I also am going through all the sites I publish in and updating them with either banners or uploading stories to them. I also worked on the site itself extensively and updated banners for it. I smooshed all the Alice One Shots into one slider. I also made a banner for my one Twilight OS story. I also made the completed page for easier finding of what is done and when.
Today I am finishing up the other sites, then working on banners for the aforementioned stories and the writing challenge. I will be publishing some of the Revelations chapters as well. Tomorrow? I will not be working on the sites or anything Fanfiction. It will be time to read, to catch up on other things and spend time with family. And if I get bored, then I can come in and play games. But I need to take a break.
What am I aiming for? To make it where I can write all those stories you guys keep asking for. I WANT to finish stuff, but I need time without having people asking for updates. Sacred has 30 chapters written to it already. I will not be updating this every week until I run out of other stuff to update. I will dribble it out, then when I do have only it left, I will publish each week. That way I can have at least 30 weeks to write new stuff for you guys.
So, go on to read, and we will see what all I will be publishing on Monday and what can be published for you sooner.
Also, when I go to make banners for the chapters, I try to find a theme behind them. For instance, ED was Roads, Edge is Dirt Roads. Crossing the Line is Trains, LOTR is Middle Earth, Crossing the Fine Line was Space, and so on. Surfergirl11 inspired me in Sacred with her banner, but when I went to make the banners for the chapters, I couldn’t replicate her work. So I changed the banner and picked Fire and Water (aka Lava and water). My OCD makes me want everything to match. So here is her original banner, which I give credits to on the homepage of the story. Which also contains a link to her other banners she has out for adoption. They are amazing!
First off, I did a review on the Non-canon Awards. It is for an oldie, but goodie. I am diving into the completed stories on to go back to the stories that introduced this universe to me. While I am not reading them all, (some had sequels that were never finished and so on) I am reading some of them and will be reviewing them. I figured they deserved some love too!
The first one was…. *Drum roll* is:
Click on the banner to be taken to the review. And yes, I make banners for the stories I review if I feel inspired or they don’t have one. Otherwise, I try to use their banners. Since I only found this on, I did their banner size for them. (It works… I promise!)
The next good news?
I worked on the next chapter of The Sun Holds the Moon! I have one in reserve still (since I like to make sure that I don’t write myself into a hole in this one) but Chapter 6 is done and the beta is notified. Now… I do have to remind you that a lot of work goes into the Lord of the Ring stories, fact checking as much as possible. Yes, I have taken liberties, but there is a lot I want to remain the same. So once I am done, I hand it to the beta, who goes through and fact checks things also. But it is done on my side!
Then… I finished another story edit last night. I have to go through and make a ton of banners since it is a new story. Though I will warn you… You really need to watch this video. It is the prologue to the story, and I will be making the page for it.
Yes. Sacred is about to become a live story for you to read!!!! Well, I mean it will have a chapter to read along with the beautiful video 4Padfoot made for it! The video is important to the story. Without it, some things will not make sense. And later it repeats for another person…. All I will say is it is a dream….
In addition, I wanted to highlight a story from my completed file…
The first one is a One Shot for the TB Fandom. It is based on a song – Austin by Blake Shelton. I have heard it a few times, but for some reason, this time it clicked and this story came to be. I will say it is due to Gyllene that I published it. She loved it, so I dedicate it to her…
Description: One Shot – All Human Sookie leaves, and almost a year later, makes a call that changes everything.
Don’t forget that the Writing contest ends tomorrow at midnight CST. Thanks!!!
It truly is amazing the stuff you can find on the internet. I searched Alexander Skarsgard leprechaun and the picture above is what popped up. I think it is fitting for today. Sorry I missed posting last week, but Daylight Savings in the USA screwed me up. Losing one hour completely wrecked my week. I…
Can someone please explain to me why I am seeing more snow in March than I did in the entire months of December and January???? I should be getting ready for spring, not worrying about shoveling 8 inches of snow. The only way snow in March is acceptable is if it this is part of…
Hello lovelies. I cannot guarantee I will be back to publishing weekly, but I will try. My dear beta, kleannhouse, is in high demand trying to juggle the stories of three writers. She is amazing and she makes me laugh with all of her comments on my stories. This one especially. I started this story…
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