Good Morning!

Good Morning!


Ok, today’s post is brought to you by the wonderful letter, E.  For Early.


Yikes. Nothing like being woke up only after a couple hours of sleep.  The good thing?  I can go back to sleep here in a few minutes.  Hopefully, after I finish this post!

Lots of things in this post, today.

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One, I added a few pages to the site last week.  We have the 2016 Adopt a Banner, 2016 Kittyinaz’s Group Banner Contest (which is going on right now!), and a new page that I put up.  It has all the Stories I completed and the year that they were completed.  This includes One Shots.  I have links to the stories embedded into their banners as well as descriptions for all of that.  You can find it here.  I will also be doing a post later this week featuring a completed story, starting with last year and working backward.  Since I have had a lot of comments that people didn’t know there were some that I completed for contests.


Two, I wanted to thank each and every one of you for using the Amazon Link.  This helps out greatly for the programs I use to do everything for the site.  It helps pay for storage offsite which means I don’t have to worry about the computer crashing and losing all my stories and pictures.  There was a time two weeks ago that this was a big deal! It also helps pay for the Photoshop and Grammarly.  Which as you guys know very well I use a lot.  The Donate button money goes towards the site only.  Any monies donated there, 4Padfoot uses to pay the site costs as well as the security for the site.    If there is any left over, she looks into ways to make the site be easier and faster to load for you guys.


Three, I also wanted to thank you for reading the stories on here.  I love sharing them with you as well reading your comments.  Many times I have gone back and read comments and they have cheered me up when I am having a bad day.  I keep all those in folders (yes, I am OCD and getting worse as time goes by) and if I want inspiration to keep writing, I look at them.  Your support and feeding the muse often help me!

Secret Doors 2

Four, The writing contest ends on the 31st of this month!   If you need an extension send them to the email address for that.  I am looking forward to seeing what you guys came up with.  Later today I will be thinking of next month’s contest so that can be given as soon as possible to you guys.

Chapter 7 Clocks 1

Five, Chapter!  This chapter is brought to you by the lovely and very talented MistressJessica1028.  If you have not read her stories, click on the button below to be taken to her site.  Also, the chapter had been released to the Kittyinaz’s Facebook Group yesterday.  I always like to give an extra thank-you to the people who follow me over there.


Now, I think that was everything since everyone is gone and I just have to let out the brats.  Then back to bed, I go!  I look forward to waking up and seeing what you thought of the chapter!

cinematics signature

It’s that Time Again!

It’s that Time Again!

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Hey… I’m trying!

So…. It is official.  Everyone in my house has had the flu or having it.  I hoped to be over it, since I somehow got away with a light version  of it.  Instead, I am so freaking exhausted and body aching, I’m afraid I get to go through it again.


Right now, I am waiting for meds, chamomile tea and whatever else can happen to happen while I am writing this.  I’ve taken care of myself and M and been sleeping alot.  When I am not sleeping, I have been working on editing the next chapter of LotR.  See, when I work on that one, I need to have as many source material open and double check myself….A L O T.  All before I hand it off to the Beta for her to wave her magic wand and make it readable, as well as a second pair of eyes to check that I didn’t fuck up the universe.

Which makes me wonder what I am thinking since I am going to be taking that universe and take it for a spin with some other characters.  That belong there.   Yeah.  It makes sense in my head.

Plus with all that, I am having issues with writing things.  I want to work on something.  I am bored.  But I feel like I have pressure on me to edit, so I can eventually write.

I am setting a timer on this post.  Why?  I want to reward all my ladies in the Kittyinaz’s group chat on Facebook.  They have been my cheering section this week, so I have let them know the chapter is live.

So for all those wondering, Eric appears in this chapter.

And I have to tell you that you cannot kill me for the ending.  If you do so, the last beta’d chapter will not be released, and you will not ever get to read it!!!  And I promise you, you will want to read it.

Also, due to feeling bad about one story that I soooo want to continue, in response to a review, I left a huge ass teaser in it.  In fact, it is everything I have written so far.  Have fun finding it.

Here is the chapter.

Chapter 6 Clocks 1

Tick Tock… It’s time for some Clocks!

Tick Tock… It’s time for some Clocks!


Yeah.. I am stretching, but hey!!!!

So how are you guys dealing with the time change?  Me?  I am jealous and wanting to be back in AZ with them not ever changing time.  Yuck.

yeah… about last week…  See, I was having computer issues.  I had my computer keep losing the wifi, and it was all in my computer’s head…  So I would restart.. then restart yet again and again.  Then I uploaded a new graphics driver, to have the computer black out the screen.  Had to restart it twice for that.  At that point I was so irritated, I went out to get a new driver for the wifi, then read the instructions on how to load it.

So I did this, and the first step is to uninstall the driver.  I did that and it went all to hell.  Nothing I did, nor what 4padfoot could think of worked.  We finally agreed to recover the hard drive, only to find that it didn’t have a recover point.  That we both thought we turned on before. So it was going to be a reset while keeping my files… except it decided it couldn’t do that either…

At that point I walked away.  I had to.  That night I decided to check on it, and it decided that the uninstall was not something I wanted and reinstalled the driver.  I was pissed.  I fought with the damn thing for three hours and it decided to basically want to kinda work?  But not reset, which at this point I wanted to just make sure there was nothing on the computer, since neither McAfee and Malware could find anything.

I was so pissed that I tore my couch apart, and washed all of it.  The only thing not to be washed was the frame covered part.  I also cleaned other things.. working until 6am the following morning.

Then I left the computer alone all week, especially since the one time I tried to do anything, it gave me a blue screen of errors.  GRRRR

For the sake of us all, I walked away.  Only to have today it give me another blue screen of death.  My hubby fixed it this time.  I still walked away for a couple of hours.



Secret Doors 2

The Writing Challenge is up.  I’m kinda proud of the banner.  Click on it above to be taken to the challenge page.

Also, if you are a writer that has participated in the past and continued the story, let us know and we will link the stories.  I just did that today for Thanks for the Distraction.  I also made her a FF banner since she publishes there still.  The link is at the bottom of the story page for it.

For those that follow the blabbery, you know I am fighting with the depression again.  Yeah.   Seriously this shit can go jump off a short pier.  I just need to remember to take it one at a time, and work on things as I can.

Now for the chapter, we have the beautiful and talented MistressJessica1028 to thank for it being ready.  If you don’t read her, why not?

Chapter 5 Clocks 1

Enjoy the chapter!


Writing Challenge!

Writing Challenge!

It’s that time.  Sorry, this is coming late, but there were extenuating circumstances.  If there are extensions needed, ask.  They probably will be granted.

Something I read on Facebook got this picture in my head, and with the wonderful help of my beta we came up with this.

I left the last word blank to leave the world you write about your own.  As long as you are inspired by the pic, the quote, or both, you can enter!

The rules are as follows:

Must use prompt(s).

Use fandoms I write it. (It can be one from a story upcoming also. Just ask if you don’t know, you can ask Rissa if you don’t want me to know!)

No letting anyone knowing which story is yours.

If you submit, you can grab the Banner for Participating for the month. You will also receive a banner for the story you submit.

If explicit, you need to warn people in the title.

All entries must be received by by Midnight CST at the end of the last day of the month.

To enter, you can send it to the or to the Writing Contest email, These are both permanent email addresses that Rissa checks for entries and really anything. Please include the name you want on the banners when the contest is over for Rissa to send to me. She sends the stories to me and erases any way of me knowing who wrote what. They are due by the 31st midnight CST and give me a few days to do the banners. If you wish to send them in early, please do.

Looking forward to reading the stories!


Its that time!!!!



Yes, I am going to be offline for the weekend.  If I don’t answer questions you know why.  I am feeling the urge to deep clean.  Hubby already started us off, now it is my turn with the washing and so on!!!

C-ya on the flip side!

Check Your Clocks!!!!

Check Your Clocks!!!!


Yeah, it ain’t the greatest title for a post, but you knew there was a chapter of Clocks right?

So.. Interesting things happened last week and yesterday.

First is on Friday I went up and saw my newest Jacob who is finally home with grandma (who is his great grandma!).  He is so tiny next to all the ones we have had lately.  And of course, I love him just as much as all the others.

I found out that if I take more than 2 days to edit a chapter, I need to give myself a break.  Work on something else.  For me, I watch a movie in my head of what I write down for you guys.  Imagine watching it over and over and over.  Not so much right?  Especially one small piece of it?  That is what was happening to me on Edge.  I had to walk away so I can come back to it after I work on something else.  Otherwise I just stare at it now…  And there are a lot of details that make the chapter richer, that I need to write in and look over…

The other thing was I complained of a headache last night and Hubby (otherwise known as M) started mouthing off how I had a headache every day.  It bugged me as I lay down and then it came to me, See my iPad still had that corner popping up, and I pressed down one day to pop it back in, and it cracked the screen.  and will not work now… so I have been reading on my iPhone 5.  Needless to say, the print is very tiny.  So M gave me his iPad (which is the first one and was mine at the beginning) and I gave him mine to fix for himself.  He never uses his as much as I do.  Now we wait with baited breath to see if I can get a new one, and especially a new phone. Mine needs charging sometimes 3 times a day…. It’s old…

So what does this mean?  For now, a chapter a week to update at least.  If I know I have one for the next week and one comes up done, then I will publish it.  Sorry.  The old pace was when I got alot of editing done and sent to the betas.  I’m trying, but I am also trying not to stress myself out.   That would be bad.

Also it will help if I stop hurting myself and doing stuff.  But hey… at least I am trying!!!!

Here is your chapter courtesy of the most wonderful beta MistressJessica1028!!!!

Chapter 4 Clocks 1

Enjoy, and also, welcome to all our new members of the Kittyinaz’s Facebook group!


What If I Told You, I Have a Chapter For You?

What If I Told You, I Have a Chapter For You?


<snickers>  Like what I did there?

Sorry had to. Couldn’t come up with a catchier name for the post today.

So, for those that don’t know me, or haven’t followed me over here yet, I will let you know, I ramble.  LOL!  And I seem to like to hurt myself, then try to ignore that I did that.

Yeah, I know not very smart.

I hurt my ankle last Grandma Day.  I have a bone spur that instead of growing on the bottom of my heel, I have it at the back of my ankle.  It has never bothered me until now.  (Of course.)  Instead of staying in bed with it up, I instead ran around all day Saturday and Sunday (well helped M put in a new floor, but I think it counts…) I spent this last week in bed, watching Fixer Upper (a guilty pleasure) and Vampire Diaries on Net Flix.  I am happy to say that earlier today I finished season one of Vampire Diaries. Hey, there are alot of episodes!  (and I finished Fixer Upper, but there are no more seasons of that on NetFlix, and since I only have the Apple TV in my room, there is no way I can watch more… yes.  I am pouting…)

I also tried to edit Edge, and I am still working on it.  I sent a segment that had been bothering me to my betas to get their opinions on it.  I am going to use it, but I may look at it when I am done with the chapter. When it bugs me, it means I need to look at it again.  I think my mind went one way and the muse another, so I need to fix it.  It is no big deal to the main story, but it gives the wrong impression to me of what is going on.

I am watching the Vampire Diaries to get working on the sequel to You’re.  Unfortunately, I have watched all these ones before, but not the ones for the next segment of the story.  So I am going to be continuing to watch it while I try to work from the bedroom.  We will see how that works.

————————Break for Computer issues———————-

And I am back.  Sorry, you guys don’t know I have been gone, but my computer encountered an error and after emitting a painful noise through the speakers, it restarted.   Sorry!

What If…. The good news, is here is the other chapter, the bad news?  This is it for the pre-written and edited chapters.  Seems I need to write more.  I really need a clone of myself!

So here is the chapter, and I am loving the comments on it already!!!


Yes, the chapter was pre-released in my group.  And they are loving it.

I am off to clean off all the stories and stuff from my outlook for the reblog, then off to the bedroom to work on editing, getting away from the dogs before I scream.  They are fighting, literally over a bone that Connor is eating. Murphy doesn’t eat them, he only wants it to get Connor to come after him.  They have already fought once at my literal feet, and the next time, they took off the door to my desk that houses the CPU.

So I am getting aggravated.

Enjoy the chapter, and I will hopefully get some work done here in the next few days.




Good Afternoon!!!

Good Afternoon!!!


Or whichever it is in your timezone.


I hope everyone had a rested weekend, full of romance, or full of Deadpool…  And Yes, M took me to see it here on Friday.  I loved it, but I do say, don’t take your kids as Ryan says up above.  It is bloody.  It is full of crude humour. Basically, it is Deadpool and what he is.   Loved it!!!!

Saturday I got a surprise, my newest nephew was born.  He was an early one, so nothing is ready for him, but he is needing to learn to breathe right before he can come home.  The lungs are one of the last to form, and that is where he is having issues.  But everything is great with him and Mommy, and we are all volunteering to help in any way.

Last week was a bust in getting much other than some banners for What If done.  I am going through the chapters and adding banners, updating the buttons and so on.  My new beta for What If, tj6james6 (who rocks!!!!) is going through all the chapters so that she knows what is going on.

I would like to extend a special welcome to all the people from Fanfiction who followed me over here.  This site is a piece of work I am proud of and thank 4padfoot constantly for working on it.  We pay for the site through the donations of some freaking awesome people.  I also have a link to Amazon that if you use it, it costs you nothing, but for referring you to their site I get a small kickback up to 6%.  This goes to pay for memory for the shared drive for the betas as well as the place I store all the documents so that all I ever have to do, is be able to log into it to work on stories, no matter where I am, or what I am using.  It also pays for the photoshop (CC) that I use to make banners for everyone and myself.

I hate hawking myself out, but hey, if I want to continue, I needed to do something.  I will tell you hosting our own site is awesome for the control we have over it.  But it has its downfalls.  Right now we are working on bringing the site back up to where it was before.  We were hacked thanks to an error WordPress made. They corrected it as fast as they could, however, it was a little too late for us. Thanks to it, we have made some improvements to make it MUCH harder to hack into us, even if WordPress messes up.  And I will say thank you to the people of Blue Host for working so hard to help us out!

Just to reiterate (from the past and above):

  • tj6james6 has taken over What If due to the previous Beta having to back out due to real life.  It was not easy to have another work on the story since the beta is one of the ladies who volunteered when I was a nobody.  I treasure those ladies the most (and you guys know who you are!) for they took a real risk with me.
  • I left Fanfiction (but for one chapter, and the explanation of where I am now and why I left) because of the last straw of them not telling anyone about the fact that 5 other sites wiped everything from their site to use.  In other words, since they do NOT have my permission, they are plagiarizing my work.  Also, by not telling their followers of the action, has left them open to accidently signing on to one of the sites, giving their passwords to the site as well as being set up to for viruses and malware.  Not cool at all.
  • I post here first.  TWCS is often updated with hours, to days of it being posted here.  The rest get it a week or two later.  I do post on other sites.  Better in Texas, FictonPad, Fanfiction Affliction, A03, and Dokuga for my Inuyasha fic. Fanfiction will only get the first chapter and a chapter telling when I post here.
  • This site is the work of the fabulous 4padfoot who puts in many freaking hours!  I only come up with SOME of the ideas.  The front page and the main pages behind it?  All her genius.  There is a Site Map for those who wish to use it.  I update the main page, as well as add the links in the stories.
  • If you find a broken link, or anything not working, please leave a message for us.  We often have no idea, since most of us are logged into the backside of the site.
  • And there are going to be a lot of posts coming from this weekend on the reblog site.  Seems I broke my iPad this time.  *hangs head in shame*  We are going to wait until I can get a new one, so it will be a little bit (MONTHS!!!!)  but then this iPad will be the headache of my husband and not me.  (thank god)
  • I am working on chapters like I used to in the past.  Whatever I feel like. So the updates will be periodic, with no real schedule at first.  Once I get back in the swing of working like this again, I will try to stick to a schedule.  I post one chapter a week on each story.  So even if I have more, I hold onto them to give you guys stuff to read.

And to give you guys a great start to this week, I have a chapter of What If for you!

Chapter 19: Long Blinding End

Enjoy the rest of your week.  I hope to work on some stuff since there is not much happening in my life right now.  This is subject to change, since I don’t work, I am the one most likely to be called upon to help my brothers.


p.s. Whoever is trying to hack into the site, please stop.  We learned a valuable lesson last time.  All you are doing is annoying us this time.


Changes to how I post things

After a long debate with myself, talking with others and a final talk with M, I am pulling all but one chapter from all my stories on Fanfiction.

I have spent a long time bowing to their mandates and so on, wanting to give something back to the people who helped to start me off on this wonderful journey.

But no longer.

Their practices of not protecting the writers and enabling the readers to bully us is over.  No longer will I spend a long period of time editing out chapters for content.  No longer will I put up with having to go in and delete Guest reviews who are being nasty for the sake of being nasty.

While I will miss the people on Fanfiction, I have made sure there are other alternatives to reading my work.

So with this being said, I will be flooding inboxes with the removal notice since not everyone will receive the notice unless I do it this way.


I will leave one chapter per story up.  And I will notify the DAY I post another chapter here.  Once.  For each story.  Then I am done.

As M said, you have make a stand, fight for what is right, and not what is easier.  Easier is to leave things as they are, to continue to post my chapters there to get the reviews.  Cause let’s face it, while I am content with seeing stats to keep writing stories, reading reviews helps fire the muse up to keep writing.

So I am off to make the changes needed.

As a reminder, I am also on: FictionPad, Fanfiction Affliction, Better In Texas, TWCS and A03.  None of those chapters are edited for content.  And TWCS is often updated with hours or the latest days from when I post here.  I am Kittyinaz on all the above-mentioned sites.

Thanks for your understanding!

Public Service Announcement!

This has made the Facebook rounds, but I wanted to let any of my followers that do not get on Facebook, to know also.  Many thanks to Meridian who let me know and shared this post to let me know what to do!

They have all of my stories, and if you clicked on their pages (one got me!) then check your virus protections.  But PLEASE check your stories!!!

I checked these sites and they have exact copies of my works under my pen name. This notice came up on my Tumblr so I am sharing it here.

Stories Have Been Stolen
Dear fanfiction writers,
Please be aware that there are fake websites which have mirrored literally ALL FANFICS from

As far as I can tell, they are near-perfect mirrors, updating in real-time to FFN’s servers.
All of your stories, your profile, everything has been stolen and copied onto the following websites:

They are making a profit off your stories with advertisements. This is called spamdexing. Please report them. Theft of this hefty magnitude, literally millions of stories, should not go unpunished.
Also, do not attempt to log in to any site that looks like Fanfiction.netbut is not. In theory, they could steal your email and password!
Go here:

Put in the name of the website (one report each).
Write in additional details:

This is a spamdexing mirror site to has stolen my profiles and intellectual property.

Click “I am not a robot” and then “Report webspam”
Report more by clicking the link on: Go back to the webspam report form.
Writers and fanfic readers should report these websites that profit off our hard work. Stop plagiarism and art theft!