Participation Banner for 063015g

Well our very own 4Padfoot made a change to the background.  And one I highly approve of!!! I think I may stay on the first page longer than normal.

We are about 6 hours until the end of the contest.  Please, do read and at least reviews!  These Authors are awesome and they deserve to be acknowledged for it!

Signature for TB SVM Writers2

Saturday Post!!!

Participation Banner for 063015g

This is to remind you the polls close at midnight CST.  So please read, vote, and review.  That is all.

Enjoy your weekend!!!

Signature for TB SVM Writers2




And I found out the hard way I ran out of reviews on the Non-Canon Awards.

So guess what I will be doing today?  If you wish to be featured, (as in a review and interview posted the same week) leave a comment.  When you do, an email is sent to me with your email address you use, and I will contact you that way.  Of course you are free to contact me on Facebook.

I am going to get in some WIP, then I will go back to the older stories to give them love.  Everyone deserves some love.

I plan to finish up the first chapter of Clocks here this week.  Yes, the editing is very LONG.  Reordering things mean that verb tenses and lines have to be redone.  The songs are all messed up as well.  Right now, I am committed to working on it.   I want it done so I can be past the 7 chapters and then my life will be back to being normal.

Right now I am watching over a kitten who has so much more energy than before.   We switched her good to Blue Mountain brand food and holy heck.  We thought she was bad before, now she does the whole, I will run through the house for the joy of it.  Well, she loves it more when she either chases the dogs and older cat or they chase her.   And yes, she has chased the dogs into the office to hide from her.

And we found that Connor is a picky apple whore.  I am spoiled, and only like Envy apples now.  They just came back to the HEB by us, and I bought some immediately.  Connor was raised on treats such as Bananas and anything else that we checked he could have.  He LOVES Bananas, to the point of no matter how sneaky we are, and where he happens to be, if you get one, he will appear at your side giving you puppy eyes for a bite.  Ninja dog for Bananas!!!!!!

He loves pears, and we have to share those, since any like that with seeds, you have to be careful not to give him any.  He has been turning down apples, but yesterday he begged, and I gave him one bite, and he stayed in an awkward pose to get one bite of each slice.  Seriously.  Bent in half…. And now he is beside me since I cut up another one.  Apple Whore…. Stuck up one too.

Murphy?  He is being a bully, purposely leaving treat to where he can beat up Connor for getting them.  Mean.  But he plays with the kitten the most.  He closes his eyes and pushes her around with his head.  Weird.  But then M points out all my pets are weird.

Participation Banner for 063015g

You guys are rocking the Fairy Tale contest!! Seriously, all the reviews are awesome!!! Thanks for letting these authors know you support their work!!!  I am not doing another contest this month, since Gyllene is extending her contest to the end of the month.  Click on the banner below to read more on it.  I always try to support my team when they host contests, and this time I can do so!


So I am off to the races to get all this stuff done.  There will be at least one chapter posted this week, unless betas tell me that there are others.  Summer time is harder for everyone since there is so much going on for everyone.  Me?  I am just happy no headache for the first time all week.  And no it aint the computer, since I retreated into my office and played games yesterday.  It is so freaking hot, and your AC is supposedly working as long as it keeps your house 20 degrees below the heat index.

Yesterday at night it was 80.  In the house. Safe to say if I am not online, it is because I am reacting to the heat.  Well the humidity and heat.  But then, while I was better in Tucson, I still hid away a lot during the day in the middle of summer.  But still 114 is nothing to the humidity in Houston.  Right now it is 90 with 62% humidity which makes it feel like 100.  And today, the UV is a factor.  There is an Ozone alert.  Its so bad the dogs who love being outside are in the house and only go outside for a couple of minutes.

See you guys later this week!!!

Signature for TB SVM Writers2

And they are done!

And they are done!

Participation Banner for 063015g

I spent all day working on these.  I am happy, shoot thrilled with all but one.  And that one, well when the contest is done, I will be getting with the Author (whoever they may be) and talk with them.  There comes a point when what you picture so perfectly in your mind doesn’t transmit to the photoshop.

Especially when you cannot find the dang pictures.

Two banners had that problem, but thanks to a random comment from 4Padfoot, one got finished.  The other, well no one could help with that one.  It didn’t help that one of the characters wasn’t who I was picturing for it.  Stupid banner muse.

But they are done.  I cannot say which is my favorite, since they are all so different.  Of course, I wasn’t really trying for it, but I went with what the stories told me.  The picture, the movie that played in my head inspires alot of what I do.  I will say for one, it turned much more dreamy aspect than I expected, but after I drove MamaKitty nuts playing Carnivals of Rust for it, well it worked.  And I used a pic of Alex I have been itching to!

I will warn you.  The ladies left warnings in their stories.  READ THEM.  Seriously. I read each and every one of them, and I will say the warnings that were left were very accurate.  Not all the stories had them, but remember, this is to encourage new writers to step forward and play ball with our authors that are already in the fandoms.  All is even on the playing field.  I have no idea who wrote what, or who even entered!  ok. I do know one person, but I cannot even guess which one was hers.  I suspect, and we will see at the end when Rissa gives me the envelope, but I have been wrong often.

Now here is your jobs:

  • Writers, please tell people it is going on!!! Use the Fairy Tale banner to advertise it.
  • Readers, please read them all, and let the readers know what you think!!!!  Leaving a review helps our new writers get the confidence.
  • And everyone, VOTE!!!!

Seriously.  Without you guys, we wouldn’t have this contest.  We wouldn’t be encouraging new blood into the fanfiction world!  Some of my own betas have started out writing in my contest, and they are now staples in my reading.  When I say I have no idea, I really don’t.

Fair that way.  I am not influenced on what I make on who did what.  Everyone gets my head banging, growling at the stupid Google and so on.  I wish to thank the following for their help while I did banners, My Beta ladies who cheered me on, especially: Royal Ember (for the use of Alex!!!), Mknue (I still didn’t get that room but thanks!), Rissa, (For everything you do, but your help in finding red Leightons!) and 4Padfoot, who gave me the idea for the banner when I was hitting a blank wall, and so was she!).  And to SecretNerdPrincess for her cheering me on while I worked on them in the group.  (if I messed up your name, Sorry!!!)

[polldaddy poll=”8963401″]

So go read, enjoy.  The polls close in a week. The main picture for the post is the link!

Signature for TB SVM Writers2


P.S. From 4Padfoot

Yes I have high jacked control from Wendy who is supposed to be on vacation I think.  I have added polls to each Story, the main challenge page and even the sidebar.  So no excuses for not voting.  But remember you only get one vote!  So make it count!  Then just for me I have to add a Josh gif!  Enjoy!!

4Padfoot Site Admin

I am still here!

I am still here!


Happy Fourth of July to the Americans.  For the rest of you, Happy Saturday!!!

And I am working on banners.

But…. (yeah there would be one wouldn’t there?)

I have been fighting migraines and when I don’t have those, I have headaches for the last three days.  And the stories sent in, deserve my full attention.  I have been doing a banner a day, though it hurts like hell when I am done, I am determined to get these up.  I am not working on one that I am ready to strangle the internet.  Even with my betas help, we can’t find what I am looking for.  I truly am thinking of throwing my internet out the door to see if it gets the idea I am not up for its antics…

Yeah and I do talk to my computer and phones and so on.  They often behave better after the threats.

I know I usually do my rants on the holidays, and right now, my hubs is telling me to chill since I am pissed off at the whole Confederate flag crap.  It’s so bad they are pulling Dukes of Hazard off TV land because of the General Lee?!?!?! Freaking a people, you need a serious lesson on history.

I am going back to working on the banners as I can.  I will leave you with the following slide show of images I am currently using in some form or fashion for banners…  Just a tease if you please.


I hit the random button to make sure they are not easy to determine who is what.  Yes, we have some really awesome stories out there!!!! I am SOOO looking forward to seeing your responses on them!!! I will say so far the banners are day and night from each other.  I hope the readers and authors love them!!!!

Back to work for me!

Signature for TB SVM Writers2

New Chapter of What If!

New Chapter of What If!

What If 1

You kinda remember this story right?  It was one of the first ones posted to this site, and then I ended up not writing more on it.  Until last year.

I was trying to finish it, but I ended up having a hard time with one of the characters.  After a long fight with them, well I am going with the muse.  Some of you will be upset, but if you read my other stories, there is a hint to the one character I cannot seem to make fit in.  And for once, it is not Edward.  He is behaving…

So I have this chapter ready.  I figured since you guys have been patiently awaiting it, I will give it to you today, but I think I will put it on the rotation for Thursdays.  I already have the next one beta’d I just need to work on the questions she has for me.  It will be up next week.

Many huge thanks to the beta: mags-eric




Without much ado, here it is:


Enjoy the chapter!!


Sorry about yesterday!

Sorry about yesterday!

I'm Sorry!

Really.  I have no idea what I had, but yeah.  Glad it is gone.  I am drinking some gingerbread tea today to make sure my tummy is fine. Personally I think it was something I ate, which the length of it is a huge indicator of that being so. Who knows.  Not me, or I wouldn’t have stuff like that happen.

Participation Banner for 063015g

Ok. Tonight is the deadline people!!! We got five entries so far, so feel free to enter!!!  I will be starting on the banners soon for those five…

I will also be figuring out what the new contest will be, I want to get the other entries done so the new prompt will be showing on the page last.


Great news!!!   I have chapters of What If to go over from the beta, and I will be publishing the first one this week.  I have had alot of requests on it, and it was my fault. I forgot the beta had not signed onto the new site yet.  Thankfully we got her cleared on, and she has been working on them.


I am also working on Clocks.  It will be slow to get that one going, only because we changed the chapters and the flow to make it easier for you guys to keep track on what is going on.  The bad thing is that things that originally were flashbacks are now current.  So I am doing my part, but as much as I am trying, I expect that there will be some issues for the beta.  I am going to send the chapter through Grammarly before sending it to her, hopefully to make it easier on her.


I also am still making banners for adoption.  Funny story on that, seems Stormy likes to watch me make the banners as I do them.  So to chill her out sometimes, I make banners for her.  Remember, any banner you like, I am willing to change the characters.  Just message me on it, and I will work with you.

This weekend is July 4th weekend.  Thankfully M is off on Friday, so we will be running around with GrandmaKitty.  She loves it when M is with me, and since we will be grocery shopping, it will be even better for her.  Seems she loves when we have the whole, It’s not on the list, it is! arguement.

Stormy and the dogs are still running around the house.  They right now are in my office.  Well Stormy runs in to get the dog’s attention, and then runs out.  She doesn’t understand the whole Office is where to be thing the dogs do.  She will get it later.

Other than that, I have alot going on, so I will be back hopefully later with a chapter or two.  Just gotta see where the betas are at!

Signature for TB SVM Writers2

Last day…kinda

Ok, I’m awful.   I’ve been sick all day, and forgot to do this earlier.

So, to make up for it, you have until midnight tomorrow to get your entries in.   Hopefully I will be feeling better, and will start working on the banners tomorrow.

to recap, I took a sick day giving you an extra day to get your entries.   Sorry no fancy stuff, but I’m on my iPad.